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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Hey, the Beatles were a gigantic clusterfuck of animosity when they recorded their last three albums, and they have held up okay.
  2. You could always start a thread for people's favorite bands that have a different first language than the posters' if you don't like the results you're seeing from this thread, which has a topic different from that one.
  3. I'm defending a Spice Girls reunion as newsworthy and that's all you've got?
  4. I was under the impression that getting the Spice Girls' future hinged on the condition of forgetting the Spice Girls' past.
  5. Inasmuch as anything on Wikipedia is pretty much unverifiable, yes.
  6. They did sell more than 50 million albums...
  7. I liked her in "Say Anything."
  8. .sknahT ?ti si rO .em yllaer ton s'tI .gniddik tsuJ
  9. I think there was an implied suggestion.
  10. You're really fucking impatient if you think just because you waited thirty minutes you should have gotten a response to your question by now. Fucking hold your horses, and if someone knows, they will post.
  11. I don't notice that at all, although I don't have much use for "No Sense in Lovin'."
  12. caliber66

    YHF Demos

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's probably because he wanted to, and thought he would like it. That he bought it a second time probably means he did like it.
  13. Wow, I like Jay's post-UT output a lot, but I can't even come close to agreeing with you on that one, not that I don't like The Search. As far as him not living up to his potential, I definitely don't agree with that either. If Jay never made another album after Trace, he met his potential. That he hasn't made anything better since (in many people's opinions) makes no difference, because Trace was that good. The other two original-lineup Son Volt albums are pretty great, too.
  14. Calm down, chief. The song doesn't make me uncomfortable any more than any song does, although I do find the lyrics and recording to be quite evocative.
  15. It's a little early in the day to be shitfaced.
  16. Yep. Do you think that yard sales in fifty years are going to be overflowing with CDs you actually want to buy? More likely, the people giving the yard sale are clearing out the crap, and keeping their Beatles, Elvis and Smokey Robinson records. There's LOTS of shit out there today that's not going to be worth anything in ten years, let alone fifty. God knows, I've sold (or tossed) a bunch of CDs where I asked myself, "What the hell were you thinking?"
  17. caliber66

    YHF Demos

    Is that the case? There's definitely some songs (Kamera in particular, and others) on the demos that are quite different from the album...
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