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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. He also might do better in the post season if he hadn't already pitched ~250 innings during the season before his last two post-season runs.
  2. Might want to look into roboform or one of those automatic form fillers. If there are any recent college grads looking for outside sales jobs in Chicago, Denver, LA, San Fran, Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Twin Cities, Detroit, or San Diego, let me know. It is a difficult job (like all sales jobs), but the company I work for is almost always hiring new reps.
  3. The thing is, Jeter at least had an undeserved reputation of being a great fielder. Young doesn't even have that--what's the deal?
  4. A lot of the selections just seem random. "Here are a group of players who play in this league."
  5. Obviously in the context of the discussion I meant native-born. The distinction, though, highlights the vaguaries of nationality and race (both are fluid categorizations) and the dubious statement (paraphrasing) "those aren't foreigners--they look like americans to me."
  6. He'd be lucky to still be playing in 3 years, let alone 4.
  7. Could it be that the "we" refers to the same "we" as found in phrases like "yes we can?" "We" as in voters, donors, volunteers, staff, and candidate?
  8. Your brother may not be qualified to comment, as it seems he is an American in another country.
  9. What, they make Wranglers in Asia, but won't sell them there?
  10. Hard to make a distinction between an Israeli citizen and an American, because there's a lot of dual citizens. Also, I'm impressed that you can determine that the person reading the non-English newspaper in Indonesia looks like an American based on their feet and hands. Also also, if you lined native Australians and Americans in a row and took a photo could you tell the difference? Also also also, part of the fun of these pics is that they suggest that there is a certain amount of an international youth culture that will hopefully bring about more understanding, etc.
  11. Popular vote is up to a 6 percent spread, for those who are at all interested. Is it traditional for the pope to send a congratulatory note to the president-elect?
  12. My aunt at the polling place: http://www.daylife.com/photo/0cAWcjFaGg7zb This made me tear up.
  13. He told them they were getting a puppy a while back. Old news!
  14. The rumors are/were that early votes have/had not been counted.
  15. The used an audio bed of "Fake Empire" in a montage at the rally
  16. Some exit poll rumors (like you're not going to look) http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=N...DU2MzU4YWY3YWI= http://gawker.com/5076425/first-state-exit...-recent-polling Drudge is saying the exit polls have Obama up big--and up 15 in PA.
  17. Holy moly. Also, some early voting polling (not election day exit polling): http://xcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2008/10/ea...emographic.html
  18. We are going to a bar with some other VCers. Anyone know any good election sites for neurotic crackberry users?
  19. Blood on the Tracks The soundtrack to The Mission Hem - Funnel Cloud The National - Boxer In the Aeroplane Over The Sea
  20. Kate's mom had to wait about that long in the central west end. Seems like they need more polling places--as this seems to be a fairly regular occurence.
  21. RNC is not the same as the McCain campaign. RNC/DNC money is more "soft" -- and its spending can't be directly coordinated with the presidential campaigns. Obama's lead on McCain in fundraising eclipses the RNC's lead on the DNC. For instance, the DNC + Obama spent 134 million in September, while the RNC + McCain spent 108 million. My point is that if the RNC wanted to pour money into a Senate race, they are more than able to.
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