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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. You don't have to die; you just have to lose your ability to procreate. Of course most of the stories fail on both criteria, so they aren't Darwins. I used to post on the philosophy forum over at their website
  2. Wow, that sounds pretty subjective. edit: yeah.
  3. Four. Four word. Four word film review...
  4. Having slow guys with very good OBP batting in front of you for a significant portion of your career will absolutely affect your DP numbers. Until 1982, before Boggs joined the team, he averaged about 18 DPs a year. Certainly not great, but nothing earth-shattering. In 1982, when Boggs joined the team (although in 82 Rice hit behind Dwight Evans, another slow guy who got on base a lot), he hit into 29. Then 31, then 36, then 35. In 1986, with Buckner as a buffer between Boggs and Rice for much of the season, he only hit into 19 DPs. Bill Buckner hit into by far the most DPs of his career (25)
  5. Film adaptation of the baseball thread.
  6. Actually, it seems like some people are doing exactly that. Considering he had Bill Buckner and Wade Boggs hitting in front of him basically his entire career, it's not surprising he hit into a lot of double plays, and it's also not surprising that he wasn't intentionally walked a ton.
  7. I've heard rumblings about Slum-B-Q IX, too.
  8. Shouldn't Andre's head be on the other dude?
  9. Don't you think you should try to back up "by all accounts he was a total dickface" at least a little bit?
  10. thanks for adding your thoughts
  11. It named several movies the CIA may have had a hand in. It did not mention "The Day the Earth Stood Still." I anxiously await your thoughts on their involvement with "My Giant." I think he meant that there is a real chance that the current world order (US is the only superpower) will be affected by the rise of Asia (not the band), and that is probably a good thing.
  12. Nowhere in that article do they address the CIA's involvement in the production of "The Day the Earth Stood Still." I did not realize George Harrison had an Eastern European cousin. Do you think he knows Gheorghe Muresan? I loved him in "My Giant." Any word on whether the CIA had a hand in that one?
  13. No, that is speculation based on allegation. It has not been established as fact, as far as I know. If you have a link, please post it.
  14. I like General Tsoda's chicken. Yeah, it's not any more "Grateful Dead-themed" than the previous red & blue Pepsi logo.
  15. Is it a grant or a loan? Is it a grant or a loan?
  16. Here's the thing, though. They can't just cease all operations and redesign their entire fleet. They have to sell their current stock, and they have to continue producing their current line, or else they will definitely go out of business before they have a chance to develop a new, more sustainable business model based on better-designed cars. Right?
  17. So...you're mad that they are charging us interest...and...that they are...not...charging us interest...?
  18. I'm not sure how this 0-percent thing is all that bad. Them selling cars at 0% is better than them not selling cars at 5%, and makes it more likely that they will not lose (or lose less) money. Assuming the cars have already been ordered/built, etc.
  19. Funny, I was going to use John Entwistle (whom Ringo taught how to play fretless) as an example.
  20. Since when has solo success been the measure of talent?
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