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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Apparently, Chris Cooley "inadvertently" posted (and since removed) a picture of his wang on his personal website.
  2. Cutler lost the ball while bringing his arm up to throw (i.e., he tossed the ball straight up in the air long before his arm started moving forward). San Diego recovered the ball and was tackled out of bounds. Ueber-Ref Ed Hochuli blew the play dead, negating the recovery and giving the ball to Denver on the ten. He admitted to having blown the call on the PA, but by rule couldn't reverse his call. Cutler handed the ball off, then threw to Royal in the end zone. They went for two, and Cutler hit Royal again. Game over 24 seconds later.
  3. Exactly. Their last two drives to the red zone ended with an interception in the end zone and (well, it didn't end here but by all rights it should have) a lost fumble from the two yard line. That play gets called correctly, and Cutler's mayor of Goat City.
  4. Damn, the Chargers got screwed. Jay Cutler wouldn't have been able to show his face in Denver if Ed Hochuli had not blown the call...
  5. Yep. You know, Pilate didn't live across the strait from Russia or anything, but not everyone has that kind of chance to shine.
  6. Yeah, but that's not the point - I agree with Tweedling here. Roe v. Wade and the end of slavery are not comparable in terms of the discussion about Supreme Court Justices they were having on the View. There is a constitutional amendment outlawing slavery, and that cannot be overturned by any Court, since that would take an Act of Congress (I am not up on my Constitutional Law, so there's a good chance I'm wrong about this), but the Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade.
  7. Why is it that baseball fans in Florida don't attend baseball games in person? Corollary: It being accepted that baseball fans in Florida do not attend baseball games in person, why are there two major league baseball teams in Florida?
  8. There are two 'n's in "Glenn".
  9. Still plucking these guys, and I've got a few cherry bombs ripening, as well as some very long, dark green peppers. Gonna be in good shape for hot peppers over the winter, I think.
  10. Huh? What is fucked up about that?
  11. Seriously, though, about the only good thing I saw about the game last night was that the Redskins held onto the ball. Sure, they made some defensive adjustments in the second half, but they weren't able to score any points. Jason Campbell was awful. He looked nervous. Clock management at the end of the game was worse than awful. Campbell stopped a clocking play, wasting about five seconds, to have a conversation with a receiver. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING TALK ABOUT - GET ON THE LINE, SNAP THE BALL AND FUCKING SPIKE IT. They should have kicked a field goal with 25 seconds left, then tried fo
  12. I was just screwing with bobbob.
  13. Well, you should know that Moe_Syzlak is a Republican, so you should probably write his opinion off as partisan, anyway.
  14. Generally, your options are: Hispanic Black Native American Asian/Pacific Islander White (non-Hispanic) I should have said many Hispanics are considered a subset of "White". It's all subjective anyway. When I worked in a hospital, one of my responsibilities was logging information on children who had received care, and one of the fields was for race. When I asked what to do with patients who identified as both black and Hispanic, I was told to count them as African American (an inaccurate term for "race" in any context, but that's another issue) unless they had a Hispanic last name. It's n
  15. It means that Hispanics are considered a subset of white people.
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