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Jay Bennett article in Daytrotter Blog

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Thanks Wendy for that. :thumbup I'd really like to see Jay get his physical ailments taken care of. He's a performer in the archaic sense of the word...it has to come out & everyone should want to have a healthy JB with us for much more good times & music.

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Daytrotter needs to hire some better writers. Jesus, that was a mess.


It shouldn't discount that the man - this sweethearted man of big frame and greasy hair - has the given ability to percept what a song takes (cream, sugar or blackness) and what a song needs to make it evoke.




Nice interview, glad to see Jay's still getting out there.

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No shit. It was actually hard to read. But the concentration on Jay's health really worried me. "His duffel bag is filled to the brim with pain medications for the short, couple week tour ... " :unsure

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I actually hadn't read the second part - figured I'd save myself the trouble of slogging through it until I got home and downloaded the tracks :lol - sad to hear about Jay being in pain. Probably not the best guy to be carting around a bag full of pain killers. I hope he's able to find something that works, and get off the rest.

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I love Daytrotter, but I have to agree their "articles" are hard to read.


The mix seemed to be a bit off on the Bennett songs. The organ is way too loud and the vocals are muddled. Part of that is Jay's problem me thinks.

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Big frame? Huge Bear of a man? He must be really overweight or something because when I met him I thought he was kind of short. I'm only 6'1".


I love his music and never under-estimate his contribution to Wilco. My only complaint with him is that he always has to get little lines in there about which songs he wrote in Wilco. Wilco will never just be "Radio Cure" and "California Stars" to me. I think he should be most proud of the producing/engineering roles he played as well as his excellent musicianship. Just my opinion.

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Big frame? Huge Bear of a man? He must be really overweight or something because when I met him I thought he was kind of short. I'm only 6'1".


He's definitely in the 5'9' range. He has really gotten heavy over the past couple of years. I'm guessing that has something to do with his back pain making him a bit on the immobile side. I saw him open up for a band a couple of months ago and he honestly looked like Brian Wilson during "Smile" era. He is extremely talented and I'm sure he'll pull things together to get back on a healthier track. Probably not easy to get kicked out of one of the best bands of the last few decades.

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I have a love/hate feelings towards Bennett because one he is totally full of himself. I mean the three chords he put to California Stars are great, but fuck man, it's just three chords, anyone can do it.


But I do love the work he did with Wilco especially the more melodic tracks that did not make it onto YHF. However, I believe his solo records are not good.


Nevertheless, I hope he gets better because it seems like Tweedy has dealt with his demons while Bennett lives them.

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I mean the three chords he put to California Stars are great, but fuck man, it's just three chords, anyone can do it.


To find simple and addictive chords like these must be the dream of every musician. As every metal band tries to find the killer riff that is "You Really Got Me". It's not easy at all!

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JB: I have a lot of quite humorous ways (at least to me) to answer this question, but I fear that some folks would mistake the humor for something deeper. I can only tell you how it used to feel, and can’t conjecture on how it would still feel, so suffice it to say 99.9% of my time in the band was nothing but a great experience.


I don't really know how "full of himself" Jay may or may not be. Musicians generally have egos, much as old golfers generally wear bad pants. But I will say that for the one question he probably gets asked in 99% of interviews (Wilco) this is a pretty classy answer. "99.9% of my time in the band was nothing but a great experience."



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What's important to mention is Jay's melody coupled with Woody's lyrics are what make the song.

The rest = ornamentation.


well, it's the "ornamentation" that makes the song to me. Just these harmonies and the way they're done instrumentally. And Jeff's voice. I'm not even sure any other voice would make it.

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I love Daytrotter, but I have to agree their "articles" are hard to read.


The mix seemed to be a bit off on the Bennett songs. The organ is way too loud and the vocals are muddled. Part of that is Jay's problem me thinks.


Heck, I love daytrotter because their studio is in the town I grew up in and it boogles my mind to all hell that there is any kind of indie scene there. They should get some kind of key to the city, all I ever got to see was 311 and winger at the state fair. AND Wilco will be playing at the Adler in the Quad Cities so maybe wilco daytrotter session? maybe..

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I kind of felt a little sorry for him when I met him, because of his appearence and what seemed to me a bad state of mind. I don't think people should give him shit for boasting a little of his contribuitions and accomplishments, in the end he got a really shitty deal the way he was portratyed in that movie, and the way he was given little recognition for his part in making YHF after the record got a crazy amount of attention, and alot of people where just hating on him instead, that must of hurt like crazy. I dig some of his tunes, but can only take his voice in small doses.

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To find simple and addictive chords like these must be the dream of every musician. As every metal band tries to find the killer riff that is "You Really Got Me". It's not easy at all!


Rock and Roll is simple, which is one of the great things about it because anyone can do it. Seriously, Heroin (one of the greatest rock songs ever) is two chords. Misunderstood is two chords throughout the entire song.


Basically, if band such as Wire went into the studio (they did not even know how to tune their guitars), and create a fantastic debut album "Pink Flag." I believe anyone can play rock and roll.


I guess I just don't like it when rock stars brag about how much of a genius they are when anyone can do it.

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Yeah, there is a difference between playing rock and roll and writing good rock and roll songs. But my point is that Bennett should not let his head get any bigger because he's not writing Beethoven's ninth symphony. It's just rock and roll and that's what I love about it.

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