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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. How do you know this? Probably true, but irrelevant. Also true, but how do you know that Jay did sign off somewhere? Maybe he thinks he farts cotton candy. How do you know this? Also probably true, but irrelevant.
  2. None of that has anything to do with this thread, other than the words "time period".
  3. What does that document have to do with the H1N1 influenza virus?
  4. Sweetheart of the Cameltoe
  5. Yeah, that's what the government WANTS you to think.
  6. Keep both eyes open when you're playing with hamsters, then. Better safe than sorry.
  7. ....I'm pretty certain.
  8. You are as likely to get influenza from eating a ham sandwich as you are to get shingles from winking at a hamster.
  9. That doesn't sound like a joke or anything.
  10. Weren't you screaming a couple days ago for the government to close the border with Mexico? And now it's enough to tell people to stay home if they're sick? Putting a hotel under quarantine is an authoritarian move, but not allowing people to travel to and from another country is not?
  11. That is completely wrong, and I have no idea what all those words are doing to the right of the album names.
  12. Honestly, I can't tell you how Pat's presence changed the band, but I do like his work with Ryan Adams (if that's his piano solo in "Oh My Sweet Carolina," he gets a pass from me). Using him as an example probably just confused the issue, since Nels is clearly the most polarizing addition to the band since pretty much ever. Hadn't considered that the lessened focus on keys might have increased the reliance on Nels, but that's an interesting point. I don't need to pigeonhole him; I just need to know what he did on the last Wilco album. There's no reason for one to assume he's going to do s
  13. And if the plants where they process the pork have faulty sanitation practices, you are at risk for staph or trichinosis, not influenza. YOU DON'T GET FLU FROM EATING TAINTED MEAT, AND MOST HAM SOLD AS LUNCH MEAT IS COOKED ANYWAY
  14. I meant Pat as an example - should have been more clear. Nels is the obvious example, of course, and there's no way I would need to be in the studio to understand what some measure of his influence is on the sound of Sky Blue Sky. If one has a knowledge of the style of Nels's (or Pat's or whoever's) playing, one can get an idea of what that member will bring to the next record, regardless of the style of the underlying song. Well, I don't think anyone really expects them to make the same album as last time - although, this is, after all, the first Wilco lineup that's the same across two
  15. Well, as far as the influenza virus being transmitted by ham thing, there is the viewpoint of science, which tells us that never in recorded history has there been evidence of a person contracting influenza from ham (except, perhaps, from ham which has come in direct and immediate contact with a human carrier of the virus with poor personal hygiene), and then there is your viewpoint. But by all means, continue to push the Typhoid Hammy theory. It's kind of entertaining watching you find ways not to admit you're wrong.
  16. Know what else is funny? This:
  17. On what do you base that recommendation? Are any other forms of influenza transmitted by the ingestion of cooked and/or cured meat?
  18. You didn't strike a nerve with the record collection comment. I still don't understand how you can actually mean what you said, though. Your logic is flawed; there are a lot of people who don't like any Wilco albums and yet manage to have very large record collections which bring them great joy.
  19. An opinion that one should fear that there will be aspects of the album not to his or her liking, based on past experience. I think it's valid to assume that, since one hasn't appreciated Pat's contributions to Sky Blue Sky, one might assume there's a good chance the same would be true for the new album. Again, for the record, I'm not a huge fan of Sky Blue Sky. There are parts of it that I think are really beautiful, and I'm thrilled that Jeff Tweedy thinks it's the best album he's ever made, but it's mostly not my cup of tea. I have no expectations about the new album, nor any opinion on
  20. For the record, I am bored at work today.
  21. Still, you'll agree that someone can express an honest fear about how the upcoming record may turn out without it being just out of boredom or whatever? I don't know why one would assume it was anything other than an honest criticism without additional context.
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