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Everything posted by WildMercurySound

  1. Currently on a TV DVD kick. Currently: That 70s Show Season 2. I think this is really underrated. I guess the format is pretty old hat now in a world of Arrested Development and Curb Your Enthusiasm, but I like its sharpness and its affectionate mocking of the past (and subtle suggestions that things haven't neccessarily changed for the better). I'm a sucker for sitcoms though. Next up I'm either going to get Scrubs Season 4 or My Name is Earl S1.
  2. Arrested Development Season 3 finally starts on BBC 2 tonight, so I'll probably watch the Season 2 finale again on DVD before I watch it.
  3. I haven't had a smoke since last Tuesday. Don't know if it'll last, but I've been in bars and stuff and managed to not freak out and run screaming to the machine. I'm a habit smoker too- I don't smoke a lot, but i smoke at certain times. Walking to work etc.
  4. No. I'm as far removed from a geezer as you can get. gangly, awkward geek is more like it.
  5. just a friend of mine. her boyfriend's out of shot.
  6. I may be wrong, but aren't they releasing them all ten years after the original? I'm a fairly recent convert to Pavement and have slowly accumulated all of their main albums over the last year or so... except for Wowee Zowee. So I'm stoked. Not sure which Pavement album is my favourite, they all have their high points (and lows- they aren't the most consistent band when it comes to albums in my opinion).
  7. I just finished reading this too after seeing, and loving, the film a while back. I felt the opposite though; the book gave a much greater insight into the characters (as books usually do) and Chabon's writing style was a pleasure, just as it was with Kavalier & Clay. One of the best cast films of recent years for sure. Currently reading: I haven't been reading nearly enough lately. Next up might be something by Jonathan Safran Foer.
  8. Greg Dulli interviewed by Scott Ford is up, discussing Amber Headlights. Haven't heard the record yet but it sounds good from the samples they play and Dulli is cool as fuck as usual. ok, so this is from last year. Never mind, it's still cool.
  9. how is it? I think I listened to some samples aaages ago but I can't remember what I thought. I think that even though Ben Folds is playing as part of a 3-piece drums/bass/guitar combo again, his stuff still lacks something that he had with Darren Jessee and Robert Sledge. It's hard to say though, maybe it's just because those records were important to me growing up and now I've moved past it. NP:Radiohead - Amnesiac I can't get enough of this album lately.
  10. damn... I always end up watching Steve Irwin's various shows hung over on a Sunday afternoon, and they never fail to bring a smile to my face and occasionally move me too... his passion for what he did was infectious. RIP Steve.
  11. it's been an age since i pulled that one out... a very important album for me.
  12. Interesting stuff... BSS have definitely become one of my favourite bands. Records to lose yourself in. I totally agree with the argument that part of the attraction lies in the fact that it shouldn't work but it totally does. Right now, I would be quite happy to only listen to Canadian music. Oh...quick moan- I 'purchased' (=got free in a Coke promotion) the song All the Gods on iTunes, which is a b-side to the 7" Ibi single, and it sounds like it was recorded to a PC by placing a microphone next to a speaker playing the single
  13. cat power - the greatest i'm making a mix for the bar, and despite Living Proof being on the last one, I think something else from this album will be on the new one.
  14. The Dears - No Cities Left. I've never given this much of a chance, but with their new album getting so much good press, I thought i'd give it another go.
  15. Hospital Beds is one of my favourite songs of the year, and I like what I've heard on MySpace. BUT I wasn't impressed with their performance on the KEXP podcast. Nothing really tied together quite right.
  16. Either/Or XO Basement Roman Candle Figure 8 Elliott Smith ...i think. The quality is pretty consistent, although I listen to the top two the most by far.
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