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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. I love Wilco dearly but I have many piss break live songs Spiders Shot In the Arm Jesus Im Trying to Break Your Heart Heavy Metal Drummer Louie B covered it well in the first page. I go through cycles on all bands I love. I usually lose interest if I can't see a band live anymore or they haven't released any new music but I will still always be sentimental and even bands I can't stand anymore that I used to love (Aerosmith) I still reminisce about the good old days when an old song comes on.
  2. Oh the Terror! I will be picking this up! http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2013/01/flaming_lips_ge.html#comments
  3. Nice..looking forward too it..their new album is pretty good!
  4. Looking forward to the new Foals album. Loved their first two albums!
  5. Cracker/camper van Beethoven
  6. The funny thing is I am surprised you liked it because I thought you h8 music?
  7. Actually all kidding aside they look fine the music on the other hand... Also remember the sprite commercials?!
  8. http://www.tmz.com/2013/01/15/kris-kross-is-back-jeans-photo/#comments-fullwrapper in other news reunion tour!
  9. I did find my self in one screen shot where Jeff was crowd surfing. I remember I was about 4 people back in front of John. also in terms of interesting shows this one I attended in 2000 featured 7 out 13 songs from the Mermaid albums! 2000-07-08 Wilco Charles Ives Center for the Arts Danbury, CT 1. Airline To Heaven 2. Feed Of Man 3. California Stars 4. Remember The Mountain Bed 5. Secret Of The Sea 6. Red-Eyed And Blue 7. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 8. Someone Else's Song 9. She's A Jar 10. Misunderstood 11. Hesitating Beauty 12. Christ For P
  10. Nice...would have loved to see them at Maxwells...been to Maxwells probably 50 times and it is such a great little venue..I did fortunatley though see them on that 2/15/97 show which was my first Wilco show and that Long Cut slays!
  11. I respect your opinion however you may laugh but I like Pop (Could have to do with this being the first time I saw U2 live) better then Joshua Tree..Joshua Tree is however a landmark, brilliant album!
  12. Here is my list of flawless albums (in my opinion) 1. Air-Moon Safari 2. Beck- Odelay 3. Beck- Mutations 4. Belle and Sebastian-If Your Feeling Sinsiter 5. Ben Folds Five-Whatever and Ever 6. Bruce Springsteen-Greetings From Asbury Park 7. The Charlatans UK- Between the 10th and 11th 8. The Cure- Faith 9. The Cure-Dinsintegration 10. Elliott Smith-XO 11. The Flaming Lips- The Soft Bulletin 12. The Jayhawks-Blue Earth 13. The Jayhawks-Tomorrow the Green Grass 14. Morphine-Cure for Pain 15. Matthew Sweet-100% Fun 16. Medeski, Martin and Wood-Combustication 17. R.E.M.- Murmur 18. R.E.M.-Fables
  13. Hello and welcome! I got into Wilco when I was 16 and never looked back!
  14. Hey Louie...if you want the Peter Buck LP on ebay is on par with or even less then what I paid on Amazon when I ordered it. Its a great album...fun,
  15. Awesome news..I was fortunate enough to see one of his last live shows and even meet him then he fell of the face of the earth...would love to see a Bowie show again..will keep my fingers crossed!
  16. One of the all time greats turned 40 this week! Greetings was released January 5, 1973! I still spin this album often. This would almost make my deserted island disc! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greetings_from_Asbury_Park
  17. From his facebook... Dear Friends, As some of you may be aware , I have recently been dealing with a serious health issue. At the end of October I made the decision to check myself into treatment for chemical dependency, a disease I have been battling for some time. Although still in the early stages of recovery, I am out in the world again and eager to immerse myself in writing and performing, including making up the tour dates I regretfully, but out of necessity, had to cancel. Chemical dependency is a lifelong battle, but I am moving one step forward each day in my recovery. I w
  18. I'm probably the only one here looking forward to the new Depeche Mode?
  19. Slow concert year for me but some highlights were 1) Bjork -Queen Science Center.. what a venue! Place only held 300 too. They gave private museum admission before the show and the sound was specatuclar. I was 3 ft away from Bjork... 2) New Order- Show was good but the venue sucked...Roseland that is...still I have been waiting to see them live for years! 3) Wilco-Prospect Park! Finally heard Wishful Thinking and Say You Miss Me!!! Great all around show 4) Sigur Ros- New material and heard E-bow which is AWESOME live! Saw them at Mann in Phili fun time 5) Beck at Borgata-Small theater and it
  20. Saw TMBG at a hometown show in Brooklyn last night.
  21. Cool..look forward to this and seeing them live again..saw them in 2008 and it was loud fun!
  22. They released that song as a fan club single back in the 90's?
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