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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. The price of bread has gone up 50% in the last year also, I don't see much concern about that though.
  2. Carbon dating is not an exact science.
  3. My college roommates and I would do this sort of thing all the time, my favorite was when I spun the top off a bottle of Seagram
  4. Sorry, I'm not much for husbands.
  5. I think you should sell your child.
  6. It couldn't be because oil and gasoline are traded as commodities and futures are sold, plus that little thing called supply and demand along with refining capacity limitations and such? Of course not, only the oil companies taking and hiding massive profits explain high prices.
  7. I wonder what kind of tax revenues are generated on the sales of gasoline? Makes ya wonder?
  8. When's the last time we had a president with a beard? Grant?
  9. Band rehersals getting in the way?
  10. We should start a support group, we could have cool t-shirts and shit.
  11. You're missing the point entirely, it's all about destiny and free will, and who can hold their mud.
  12. ~~~~vibes for the littleuns~~~~
  13. Who is speaking in this, Doug or Doug's owner? Very confusing.
  14. Can I get this repeated in english please?
  15. What does this have to do with censorship or talking dogs?
  16. I think Jeff favors some forms of censorship. Talking dogs and guy's who quote talking dogs are akin to rude,loud people at his acoustic shows. He's been know to ask them to shut the f@#$ up from time to time.
  17. I think the real question is what percentage of Storm Troopers and other Imperial Military Personnel on the Death Star pee in the shower.
  18. You know what's hard to get down the shower drain? Corn, that's what.
  19. Do you pee in the hot dog ingredient vat?!?!?
  20. I find peeimg in the shower helps reduce toilet scrubbing time. As to the pooing in the shower, I honestly thought it was just gas.
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