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Happy birthday Tweedy's Gurl

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ROSIE!!!! But...but....it's not possible!!!!!! Because you're.....(kidsmoke does math in her head, never a pretty sight. :uhoh Be glad this is on the internet without visuals.... :stunned )


....you're 14, right????? Or maybe you're a 40-yr-old man hiding out in a dark, dank basement....it totally depends on who you believe. :rolleyes :lol


But hey, my "I Believe in Tweedy's Gurl" coffee mug here is pretty much irrefutable proof that that whole 40-yr-old man thing was just a rumor. Can you believe that even after a couple of good-sized earthquakes, my mug remains unbroken, even though it leapt off the shelf once with several other kamikaze knick-knacks? Sturdy VC merchandise endures! :yes


So anyway, my point (and yes, I DO have one) was that while I do not believe that you have actually aged, because that would seem to imply that I have as well, you should nonetheless have a marvelous birthday followed by a dazzling year of lovely life. Now, let's all have CAKE! :w00t




Love ya, sweetie! :banana

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In birthdays we trust. Have a great one!

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:birthday :party :rock :dancing


Have a great day!!!


ps. Talk the old man into coming to Indy next week! :thumbup

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