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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I would consider Wilco sellouts when I decide I care enough about what that word means to define it.
  2. The article, too. Thank you, Jesus (Flores).
  3. Assuming we do away with Medicare/Medicaid, what would lead one to logically conclude that health care for the poor and aging would be assumed by charitable organizations? Is it because charities already cover anyone who is not covered by another health plan? Is it because charities have eradicated homelessness in this country?
  4. It is an implication that Mr. 1313 is fishing for an argument.
  5. Hallelujah is the only song on that album I can listen to, and I don't feel inadequate at all. ETA: well, not musically, anyway.
  6. Ok, another example is "In Living Color". That show was shit your pants funny in 1991. It was also new and innovative stuff. I have the DVDs, and a lot of it is kinda tired. Times change. Leno was considered an exceedingly funny comedian in his prime, not just by the public, but by his peers. Not so much anymore, though.
  7. How old were you in the late 70s? The problem with comedy is that, with very few exceptions, its shelf life is very short. Ever watch early "Weekend Updates" from SNL with Chevy Chase? Some of them are pretty painful to watch now, but at the time they were pretty cutting edge and played for huge laughs.
  8. Ringo Starr. He played bass on a couple tracks.
  9. Dude, tell your girlfriend to like what she likes, love what she loves, and not to give a shit what anyone else thinks.
  10. You can just say you're looking for Wilco tickets. We have a whole forum for that and everything.
  11. In the parking lot after a show, I also saw a dude checking his girlfriend's oil, if you catch my drift.
  12. I caught the Moody Blues at the Lube back in 1998 or so. Free tickets.
  13. I'm gonna go with "extremely likely".
  14. There is a board rule that we have to understand that what one person thinks is the best way to enjoy a rock and roll music event is not the same as the way others might think is the best way to enjoy a rock and roll music event.
  15. "How to tell someone doesn't know what 'NSFW' means"
  16. Yeah, I think so. Which further fuels the confusion among the players, I'm sure, with some players feeling like they are expendable, etc.
  17. Also, in defense of the Colts, they didn't just pull Manning. Half of their starting offense (including the O-line) were on the bench while they were getting pummeled by the Jets' defense.
  18. If the Broncos had beaten the Redskins and the Raiders, they would be out of this discussion. The Stillers lost to the Chiefs, the Raiders and the Browns. Houston lost to Jacksonville twice and the Titans. Maybe the Ravens haven't had any really bad losses, but they lost four games by three points or less. Turn a field goal into a touchdown in just one of those games (hello, Derrick Mason), and they don't have to worry about the outcome of the Jets/Colts game. The Colts should have played to win, because that's what you do (cue Herm Edwards), and because they have a history of folding when the
  19. Every 8-7 team in the AFC should have won more games this year if they did not want to have to depend on the Colts winning a game in Week 15 to ensure that they have a place in the playoffs.
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