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So i dont have ghost is born or Kicking television

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if i had to by one of them, which should i buy?




I heard Ghost sucks.


ive also heard Kicking television is the greatest live album eva...

But ive hear most of the songs on kicking televison, and the only one ive heard off Ghost is born that i know ill like is Muzzle of Beez. I heard that song on a concert that was played on channel 2, and i fell in love with it.

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if i had to by one of them, which should i buy?

I heard Ghost sucks.


ive also heard Kicking television is the greatest live album eva...

But ive hear most of the songs on kicking televison, and the only one ive heard off Ghost is born that i know ill like is Muzzle of Beez. I heard that song on a concert that was played on channel 2, and i fell in love with it.



Agib is alright, it's a real grower but it's okay. Pass the live album because you can get that shit for free all over the internets. And no, it's not the greatest live album ever.

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Eh...if you're on a Wilco board, you'll wind up getting them all anyway.


I'm not too thrilled with Sky Blue Sky, but I'm still probably going to buy every version including the Lunch box tin version with the Tony trading card.

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KTV rocks but I only listened to it like maybe 10 times, I listened to agib 20 times just in the day i got it.


I had the same expierence. Both are worth checking out, and Ghost is probably going to take some time to get into, but it's worth sitting with.



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Well, 75% of AGIB is on KTV ( in somewhat different form ), if you don't already know that. But get ALL of 'em man !

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They are both phenomenal records but I would start with AGIB. Like other have said, it takes a few spins to grow on you, but once you get it...oh man it's an amazing experience.


When you reach that point, go pick up KTV. I don't know if its the best live album of all time but it would easily make my top 10 list.

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Better hurry up. Only 100 are made.


Remember, the handles are made out of the mortal remains of fired band members so the supplies are always limited.



ooooh. that is the selling point right there. jay bennet's nappy dreads?



oh and in regards to the initial question: buy AGIB, don't be a sap, it's a fantastic album. meditate during the drone and you'll understand the universe a bit better.

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When in doubt, go with the live album. Words to live by.

:thumbup The Avatar sez it all. :worship

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ooooh. that is the selling point right there. jay bennet's nappy dreads?

oh and in regards to the initial question: buy AGIB, don't be a sap, it's a fantastic album. meditate during the drone and you'll understand the universe a bit better.


You know...and this sounds like hipster bullshit.


But the drone somehow works with the album.


Like if I skip the drone, the album seems far less effective. The drone gives it a sort of character. It could've been a little shorter (I get the itch to hit the >> button at about 9 minutes into the track) but I still enjoy it.

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You know...and this sounds like hipster bullshit.


But the drone somehow works with the album.


Like if I skip the drone, the album seems far less effective. The drone gives it a sort of character. It could've been a little shorter (I get the itch to hit the >> button at about 9 minutes into the track) but I still enjoy it.


i agree. i tend to just kind of zone out, which is kind of a nice feeling for a bit, then it kicks back in and hits the spot

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While KTV is an amazing live album, I would personally start with Ghost. Although, it might take a few listens before it hits you. The person who told you Ghost was bad probably is more into the alt-country aspect of their previous albums and didn't like the new sound. Then again, you can always go to Wilco's website and listen to the whole album (track by track) under 'Records' before you decide to buy.



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I heard Ghost sucks.

ive also heard Kicking television is the greatest live album eva...

I'd say both statements are incorrect.


Ghost is kind of a slow-burn--lots of open spaces, some patches of noise. Not really the catchiest, most fun record on Earth, which is why some casual fans might think it "sucks", but by no means does it.


KTV is pretty good, and a nice addition for a fan, but I'd go with the studio albums first and then check out the live album later.

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I'd say both statements are incorrect.


Ghost is kind of a slow-burn--lots of open spaces, some patches of noise. Not really the catchiest, most fun record on Earth, which is why some casual fans might think it "sucks", but by no means does it.


KTV is pretty good, and a nice addition for a fan, but I'd go with the studio albums first and then check out the live album later.


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