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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. As many of you know, caliber66 refers to the 0.66 GPA I got my 7th semester at UVA.
  2. One of your colleagues used to post here a while back. Haven't seen him in some time, though.
  3. You have my blessing, my child.
  4. I printed about fifteen NY Times friday & saturday crosswords tonight.
  5. Here's the updated letter. I've left the language in about archive.org being more impersonal than more interactive sharing options, unless there is strong opposition to its inclusion.
  6. If you hang him upside down, you'll actually be shoving the fork down his ass.
  7. Ja, aber NIE IM CINEMA!!! Ach, das ist, "nie im Kino." Entschuldigung.
  8. I understand U-Boats are equipped with cellular technology, so it's best to be prepared for any eventuality.
  9. I'm sorry, did I say "assholes"? I meant "self-important assholes" thinking they need to get across six time zones in eight hours. Riding the train was good enough for my grandparents, and it's good enough for me (and everyone else, regardless of whether or not they agree) too. I'm gonna develop a device that jams airplanes.
  10. Used to be, it would take days to get across the country. Now, people can get to Hawaii from the East coast in eight hours or so. Those people are ASSHOLES.
  11. And what was Spawn using to call you? A COUPLE TIN CANS AND SOME STRING?
  12. Christ, people need to start worrying a little less about what other people do. Yep.
  13. #1 I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume he's joking. #2 Wrong thread.
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