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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I was wondering how long it would take. Reading Shakespearean insults earlier today really illustrated to me the genesis of those scenes.
  2. You starvelling, you eel-skin, you dried neat's-tongue, you bull's-pizzle, you stock-fish--O for breath to utter what is like thee!-you tailor's-yard, you sheath, you bow-case, you vile standing tuck!
  3. It is a bit wonky still. I like this color combo better!
  4. Impeachment proceedings would be damn foolish at this point in the game. The damage is done. Let history be the judge of this debacle. We have plenty to concern ourselves with besides the media melee that would go along with all that. Vote. Pay attention and vote. Faithfully. Locally and nationally.
  5. Meanwhile the economy continues to hemorrhage. There are men and women cancerous with power running this fucker. A while back I learned a new phrase, "Yellow Dog Democrat". If the Democrats throw a yellow dog up as their candidate, I'm voting for it. Anything to remove these old boys from office. Bastards can sit on their piles of oily money and rot in hell.
  6. I have heard rumors that they are playing a smallish outdoor venue in KC. Unconfirmed at this point.
  7. Leave my Glasgow alone. Love to all of the UK peeps. Like Chris said, you all have been through enough of this shite.
  8. I got a message after the show last night. "En fuego!" was the description I got. There is a delightful thread that is running through all of these show reviews; that the band is having a total blast onstage. That joy seems to be infectious. I can't wait till they hit Kansas City this autumn...
  9. I have to disagree that this would necessarily be a problem.
  10. Thank you for that. When something so sad occurs, it sure helps to remember that most of our human family is more likely to look after one another than hurt one another.
  11. I listened to this again today. Third time since the show. Shit eating grin. Goosebumps. Tears. Like some Pavlovian love-dog I am.
  12. Are you Wilco's accountant per chance? Tweedy is 40. He has worked as a musician for a quarter century. His wife is my age. Last year they took their first family vacation to a place that wasn't Minnesota. You speak with such amazing arrogance, it makes me laugh.
  13. I seriously still have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.
  14. I agree. Had I been reprimanded for such petty issues, I would never have posted here again. Chill out on it, dude. Are you capable of posting anything that is not criticism of other posters?
  15. Lou? On the MTV? I love it! Sounds like a really fun show. Now I wish I would have come up with viatroy. Great review. Thanks!
  16. I think Lilac Rain should be named an honorary member of the band. She's a veteran! Check out these moves: I really dig how she is totally in the moment with Jeff. Not a bit shy.
  17. I have a couple of t shirts with my highschool's name (my last name too. bonus) on them that I stole from my nephews. One black Lucero tee that I look pretty hot in, and 3 Wilco t shirts. Bethany stole my Saturate Before Using, Late For the Sky and Ann Arbor Street Art Fair t shirts from the 70s. ^ Those constitute my entire lifetime collection of tee shirts with words on them.
  18. Cut the neck band right off!! (My right breast looks uncharacteristically huge in that shot. ) El Famous?
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