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can someone unpin this thread?

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is this the cat you were trying to off a month or two ago?


yes. After considerable reflection I decided to choose life, as far as she's concerned. If I can't learn to live in harmony with this cat then what chance have I got with the stingrays?


I like to kid the cat.


I'm now scratching my elbow in an effort to ask "what are the boys going to open with tonight?"

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We's using codenames. Y'all hear that?!


Are those different than our screen names? If so, I chose "Buck Naked". Ah, Seinfeld....

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in my college experience, it was always a bad idea to drop a class. what's wrong with a C? teh do it!


dude, i dropped classes like it was my job. of course, i was also kicked out of school twice. but nobody looks at your transcript anyway!

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i can't tell if you're being sarcastic. :hmm


a little each way, I guess


I've interviewed a lot of people, and it helps if you did well


but in my book, if you did "good enough" I want to know what else you offer




and if you know the difference between llamas, alpacas, guanacos and vicunas, that helps as well

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and if you know the difference between llamas, alpacas, guanacos and vicunas, that helps as well

PM w/ resume' on the way!

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If I don't get a post like that once a day I feel like I skipped a meal or something :lol

I'm thinkin' Cbus for the Rhythm Devils...???

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is that on Sunday at Promo West? Mike Gordon is joining I hear . . .

Fuck,it was TONIGHT! Oh well....couldn't have made it anyway on a Thurs.

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I have rediscovered the joys of hard liquor.

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I have rediscovered the joys of hard liquor.

Is it not true that good tequila can have ummm..existential qualities?

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Tequila makes me want to break shit, not that that's a bad thing necessarily.

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