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Everything posted by loraaw

  1. I love how the sun through the window back-lights this video, bringing out the dust in the air and silhouetting Jeff a few times. Oh ... the song was cool, too. -Laura
  2. Fowl - chickens maybe? Can't believe I didn't see that. -Laura
  3. Ok guys, I'm a copy editor (not for EW). Let's keep a few things in mind: 1. We're not Entertainment Weekly's audience. This is written for people who need some background. The rehab stint was news (it made the CNN crawl). YHF was news. (I would, however, like to see more articles start out with the fact that AGIB was a Grammy winner). 2. I only skimmed the article, but I don't see any grammatical or other copy editing errors. I'm not sure, exactly, how that article goes against any journalistic values. 3. Jeff tends to repeat himself. Yes, they may have asked the same questions (but one
  4. I don' t know anything about chords and such, but this song has always reminded me of recent solo versions I've heard Tweedy do of the Golden Smog song "All the Same to Me." Maybe it's the narrative tone. I'm a sucker for the narrative. -Laura
  5. Did you see that you can enter w/out purchasing? http://www.musictoday.com/interact/contest...oice=noPurchase I plan to buy the record, I just don't want to pay extra to have it shipped on the release day when I can drive up the road (hopefully) and buy it at one of the mega-chains (sorry, no cool private record stores near me). -laura
  6. Nobody got me (and I'm not a dude). Please? Here's my excuse - my sweet husband surprised me with a birthday trip to Chicago this weekend. When I said to him "OMG - did you get in one of the those Tweedy Living Room Groups?!!?!?!?!" a VERRRRRRRRRRRRY sad look came over his face. "Uh, no, we're going to see the Autumn Defense Saturday and Second City Sunday." "Oh - uh, ok" I said. Yes, I may be the only person on Earth who flies to see the Autumn Defense. (They were great, by the way; they closed with an AWESOME cover of "Sentimental Lady"; I have the best husband - I just never would hav
  7. I was out to town, too. Any chance someone could PM me? Much appreciated. I've looked all the obvious places to find it on my own to no avail.
  8. Everyone's descriptions made me want to go to this festival all that much more, but the reality is that we get to see Wilco quite often (it's realitively cheap to fly w/in the U.S. from where I live) and it's going to be MUCH more affordable for us to go to Europe on a package some other time than to try to work our trip around this. Sigh. All your advice was useful though - I poured over every word, adding up airfares and routing planes, trains and automobiles. It was a fun little dream to obsess over for a few days ... Maybe next year! Carry on your discussions - I'm sure I'm not the on
  9. Hey folks - does Arcade Fire have any sort of fan presale I can sign up for, or did you all go through Ticketmaster for the Chicago shows? I'm maybe looking for buy some for Upper Darby, Pa. - which goes on sale at Ticketmaster Friday.
  10. For years my husband and I have been saying 2007 would be the summer we'd go to Europe - we were just about to scrap it and be more fiscally responsible when I saw Wilco show up at the All Tomorrow's Parties festival in Somerset. Wow - this looks cool, a music festival at a RESORT! I'm anti-festival, anti-camping, anti-port-a-johns, but having your own private room onsite! Only the people at the resort get to go to the shows?!??! AND wow, in addition to Wilco, what a lineup! From the research I've done, this seems like it's a new resort for this festival. However, has anyone ever gone to
  11. Any kind soul wanna offer up this show to me oldstyle, on discs by mail? Still haven't figured out all this downloading stuff on my mac. I can offer the 3 disc set from the SnS Hotel (Jeff Tweedy private basement show early this year) in return - I know a lot of people don't have that and it's awesome. PM me. I'll make it my New Years resolution to figure out downloading on Mr. Mac in the new year. -Laura
  12. Wow - if "going through the motions" includes two sets of encores with 7 songs, plus a handful of new songs, and even some little guitar jumps on Jeff's part, well ... I don't know what to say. They're polished and tight from A LOT of time on the road. Walken live just really jumped out at me as one of the catchiest songs Jeff's ever written - and it was just beautifully delivered Monday night. Tons of energy. The floor was shaking. I've been lucky in my travel plans this year - I was able to extend a Nashville weekend trip to see this show. And yeah, I've seen the guys go "through the motio
  13. I actually feel like "Don't Fear the Reaper" and the cowbell thing is becoming the new "Freebird." It wasn't all that funny on SNL, but I thought it was cool when Wilco covered it on Halloween 2 years ago - since then, I've seen about half a dozen pretty prominent bands do it. And THEN (2 years ago) the joke was old. 8 bands or so later, I'm just like "wow, no more, pleeeease." The Roots, before Son Volt at Taste of St. Louis a week ago, was my limit for this song. I so don't wanna hear The Roots cover old, white-boy 70s rock for a laugh any more, or hear those girls blow their whistle
  14. Eh, I'm sure you're right. I'm just daydreaming about a future "Fred and Jeff Show," which is a daydream that I'd probably rather not come true. Let Jeff keep making great music. Let Fred keep dressing up as a big cat. The two don't really go together, do they?. java script:emoticon('',%20'smid_14') -Laura
  15. Fred and Jeff are hilarious together. Did they invent the term "Googlebating" or have others heard that? It's hilarious. If I had to pick two people on Earth to sit down and have a beer (or, uh, a caffiene-free, Splenda-sweetened diet cola) with, it would be them. The last few years I've been watching SNL just for Fred (have TiVo and fast forward through it in about 24 minutes) and the musical guests. So if they're such great pals, why hasn't Wilco been the musical guest on SNL yet? Seems like they're in NYC enough, and it would be a fun little gig w/great exposure to a new audience; an
  16. Usually WilcoWorld/MusicToday throws in some sort of extra or contest entry with their preorders to get you to pay the extra couple of bucks. I'm gonna hold off and see if that happens.
  17. Dan was at the two shows already played this year - and those dates don't seem to conflict w/SA shows. I can't imagine them playing without him. He's faaaaaaar more a part of the current lineup of GS than Jeff. -Laura
  18. On the new CD Jeff is credited with co-writing "Long Time Ago," where he sings lead, and "Listen Joe," where he sings backup. He also sings the Kinks cover of "Strangers." He has some credits for backup vocals and some guitar on a few other tracks, but that pretty much covers it. Don't get caught up in just what Jeff was on or you'll miss some gems. I've been irked reading reviews of this CD how many reviewers lead with Jeff when he had such a small part in it. Or, my fav., when they write about the song he wrote about his "little sister." Nope, he has no younger siblings. That's Gary's li
  19. I thought Asheville was the show (actually both shows) where he picked up the little girl from the audience for Hummingbird? All the reviews made it should like a really touching moment, and a good show I wish I'd been at. I fell in love when w/Asheville when I was there last summer, but unfortunately not at the same time as either of those Wilco shows. Missed that NPR interview. Is it still around? Can someone post a link?
  20. loraaw


    For me, I can't imagine they could top AGIB - and I'm not sure I'd want them to; I'm ready for something different, but will always come back to this one. The raw emotion, in the guitar and the lyrics, is what gets me. Oddly, I like this recorded version of Muzzle of Bees better than any I've heard live. The building of guitars at the end just takes me off somewhere. -Laura
  21. Is anyone calling this the "Green Striped Blazer Tour" yet? I am poking fun, but I do kinda secretly (not so secretly anymore, I suppose) like how Jeff seems to obsess on one clothing item for 2-3 months at a time. For the longest time it was the black jacket zipped all the way up. I guess that's not "summer" enough. :-) Silly post, I know. Wish I coulda made it up to Canada to hear the new song, be called a motherf*cker and see the green striped blazer in person. -Laura
  22. Lists seem like an easy way for a magazine to fill most of an edition without doing a whole lot of reporting (although it does require a lot of numbers gathering and research). It seems a bit cheap of Paste, which is often above such things, to jump on the list bandwagon. However, I think both lists - the one from readers AND the one from musicians/journalists - stay pretty true to the Paste readership. Jeff's up top because Paste caters to listeners, like us, who listen to artists who have a solid foot in the past (with influences like Dylan) but are definately looking toward the future.
  23. Just got my Paste Magazine in the mail. 18,000 readers voted and Jeff came in No. 11 of 100 on THE BEST LIVING SONGWRITERS list. It's a pretty respectable list. Here's the Top 15 1. Bob Dylan 2. Neil Young 3. Paul McCartney 4. Bruce Springsteen 5. Paul Simon 6. Elvis Costello 7. Joni Mitchell 8. U2 9. Tom Waits 10. Van Morrison 11. Jeff Tweedy 12. REM 13. Brian Wilson 14. Mick Jagger 15. David Bowe You know who got my vote. Congrats Jeff, if you pay any attention to this silly stuff. - Laura PS I got excited and posted this before I read fully. Above is the readers list. He's 24 on
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