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Everything posted by Hodie

  1. If I remember correctly, Jon's Largo shows are often (always?) recorded, certainly including his with Nels. And there is even some footage somewhere that was supposed to be used for a DVD. So posterity will likely get something. I'm afraid posterity may be luckier than we are. I feel REALLY lucky that I get to experience these. Really lucky.
  2. Starting Jon Brion threads is usually a job I leave up to the much more Jon-capable pneyu, but I'll go ahead and stumble forth with this one. Jon made his first Largo appearance in three months last night, and it confirmed for me my suspicion that I'll go to any trouble, any trouble at all, anytime, anywhere, just to see this guy play. As anyone who was near me for weeks afterwards knows, I loved his Intonation festival performance in Chicago to pieces. But that was a planned 40 minute set, and was necessarily more structured because of it. To be doing a complete Largo set meant that
  3. Your landlady must love you! Dr. Judy's right that going to a wine store and asking advice is a great idea. But I'm very partial to Alleghrini La Grola these days, it's reallly terrific. If she seems fond of Tuscany, there's a super tuscan called Le Volte that's just shockingly good, everyone I've ever heard of has been raving about it, including and especially myself. And with some advice, a Vino Nobile di Montipulciano will generally be lovely. Let us know what you come up with!
  4. Happy Birthday from the Brionistas lazing about in Los Angeles! Wish you were here.
  5. The Metropolis was where he completely and totally forgot "...is my heart full of holes..." from Always in Love, yes? Must be something in the crepes.
  6. You know, a lot of people are being helpful, not shaming, when they post a link to a duplicate thread. Sometimes when something's been discussed quite a few times, the people who have been around awhile just don't respond, which tends to be kind of puzzling to the newbie. Posting a link to the old threads means they get an answer to their question, and at the same time a reason for why their post was met with such resounding silence. It's not intended to be mean, it's intended to be nice. When I do it, anyway. Do tyou think it's better to just ignore the question? Nah.
  7. Haha, I've always wanted to call him Shorty! But it just seemed too obvious. I can't believe this is the first I've heard Nels' participation mentioned! That was either one great disguise, or I haven't been reading thoroughly enough...
  8. We would've gladly saved him a spot!
  9. That's the best we can ask for -- it's difficult for anyone to describe non-genre songs (excepting Uyen, who seems to have a freakish knack for describing strange music).
  10. How very Sooz of him! Thanks for the info, especially about the new song. Anything that provokes a comparison to Nels' Ashes solos is something I'm REALLY looking forward to hearing. First or second album?
  11. Oh, there are a bunch of them! They're all too short, but they do make a girl feel wonderful. Watching these videos after reading the heartbreaking "No Largo for the Foreseeable Future" billboard article, I'm beginning to think maddening mood swings are required for current Brionista club membership.
  12. I just happened to watch a couple of episodes of this for the first time last night (it's on BBC America), and it is really funny. I did the same as you -- I watched it because I recognized the Shaun of the Dead guy.
  13. I can eat my weight in caprese. Especially if there are peas. Eeeuw.
  14. Ah, you're the best kind of Brion first-timer: both smitten and way articulate about it. Thanks for one of my favorite posts ever.
  15. I wish you would've gone, too, Kris, if only so you could have helped us laugh at The Sword fans. Also not J&E, yet still:
  16. Thank you Judy! Being able to be two places at once sure would've come in handy this weekend...dang that Mother Nature!
  17. Nice! And yes, that head intonation guy looked like he was going to weep with joy, especially during the encore. OK, here's one of my favorite randomly acquired comments, too:
  18. Shouldn't marauding paparazzi-ism be illegal or something? And hey, we also see shows in cities where our friends don't live, but the reporter's jealousy must've gotten in the way of his note-taking.
  19. It's the next morning and I'm still nearly as blissed out as I was during the show. I'm still kind of too sleepy and non-caffienated to string coherent thoughts together, but I'll try for some incoherent ones. The show was by necessity less free-wheeling than the ones we see in the dark dark darkness of Largo -- the festival timing wasn't going to let him do a slow burn for three hours -- but his willingness to fling himself whereever the mood takes him was apparent. At one point he was being slightly distracted by the guy who was soundchecking drums on the other stage, so he incorporate
  20. We went to both their shows in DC, and they were great. NPR webcast it, if you're interested: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5480397
  21. Dang, that was ugly. I'm practicing this to say in my italian class tonight: Non abbiamo vinto.
  22. Have you read the book? It's pretty glorious, too. David Simon's writing style isn't generally the kind I gravitate to, but the stories carry it.
  23. You haven't heard I Hate Myself for Loving You? I think I'd assumed it was injected into all american citizens at birth, but I overheard a guy talking to Nels after the show, and he hadn't heard it before, either. In any case, Nels' version was MUCH more intense than Joan's! I had no idea how very emotionally jagged those lyrics could be... It WAS hot! But we coped by seeking out groovy restaurants and assorted beaches during the blistering part of the day. Fortunately, LA has an abundance of both. And it was deliciously cool at night, so we're very grateful for the use of your place
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