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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Bobbob, I believe the saying is, "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." McCain pounds and pounds this tenuous connection with Ayers, who was part of an organization that committed terrorist acts in protest of the Vietnam war, while he himself knowingly bombed civilian targets during that conflict. Both matters are probably equally irrelevant.
  2. Actually, it means he can be prosecuted as one.
  3. Matt Gonzalez thinks the superlative form of "bad" is "worse" LOL
  4. That's because, with all due respect, it is a stupid way to determine whom to vote for.
  5. I believe someone posted that, but it may have been somewhere else.
  6. Yes, Louie, the bold parts of your post above are smug, as you suggest that people who vote differently than you (a) don't understand your point and/or ( don't see the big picture. You seem to believe that your way is the only way of seeing things. Oddly enough, I would imagine that there are people who both understand your point, and disagree with it. I'm plenty happy with my vote for Obama, and I have a lot of hope for what I think he can do for this country. I'm also plenty happy with other people feeling differently from me, as long as they come by their viewpoint honestly. Doesn't mean I'
  7. Lou, can you not see how your posts can be taken as just as smug? I have already cast my vote for Obama, and I'm certain he will be a better president than McCain would, but not enough that I'm willing to talk down to those who disagree.
  8. Right, dude. It's nothing but people blindly supporting members of the clique.
  9. So only one person is allowed to call someone out for being a smug ass per smug ass post?
  10. I just don't understand this Virginia football team.
  11. Seriously? If people see the name "Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy" and go in there expecting to find contraceptives, and then, when they are told, shockingly, that DMCP does not sell such items, cannot find another pharmacy in all of NORTHERN FUCKING VIRGINIA to take care of their need, then they are just too stupid to live. Chances are, people who patronize such an establishment are not interested in being counseled on contraception.
  12. Are you suggesting being able to purchase contraceptives in any pharmacy is a civil right?
  13. It would be preferable that all people have access to all health care items they need, but if there is no pharmacy in a given town, and the Christian no-rubber drugstore wanted to open a store, I'm fine with that. The townspeople would have better access to prescription drugs than they did before, and their contraceptive availability would not have changed either way.
  14. It is not hard for me to imagine that if there is a need for a pharmacy that sells contraceptives in a small town, then that market will be served one way or another.
  15. Chantilly, VA is not a small town. It is a suburb of DC, and there are probably fifteen pharmacies within a five mile radius of 13945 Metrotech Dr, not to mention countless grocery and convenience stores where you can fill your contraceptive needs.
  16. She started after the elite group, so she finished after them and still ran the race faster.
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