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Is Jessica Simpson cute?

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Jessica Simpson and the like being shoved in our woman-faces all the time is supposed to make us feel bad. It works on some women but such methods of oppression are powerless against anyone with a fully functioning brain.



Yeah, unfortunately, 83% of all Americans are retarded.


We need to stop the culture of victimization and start blaming ourselves for our woes. If I am overweight, it isn't because McDonald's is making me eat their burgers. If I have low self esteem, it has nothing to do with Brad Pitt's six pack.


People don't want to take blame for their fuck ups. Parents don't want to take blame for anything their kids do wrong, and they certainly don't want to punish them. People don't want to take accountability for their actions or inactions. This isn't Jessica Simpson's fault. Jessica Simpson is what we, as a society want. Because we want to be able to play the victim and blame her for our problems. It's easy.

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Yeah, unfortunately, 83% of all Americans are retarded.


We need to stop the culture of victimization and start blaming ourselves for our woes. If I am overweight, it isn't because McDonald's is making me eat their burgers. If I have low self esteem, it has nothing to do with Brad Pitt's six pack.


People don't want to take blame for their fuck ups. Parents don't want to take blame for anything their kids do wrong, and they certainly don't want to punish them. People don't want to take accountability for their actions or inactions. This isn't Jessica Simpson's fault. Jessica Simpson is what we, as a society want. Because we want to be able to play the victim and blame her for our problems. It's easy.

Dude........I knew you had your shit together the first(only) time I met you. :cheers

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Yeah, unfortunately, 83% of all Americans are retarded.


We need to stop the culture of victimization and start blaming ourselves for our woes. If I am overweight, it isn't because McDonald's is making me eat their burgers. If I have low self esteem, it has nothing to do with Brad Pitt's six pack.


People don't want to take blame for their fuck ups. Parents don't want to take blame for anything their kids do wrong, and they certainly don't want to punish them. People don't want to take accountability for their actions or inactions. This isn't Jessica Simpson's fault. Jessica Simpson is what we, as a society want. Because we want to be able to play the victim and blame her for our problems. It's easy.

you make too much sense for a 19 year old.

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I'm not sure I get the point of Jessica Simpson "being shoved in our faces" deal or even the point that she's "what we, as a society want" part. The chick has gold albums and stars in movies. Whether she's any good at that stuff is in the eye of the beholder, but just because some folks find her attractive why does that play into her being forced on the public? She's a public figure regardless of her looks.


Haven't "good-looking" actors/actresses/singers always graced the front pages of the tabloids, anyway? Didn't Anne Margret and Jean Harlow and Clark Gable and Errol Flyyn, etc. sell magazines and garner too much of the public eye too? I realize Whoopi Goldberg won't be making a lot of covers in a bikini, but she's still forced on the public in her own way.

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I can't say that I feel like Jessica Simpson's forced in my face on a regular basis, probably because I don't partake in the types of places she frequents. I pretty much avoid most of the pop culture outlets and if I choose to read them, well, I've got it coming, then.


I do think she looks too unnatural to be pretty. But that's just me.


Having a daughter, I am pretty concerned about how media images of women are going to shape her. But as her parent, it's my job to control her access to those images and help her develop a strong enough sense of self to manage those images later in her life. She's almost four, and I'm a hardass about not letting her have much access to anything related to Barbie, Bratz or princesses. That's the one thing that really unnerves me - those images are geared towards girls my daughters' age, and I think that's a lot more problematic than the Jessicas and Britneys in the media. At this stage she's been around so little of that stuff that she doesn't ask for it. She's much more interested in dinosaurs, making cupcakes, playing guitar, her books, and Chthulu. She likes some girly stuff, but overall I think we're doing a good job of raising a well-rounded kid, which will hopefully prevent some of the body image and media images that certainly await her down the road.


I do think it'll help that I'm pretty darn comfortable with my appearance. She's not going to grow up seeing me bag on myself.

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All VERY WELL SAID Robin :thumbup


I try and do the same for my girls, as well. Tho the older they get, the tougher it gets. I've actually starting going back to my gym recently. I don't make it a big deal around them, but when they see my shoes out or I show up at the pick-up line sorta sweaty, they know what's up. When they ask WHY I'm going, I NEVER said to lose weight. I say to be healthy. Everyone needs exercise and Mommy doesn't get recess like you. They are both thin, petite girls but should the day ever come when they have to battle a weight issue I want them to have a healthy sense of mind when dealing with it, ya know?!?


A year or two ago, my oldest was telling me how one of the girls in their school/Brownie Troop was telling everyone how "skinny is the way to be". Oh BOY, did I have an earful for my girls that night :yes

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How did I know YOU were going to be the one to respond to that?




1/2 Joke


But - one would not go to jessica simpson naked and covered in tuna fish oil.com to find photos of Jeff Tweedy - I don't think.

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