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The inevitable sell out post

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Guest Jules
Mostly because Hummer's cost between 40,000 and 80,000 and get like 12 MPG. Wherease V-dubs get like 20-30 and cost between 16,000 and 35,000.

Except for the Touareg, of course.

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I read that wilco is donating the $$ earned from the VW commercials to veterans of message board threads analogizing certain artists to nazis. admirable...

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I think it's a tremendous shame that certain parties have dragged questions of mainstream success into an argument that's only ever been about artistic integrity.


To reiterate my stand, which seems to be in line with that of several other posters, I find it crass when an artist leases his or her work to a corporation to aid in the selling of a product. Period. I really don't have an opinion on whether it grows or diminishes their fan base, and I'm certainly not resentful of how new fans become clued into my favourite artists. The more the merrier, right? Personally, I couldn't give less of a shit about people's delusions of exclusivity.


However, an ingrained association is created between song and product when something like "The Thanks I Get" is used to hawk Volkswagons. If I were the kind of person who watches a lot of television, I'd probably grow pretty weary of seeing such a great song chopped up and commoditized day in and day out, and before too long I wouldn't be able to listen to it without thinking of stupid-looking cars you'd honestly have to pay me to drive (not that I have a driver's license). Y'savvy?


Sure, the artist enjoys his/her work - but do you really think that Wilco would exist if it made no money, if it was a bunch of guys in a garage fiddling around?


Absolutely, positively, without question, yes. Anybody who thinks otherwise obviously hasn't read many interviews with Jeff Tweedy or his bandmates. These guys are beyond passionate about their music, and that's something that is plainly obvious from the enthusiasm with which they discuss their craft. I mean, give me a break, man - every band starts out "fiddling around in the garage." When Jeff and Jay were young men in the late '80s, what do you think they were doing, exactly? Fiddling around in the garage!


If you've got a true creative passion, you stick with it - period. I've worked plenty of joe-jobs in my day (still do from time to time), but I always found time for my art, and after many years of frustration it's finally become my primary source of income. While it's nice to reap financial compensation for your creative endeavours, you don't undertake them strictly for money. That sort of thing leads only to pandering and regurgitation, not the kind of creativity and uniqueness that makes one a successful artist. Not to sound too high and mighty, but there's something really revolting to me about the attitude that art is only worth something to its creator over a generous timeline if something as stupid as money enters into the picture. I find that personally offensive, and I bet so does Jeff.

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The Japanese were responsible for many deaths – as were the Americans – as were the Russians – but, so far as we know – the Nazi’s were the only group to literally cook and gas their victims in ovens and gas chambers. I think a little moral relativism is relevant here.



NSFW or for the faint of heart.


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I don't love that they are doing this, but I did find out about Nick Drake through a Volkswagen commercial several years ago, so at least the people picking the songs have good taste. If it turns one person on to the music that hadn't really heard of Wilco before hand, then doing it certainly has it's benefits.



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I find it crass when an artist leases his or her work to a corporation to aid in the selling of a product. Period.


Selling which product though? The $ made from the licensing of the song can oft be eclipsed by the marketing value the artist and song are provided by it's inclusion...hitting an audience and gaining exposure they may not have received otherwise.


Was there this amount of uproar when they used 'War on War' for the Illinois department of tourism TV spot a few years ago?

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Guest Jules
Starts at 38,000. Gets 23 to the gallon on the highway.


The H2 gets 10-15 MPG.


I wasn't comparing the two. Obviously, the H2 is the worst one out there.

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And if you drive a hummer, you are automatically an asshole, and thats not sarcasm. You cannot justify buying a Hummer unless you are an asshole.

So your calling my father an asshole?

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Mostly because Hummer's cost between 40,000 and 80,000 and get like 12 MPG. Wherease V-dubs get like 20-30 and cost between 16,000 and 35,000.


And if you drive a hummer, you are automatically an asshole, and thats not sarcasm. You cannot justify buying a Hummer unless you are an asshole.


Is the gas used to fill a VW

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An H2 is basicaly a Chevy Tahoe.....same frame,same company,and as far as I know it has the same engine.

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also, we drive a VW...so i'm going to side w/ Jeff on this whole thing. just keep in mind i also drive a Honda, so i'm a japanese slave labor sympathizer. and a frat boy.

What are you if you take public transportation? ...besides broke?

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Selling which product though? The $ made from the licensing of the song can oft be eclipsed by the marketing value the artist and song are provided by it's inclusion...hitting an audience and gaining exposure they may not have received otherwise.


Again, you seem to be looking at this strictly in terms of dollars and cents, whereas I can't get past the principle of the thing. To quote Tom Waits yet again (or at least paraphrase him), commercials are an unnatural use of a songwriter's work. It's like sewing a cow's udder to the side of their face - painful and humiliating.


Yeah, "The Thanks I Get" is Tweedy's to do with as he pleases, and I'm cool with that. I'm just baffled and upset by his decision to farm it out the way he's done. He's obviously a guy who cares a lot about his music, otherwise I wouldn't even bother taking exception to the move. Not to drag money back into the discussion, but the man is already very successful. It ain't like his kids are rail-thin and starvin'.

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Are family could not do without gas guzziling vehicles......................We work in construction,farming,and horse training.I drive a VW and and HD truck,I have to pull a 10,000 lb Bob Cat,my mother travels with a huge ass duelly to pull anywhere to 4-6 horses at a time. Without vehicles of this nature our family would be bankrupt.

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So your calling my father an asshole?


Absolutely. :unsure


Basically, unless you are patrolling the streets of Baghdad, Hummer's are pointless to own. There is no reason to own one other than because you can. And hey, if you do, thats awesome, you are doing extremely well for yourself. But I (and probably a ton of other people) are going to think you are an asshole.

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Absolutely. :unsure


Basically, unless you are patrolling the streets of Baghdad, Hummer's are pointless to own. There is no reason to own one other than because you can. And hey, if you do, thats awesome, you are doing extremely well for yourself. But I (and probably a ton of other people) are going to think you are an asshole.



And I'm considered the jerk?

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Again, you seem to be looking at this strictly in terms of dollars and cents, whereas I can't get past the principle of the thing. To quote Tom Waits yet again (or at least paraphrase him), commercials are an unnatural use of a songwriter's work. It's like sewing a cow's udder to the side of their face - painful and humiliating.


Yeah, "The Thanks I Get" is Tweedy's to do with as he pleases, and I'm cool with that. I'm just baffled and upset by his decision to farm it out the way he's done. He's obviously a guy who cares a lot about his music, otherwise I wouldn't even bother taking exception to the move. Not to drag money back into the discussion, but the man is already very successful. It ain't like his kids are rail-thin and starvin'.


Well, my point was more so to the exposure the ad provides for his music. Sure, he's successful...but you don't think he wants as many people to hear his music as possible and become more successful and thusly finance more albums and tours and be comfortable in taking more artisitic risk w/out worrying about stability for his family and so on?


Tom Waits may think that, but unless he has a definitive copy of the 'Rock'n'Roll Rulebook and By-laws' then it's just one other artists opinion. I respect him, but he doesn't carry that much influence for me personally.


That said, there was a time in a much younger period of my life that this bugged me...now the overall music game has changed so much and (like it or not) a lot of artists aren't getting paid as much as they used to. I also like the fact that I forgot about that excellent Candyskins tune until they used it in Lays commercial.

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