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Okay, damnit... the BRAGGING Thread

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Okay, maybe as a newbie, I might be crossing the line here, but what the hell? (By the way, please tell me if I am or do...)


Uncle Tupelo - Halloween, 1989 (Blue Note, Columbia, MO): A month or so before No Depression was even released. One of the shows that "changed my life".


Wilco - Their first-ever show, 1994 (Lounge Ax, Chicago, IL): Yeah, their first-ever show was my 2nd show of the evening. I went to the Ax rght from seeing Pegboy at The Vic. Jeff played the forst half of the show solo/acoustic. I dug it, but was not totally blow away. Oh, what perspective does history bring?


Replacements - July 4, 1992 (Grant Park, Chicago, IL): Their last-ever show. The roadies finished it up, taking the instruments away from the band at the end of "Hootenanny".


Stevie Ray Vaughan - August, 1989 (Alpine Valley, WI): Not his last show, but the evening before. I got back to my room at college to hear the message on my answering machine that Stevie Ray had died. A very poigniant moment. He blew everybody off the stage that evening (Clapton, Cray, and Jeff Healey).


Big Star - July, 1994 (Metro, Chicago, IL): Could've gone either way, but as it turned out, this was one of the best shows that I have ever seen. Alex was a smartass, but still totally "on" and, welsl, I just could not have asked for anything more from them.


Television - 1992 (Mississippi Nights, St. Louis, MO): My girlfriend at the time asked me, as we left the club, "I'll never see guitar playing like that ever again, will I?" The answer was, obviously, "No."


Neutral Milk Hotel - 1995 (Reckless Records, Chicago, IL): In-store performance from the soon-to-be-reclusive Jeff Mangum and company. They even played my request of "Song Against Sex". And were very cordial in post-performance conversation. Just, wow. I miss that band.


Okay, enough of my bragging.

How about yours?



Steve Earle - Oct. 10, 2007 (Martyr's, Chicago): Teeny-tiny (300-cap.) venue. Right up-front, leaning on the stage for one of the greatest living songwriters. That is also where I met Louie and Wendy; and I found out about this place.

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Ahh those are some good shows. Mine maybe not as exciting but to me they were.


Elliott Smith- Maxwells, Hoboken, NJ June 2003. His 3rd to last show ever and in a tiny place to boot!

Soul Coughing- Supper Club, NYC 1996? There last show ever...was not announced they were breaking up!

Morphine- Bell Atlantic Jazz Fest, NY 1999- last? USA show before Mark Sandman died

Depeche Mode- Bowery Ballroom- NYC Tiniest venue they played in USA in I dunno 20 years???

Flaming Lips- 1999 Fletcers Baltimore, MD Place held 250!

Beck- 1996 Sessions at West 54th. Last show of Odelay tour, venue held 200 and setlist was amazing

Cream- 2005 Reunited at MSG

U2- 2005 Under the Brooklyn Bridge...pretty cooooool

Radiohead at Hammerstein, NYC 1997 Ok Computer tour..enough said!

Bruce Springsteen- Rehersal at Continental Arena, NJ in 2003? Maybe 1000 people in attendence..was an unusual prospective

Ben Folds Five - Scranton, PA 1999? One of their last shows ever as BFF. Played 4 songs never released that were supposed to be on the new album!


Will add more if I think of it!

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The Beatles - August 29, 1966 - San Francisco Candlestick Park: That's right. The Fab's last show ever. Was I there? No. I wasn't even born for another ten years or so.


Really, I got nothing. Just a bunch of middle of tour shows from some long running and still active moderately popular bands. I enjoyed the majority of them, but none would inspire envy. Your lists are pretty impressive though. Wilco's first show, early Tupelo, Elliott Smith at Maxwells. I'm impressed.

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I saw Uncle Tupelo in Boston. I honestly can't remember where though...I wanna say at the Paradise, but I kinda think I'm wrong and it was one of the places in Cambridge (TT's or Middle East).


I also saw Nirvana (the week Nevermind came out) in one of the clubs on Landsdowne St. This was probably one of the last chances to see them in a room with a few hundred people, so I'm thankful I was able to catch them then.

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The White Stripes, White Blood Cells record release, June something, 2001, the Magic Stick, Detroit. I've seen them many times since then, but this was my first and maybe the greatest. It was just before they really broke out, and it was pretty clear to everyone there that they were going to. I've never been to a show there that was so packed and with the entire crowd so amped.


Also was at the Blanche record release for If We Can't Trust the Doctors at the Magic Stick, which was the show where Jack White and Jason Stollsteimer got into their scuffle.


Arcade Fire, also at the Stick, October or November 2004. Hadn't heard a note by the yet, but heard good reviews but I was bored and it was $8. Glad I caught them at a small venue when I had the chance.


Johnny Cash at the Power Center, Ann Arbor, some time in maybe 1995 or so? I'm not really sure on the date of that one, but I remember it clearly. Not a huge place, and I was there with my dad, who also saw Cash in 1968. So awesome.


Wilco and Sonic Youth together in Cleveland, whenever that was.


Iggy & the Stooges at Pine Knob, Clarkston, MI, August 2003. Their first Detroit-area show in 30 years. Sonic Youth and the Von Bondies opening. It was an epic show that was postponed by the massive power outage, but man, totally worth it. Unbelievable show, and I now have it on DVD. :)

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I've seen some stand-out Dead shows that might interest other 'heads, but no one else: Garcia and John Kahn acoustic, Garcia solo, "St. Stephen" Hartford '83, Warlocks '89 Hampton, etc. Sat in for Phil and Ryan Adams rehearsing for Fillmore and Red Rocks shows a few years ago, too.


Lots of Phish shows in the pre-fame days of late 80s.


For the mainstream:


Johnny Cash at Telluride Bluegrass festival, 1998 maybe?

Vassar Clements several times w/Stir fried

Butthole Surfers in mid-late 80s somewhere in VA.

Bad Brains in same era.

Sonic Youth same era. Also opening for Neil Young.

Bob Dyaln with the Dead in '86

Kinks, 1979, New Haven

U2, New Haven, 1981

The Police in '82, New Haven.

Frank Zappa '79 or '80, Hartford.

Nirvana in NY in '94.

GnR a few times in late 80s and early 90s. Great live show.

Dizzy Gillespie at Yale in early 80s.

Rick Danko and Buddy Cage in a small bar in Providence, '84 or '85.



I knows there's a bunch more but I can't remember them right now.

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That list above is pretty frickin cool.




Talking Heads at the Police Picnic - debut of the 'large band'


Clash at the O'Keefe Centre. 'If only Beatlemania had bitten the dust'


REM at Barrymores. All covers because cans of piss were being thrown.


Last ever Deadly Snakes show at the Silver Dollar.


Jeff Healy, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Mark Knophler at the top of the Brunswick house with 20 other people. Healy was 16 or 17 at the time and soon after that Vaughan was gone.


Replacements at the Masonic Temple in 1985. Split a beer over Tommy. got cursed at.


Radiohead at Call the Offfice in 1997. OK Computer had just come out. It was packed, but still a very small rock club


Josh Ritter at the London Music Club (My first ever attempt at booking a show)

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B52s~ 1978

Pretenders~ 1979

Neil Young~1979

Bruce Springsteen~1979

David Lindley~1981 (all time favorite show)

Tom Waits~1981


These also rank as some of my favorite shows ever. With the exeption of Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen, all of these were in tiny clubs.


During the late 70s and early 80s I also saw Dylan a handful of times, but I wouldn't really brag about it. :/

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I dont have any super cool ones, but I have a few noteworthy ones.



I got around 5th row center theatre tickets for Brian wilson on the smile tour. I also got to meet him afterwards. It was very cool because I was walking down the hall towards his dressing room with the tour manager and brian was playing piano and singing gibberish but it sounded absolutely amazing. He stopped as soon as we came by and was a paranoid wreck. It was crazy to see and hear the contrast between him immeresed in the music, and out in the real world.


I saw wilco when they played tampa in 2005. It was in a medium sized theatre (Carol Morsani Hall) but it had a large orchestra pit, resulting in the band being around 20 feet from the first row of seating. Tweedy said something about it being wierd a few songs into the show, and some people jumped up. Me and a friend of mine proceded to race to the front, and I was able to witness the rest of the show from Tweedy's feet. He was about 4 feet away. There was a teeneage girl standing next to me that answered he phone during the "explaining why we should scream" part of Kingpin, and tweedy took the phone from her and talked to her mom. It was super cool!


I saw Whiskeytown at a festival when I was about 12, but the only thing I was into then was Led Zeppelin and stuff like that, so I didnt pay any attention to them. I know I was there because the band before them (the Neilds) signed a sticker that I put on the case of my 1st guitar, and the band after them (The Nixons) had some song I liked.

If I only knew I was witnessing one of my favorites! Oh Well.

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The Pretenders with Honeyman-Scott and Farndon? That is brag-worthy. :worship





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It was a few months before the eponymous album was released.

That night twisted my young mind forever.

The only time I saw them was in early '84. I had a head full of psychedelics and my seat was up in the balcony. As the show got underway I was compelled by this force to inch my way to the front until I was directly in front of Chrissie and she sang to me the rest of the night.


Needless to say, I was totally smitten and still consider Ms. Hynde to be the finest female rocker in the history of rock. :wub

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Saw the Magnetic Fields do all 69 Love Songs over two nights. And I saw them do it twice (once in Boston and once in NYC).

Saw the Pixies a number of times in small clubs but one show at the Rat in Boston (with Galaxie 500 opening) stands out.

Saw Richard Thompson play in a fairly small club.

Saw Sonic Youth the week Daydream Nation came out. The word was they played it straight through but no one had it yet ...

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Talking Heads at the Police Picnic - debut of the 'large band'


Clash at the O'Keefe Centre. 'If only Beatlemania had bitten the dust'


REM at Barrymores. All covers because cans of piss were being thrown.

This is a bragging thread, right:

Talking Heads at Horseshoe

Clash at Rex Danforth Music Hall

REM at Larry's

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This is a bragging thread, right:

Talking Heads at Horseshoe

Clash at Rex Danforth Music Hall

REM at Larry's



YEs it is, and I find ALL of those bragworthy.



I will also add, though...

Pixies - November, 1989 (Blue Note, Columbia, MO): This show (and the UT show I mentioned earlier are both from the OLD Blue Note location, on the outskirts of downtown Columbia. The old hole-in-the-wall, as oppposed to the shiny new digs they moved into a year or so later. The old place was also much smaller.


But I still don't this this one stands up to your shows, bob. Again: Damn.

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Replacements - July 4, 1992 (Grant Park, Chicago, IL): Their last-ever show. The roadies finished it up, taking the instruments away from the band at the end of "Hootenanny".

fwiw, this was '91 (10 years to the day before Jay Bennett's last performance with Wilco at the very same place :brow )


but i'm jealous of your list regardless ;)

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Ramones - El Mocambo

Cheap Trick - El Mocambo

Springsteen at Convention Hall, Asbury Park

Elvis Costello - El Mocambo

Who with Moon

Rush - Banting Memorial High School


And on and on he goes...


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