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Everything posted by remphish1

  2. Well I was bored this friday and was perusing the craigs list and I found a last minute ticket to see Gun's first USA show in who knows how long at the Hammerstein. I got in for half price! Yay! Anyway I will write a review as best as I can for it is late! Doors were supposed to open at 730 but didn't till 830! The line was sooo long it took me over an hour to get in. Fortunatley I missed some of the opening band "A Bullet for My Valentine" which were probably the worst band I have ever seen live in my 10 year concert going history. They left the stage at 950! After an hour and ten minute w
  3. My only problem with the Starland is they oversell the venue...they should charge $5 more a ticket and sell like 300 less tickets so everyone would have some more room! IT WAS SOOOOO PACKED!
  4. This is one boot Wilco should sell on ebay to maybe make some extra money for the cause for all those who couldn't be in attendence... would pay $20 for a copy of this towards the charity! Just an idea...plus I live in NJ! When will a living room show be here! BTW I am sorry I recently thought this last show was in San Fran for some reason! Also I do appreciate Jeffs charity it is really cool that he is doing these shows and I regret that i can not afford to take the time off and afford to go! Thats all I am saying for now with the opportunity to purchase the shows!
  5. Wow awesome story! Its great to get to know an artist better like you know Rhett. I have had the pleasure of getting to know Guster. I have talked with them all for hours probably. Not only that I got to play Ryan Miller in racquettball!
  6. Yep...Race for the Prize (Which makes an awesome opener) and The Gash (This is always great live!)
  7. I do go to alot of shows(50-80 a year, thanks NYC!)...I still get excited but I get really excited when I don't know what to expect in terms of setlist, crowd etc. I know what toexpect when I see the lips but thats not always a bad thing. I find even though I go to alot of concerts even the ones that aren't as good end up being fun in some aspect. The fact that I go to all these shows in NYC helps me learn and expierence all different parts of the cities near the venues and learn what the locals do for fun. The only negative is the more and more shows I go to the more critical I get when bands
  8. As always I am excited when the Lips tour. Their shows if you have not seen are visual overload! There was more confetti, balloons and smoke than you can shake a stick at. The only negatives were they only played 3 new songs which kinda bums me out because they are promoting a new album after all. After seeing the show though I kept on thinking I want to see the Lips one time without all the glits and glamour. I think they can musically pull it off but whatever. The problem with all this showman and video stuff is the setlist stay the same! I wish they would delve into there back catalog some
  9. Darn it with all this talk! When is Jeff going to play my apartment! I am in Hoboken, NJ Sounds like an awesome time and what a setlist weeeeeeeeee! Thanks for sharing the pictures everyone!
  10. The title says it all!
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