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I confess. I have not purchased nor even heard a new or new-to-me CD by any band or musician for over a year. Please don't judge me for that--my excuse is that I have 2 children under the age of 2 and barely have time to think! :blink What have I been listening to most frequently? Baby Einstein Lullaby Classics and Baby Bach! (And I actually love them!)


Obviously I need some new music. However, I have neither time, money, nor attention span :stunned to do a lot of searching or listening to find something on my own.


I need something easy to listen to, lyrics not too deep (as much as I love deep and out there, I don't have the brain power for it these days, for reasons explained above!) It's hard for me to get into something, though; I'm particular.


I like and am looking for something along the lines of--

Wilco (around here that's like saying the sky is blue) and offshoot bands such as Golden Smog

Josh Rouse (up to Cold Blue Stars--anything after that I'm not interested in)

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (all other Lips stuff I'm lukewarm toward--see, I am particular)

Coldplay (remember, nothing too deep!)


Can anyone recommend anything?

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back when i was a just becoming a Wilco and Flaming Lips fan (with Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots), the third band in my trinity of good music was Grandaddy. So I suggest getting a Grandaddy album, I suggest Sumday, but the most talked about one is the Sophtware Slump.


Or you could just sit tight until Sky Blue Sky in May.

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I might have to recommend Guster, Fruit Bats, and The Shins.


In fact, I will make you a sampler of all 3 bands that would fit on 1 CD, and you can figure out for yourself if you like them enough to invest any more time in them. How's that? :) PM me if you want it.

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Hey Michele, great to see you 'round here... hope you're getting some rest with those little ones running around.


My recommendation is that M. Ward LP, Post-War, it's mighty fine. Oh, and that wonderful release by James Hunter, People Gonna Talk.



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I like and am looking for something along the lines of--

Wilco (around here that's like saying the sky is blue) and offshoot bands such as Golden Smog

Josh Rouse (up to Cold Blue Stars--anything after that I'm not interested in)

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (all other Lips stuff I'm lukewarm toward--see, I am particular)

Coldplay (remember, nothing too deep!)

So you say you like Wilco.......and something about blue sky..........


Nope. I got nuthin'. :lol



Kidding. No, seriously, I can relate. I've gone through a bit of a musical renaissance lately because I had to move for a new job and my family is in the process of getting ready to come out, but in the meantime I've been spending a lot of time away from the wife/kids and I've used music to fill at least a little of the void. That will be ending soon once they're finally out here for good and we're also expecting another new baby soon, so it will be back to Baby Bach for me! (which I'm actually quite fond of) :thumbup


I was being serious, tho, if you don't have new Wilco yet, it sounds pretty much right in the ballpark of what you're looking for. The newest Yo La Tengo is quite nice, too. What else happened in the last year? Calexico?

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coming via japan import april 18th and will be released stateside this summer.


Most excellent! I hadn't heard about this yet. I was wondering when he was coming out with a new one.


Recommend: Jason Falkner's Beatles instrumental album. It's not even really billed as a Jason Falkner album but if the Baby Bachs and Mozarts are moving into overkill mode, try this one out.


I liked the Jim Noir cd Tower of Love that came out last year. Light and catchy. Not all of it is up to the quality of the singles but overall a nice relaxing album. I can't listen to In the Key of C without having it in my head for the rest of the day.

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Check out Sparklehorse: Dreamt For Light Years In The Belly Of A Mountain. Similar to what you've listed but with abstractions you can get lost in.

Have fun with your treasures. They grow up way too quickly.

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I'm going to try and satisfy that Coldplay vibe you described:


The Hope of the States - The Lost Riots

Easily one of the best, and most underappreciated, British albums of the decade. It's how I wanted Coldplay to go on X&Y, but, well, you know how that went :no


The Clientele - Strange Geometry

To be honest, I listen to this a lot while I'm studying/reading, and I find it to be really relaxing and melodic. The lyrics are nowhere near deep, just a lot of tremoloed guitars and good melodies.


Now a couple of CDs that I'm obsessively listening to at the moment:


Panda Bear - Person Pitch

It's the Beach Boys for the 21st Century. Great lyrics, beautiful, beautiful melodies, and some really good electronic backing. A modern classic.


Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

There are enough threads on any messageboard for you to know how much people love/hate this. I'm on the far left of that statement.


Mew - Frengers

Something different. It's metal, art-rock, pop, and ambiance all in one. Just an amazing debut album too.


But, above all, get the M Ward album if you havn't already. I got it because of the people on this board, and they hit the nail on the head. Good folk/country that goes a little further than that description implies.


Hope I helped!

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Thank you everyone! I'm making note of all these. I'll probably just end up flipping a coin or throwing darts to decide which ones to get first.


Glad to hear I'm not the only Baby Bach fan here.


My son was a rather fussy baby, hard to calm down (but such a sweetie!). The Baby Einstein lullabies CD was a godsend, as it was one of the few things that got him to relax. That and a few songs from a Jeff Tweedy solo show, 3-5-05, particularly Remember the Mountain Bed. That one zonked him out every night for a several weeks. My baby girl, a more laid-back baby, is another story. She seems to perk up at that lullaby CD, but I've found that the Audio Visions channel on DSS, the Enya-type stuff, is her sleep aid. As for JT? I tried that same solo show 3 times the first couple of weeks after she was born, and she immediately cried and screamed each time so I had to turn it off! No Wilco fan there!? I was newly pregnant with my son when I went to that Tweedy solo, and I listened to way more Wilco and Tweedy in the car when I was pregnant with him than her, so maybe that's it.

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I don't understand your logic. If you're neither being critical nor suggesting new music, why did you post?


edit: sorry, Amaranthine. I just got a Colin Hay CD that I like quite a bit. Not too heavy. And Littlebear, your post just rubbed me the wrong way. "I can't recommend anything with your logic" seemed a bit insulting to me. If it's a language barrier issue, I apologize.

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Sparklehorse is a good recommendation. Maybe some Magnolia Electric Company and Band of Horses, too?


The New Pornographers' Twin Cinema could be a good fit for ya as well as Spoon's Gimme Fiction. The new Gruff Rhys album Candylion is charmingly friendly on the ears.


If you don't want to be bogged down with lyrics, then Bill Frisell might do the trick for some country-flavored, quirky jazz compositions.


Chuck Prophet?


The last Silver Jews record?


Rogue Wave?


And *ahem*

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