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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I went to a southern school with a reputation for snobbery, and I attended a number* of parties at which a group of guys sat around and watched ladies remove their clothing while moving to a rhythmic beat. Granted, the sport we were all best at (except for Pete, who was on the basketball team) was keg tossing, and not everybody at the party was white (which isn't to say I believe all the Duke lacrosse players were white, since black people (gasp) play lacrosse, too), but we had strippers at our party. Fortunately, none of the dancers we had over accused anyone of rape, but the guys on the lacr
  2. While I agree with this to an extent, I think we probably differ on whether or not that's a good thing.
  3. Yes. I believe the brewery is in Delaware, but they have brewpub(s?) in Maryland also. If you can get it where you are, try anything you can find. It's all excellent.
  4. How many songs from SBS did they play at that concert?
  5. Wood sealant is very flammable, especially when it's still wet. It's full of volatile solvents.
  6. Google FLAC Frontend. That's the program I use - it works great, and is extremely simple to use (just drag & drop). Analogman has you taken care of.
  7. The thing is, it seems that the study simply says that people are more successful at suicide, not that they attempt it more, in states where there is a greater percentage of gun ownership. Owning a gun doesn't make you any more likely to attempt suicide, just more likely to actually end your life when you try.
  8. I may have said this before, but the verse part of "What Light" fools me into thinking Jeff is doing a cover of "It's All Over Now Baby Blue" every time.
  9. They are created as part of the recording process. They are released through various channels.
  10. I think that's entirely possible, but in no way certain. By all means, let's! You think the board is "lameass"? Me too, except for the moratorium part. Lent, like, is over brah.
  11. I was under the impression that you called them "First Nations" up there, and they probably prefer not to be called "chicks."
  12. Wow. There's some great stuff on Anodyne, and live performances of "Chickamauga" generally blow the studio version away, but if I was gonna pick two songs to skip on that CD, those two wouldn't be close. Wow. To each his own.
  13. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=27819
  14. Absolutely. But there's nothing wrong with being proud of one's accomplishments.
  15. That's just about as ridiculous and arbitrary a criticism as you can get. That some posters who have negative things to say about the album have fewer than thirty posts makes their opinions no less valid. There are plenty of posters who like the new album, and have only a handful of posts. Do you discount their opinions as well? You dump on people for the sin of not being longtime posters, and then you cite Jay's appearance as one reason for your dismissal of him. Awesome. Both Jay and Nels are very talented guitar players. Neither would be where they are today without Wilco.
  16. Is there no difference between playing rock and roll, and playing rock and roll well? Writing songs and writing songs that speak to people? My God, man.
  17. Because he plunked Kenji Johjima.
  18. What the hell are the Mariners doing with Jose effing Vidro as their DH?
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