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Smashing Pumpkins "Zeitgeist" leaked

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They even took a hit in the Trib today..... I knew they were popular but I had not realized just how many records they had sold (only 5 actual releases) in their career. With that kind of a track record I suppose they are still a player, but it will get interesting to see how well this new album really does.



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not nearly as laughably bad as i was expecting, but still not very good, nor do i think i'll be listening to this more than a dozen times or be purchasing it.


i'm just so over Corgan's voice at this point, and it doesn't help that it's gotten even more annoying and is all triple tracked to hell on this album :yucky


musically it at least has a handful of redeemable moments, and i think i enjoy a good deal more than Machina in that regards, but the lyrics combined with vocals are enough to turn me off.


that Starz song is one of the lamest songs Billy has done. way worse than TheFutureEmbrace, which is saying quite a bit...


no better than a 5-5.5/10, that's for sure, and that's just based on the music alone pretty much.

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I wouldn't call the Tribune article a hit. Greg Kot basically said it was decent but nothing to get too excited about.

I'm still excited about seeing them at the Fillmore later this month. It'll be great to hear some of those classic Pumpkins songs.

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You can listen to a full stream of the new Pumpkins album here. I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, and I'm not sure I will. I loved the Pumpkins when I was in high school and Mellon Collie came out, but this new album isn't doing anything for me.


For a more pleasant listening experience, I recommend skipping over the new SP album and checking out the new They Might Be Giants album, which is being streamed on the same site.

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For a more pleasant listening experience, I recommend skipping over the new SP album and checking out the new They Might Be Giants album, which is being streamed on the same site.

Thanks for the tip.

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What a great band they were in the early 90's. After S. Dream, i tuned out. What a bunch of self indulgent bullshit, I hope Billy Corigan never makes music again. Sorry to be so harsh and I know artists have to experiment but his vision has been lost for a long time, at least on where to take his music. It really was my hope he would return to the guitar driven fuzzy sound of early releases, but oh well, at least I won't have to waste money finding out how bad he sucks.

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has there been any more talk of the final Chicago concert (i think 3 hours) with Iha still in the band?


i know it was taped for DVD release because i think one of the songs ended up on their DVD video collection.

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It will be a shame if it does suck. I haven't heard it but I did kinda give up on them after Mellon Collie. I always had them plugged as a great singles band with the subsequent album then being mostly filler after a couple of killer tracks.

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has there been any more talk of the final Chicago concert (i think 3 hours) with Iha still in the band?


i know it was taped for DVD release because i think one of the songs ended up on their DVD video collection.


2 ended up on that video collection but there wasn't an offical release. I think it got wrapped up with some sort of label stalling with Virgin or something like that.


The Pumpkins at their prime slayed. No discussion. Pre-'94, there was little, if anything bad put out by them. Heck, their b-sides and unreleased tracks were even better than the album stuff. Subtract the filler from mellon collie and you got some great tunes. Even the b-sides from the Aeroplane Flies High were great. Consider that there are another 40 or songs unreleased from those sessions, I think it's a pretty good batting average. They are paying for their latter career now, which I admit isn't that great, but at one time no one could touch their creativity and sheer power.

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I am listening to this now as I type and while it is no Gish or Siamese Dream, it really isn't half bad. I would certainly put it a notch above the latest half baked shite from QOTSA.

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what does everyone thing of Adore?


For Martha is definitely one of my favorite Billy tunes. the opening track is great, too. i think if you edited down Adore to a solid 40 mins it would be pretty good. Machina would prob be helped a lot if it was 40 mins or so. if Billy knew the word "EP," i think it would have helped the reception of his later albums a lot.


back in the day i liked all of Mellon Collie except for the distorted screaming track on the second disk. i still might feel that way - i haven't got it out in awhile.

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I like a lot of Adore. I love a lot of the Pumpkins albums. When they were "on", they were unbeatable. Billy just had too much going on in his head and put it all out there when he might have been better served just dishing up the high lights.

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As a huge defender and fan of The Pumpkins since Gish, I cannot express how disappointed I am with this. It is everything that I was worried about and more. I even liked The Future Embrace, ok?!


How did Corgan forget how to write a single melody or hook? Why does the whole thing sound like it was recorded in a submarine with Billy singing in the next room? Who would have thought James and D'Arcy were the smart ones for skipping this. I guess they added more to the Pumpkins sound then I ever thought. This thing makes Zwan sound like the freaking Beatles! Between this and the new Sinead O'Conner, I am just mortified at two artists I had total respect for.


Time to go crank up the new Dino Jr and listen to a band that hasn't forgotten their craft.

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After S. Dream, i tuned out. What a bunch of self indulgent bullshit,


^ ^ ding ding, we have a winner.

SP's went from likeable to loathsome in less time than it took them to cash their first inifinite sadness checks.


And anyone who aligns with Courtney Love needs to be severely and completely rejected by the music loving world.

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It's pretty bad - the production is at fault. It would be easy to lay it at the feet to the mastering engineer but I think the mixes he got must have been so skewed that this was the best he coud get. That's what happens when you leave Corgan have total control....


I was a big fan - even loved Adore and Machina - but this is terrrible in every way. Some bands just say what they have to say and then hit a brick wall. Billy: You hit that wall some time back I'm afraid.

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It's pretty bad - the production is at fault. It would be easy to lay it at the feet to the mastering engineer but I think the mixes he got must have been so skewed that this was the best he coud get. That's what happens when you leave Corgan have total control....


I was a big fan - even loved Adore and Machina - but this is terrrible in every way. Some bands just say what they have to say and then hit a brick wall. Billy: You hit that wall some time back I'm afraid.

while the production isn't great, the songs don't exactly help it out either...


i like it way more than Machina musically, but at least Machina had a lot better hooks.

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