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Made in the USA: Spoiled brats

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I'm definitely more Conservative than not, but consider myself faily moderate. But when I read political topics on this board, I find myself WANTING to be Republican. Some of the smug, left, "we love and care for everyone and Republicans don't" crap that people write on her makes me sick to my stomach.

Sour grapes much? While there are certainly a fair number of ignorant sheep in any political crowd (left, right, or middle), your characterization of the political discourse on this board is far from accurate.


Sounds like someone is still smarting from having his own opinion questioned in another political thread.

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Some of the smug, left, "we love and care for everyone and Republicans don't" crap that people write on her makes me sick to my stomach.

I agree this happens sometimes around here, but I missed it in the responses so far in this thread. Which posts make this claim?

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Lamrod, you rock!



It's so easy to get people rattled on this board when it comes to politics. I love it.


I'm definitely more Conservative than not, but consider myself faily moderate. But when I read political topics on this board, I find myself WANTING to be Republican. Some of the smug, left, "we love and care for everyone and Republicans don't" crap that people write on her makes me sick to my stomach.



(I actually kinda sorta liked the article.)



Main Entry: smug

Pronunciation: \ˈsməg\

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): smug

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your characterization of the political discourse on this board is far from accurate.


going to have to disagree on this one. while i agree w/ everybody that the original post was nothing but a W infomercial, i also agree that a large contingent of those to the left leaning side of the political divide are no less intolerant, bigoted, smug, quick to stereotype, spin, etc. than anyone in the evil empire they rally against.


really, nobody on either side wants to find the common ground that is much more realistic to how life actually is...they only want things to be as they see it. i'm a lot more moderate than i used to be...a lot of that is because of how put-off i am by the right AND the left.

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really, nobody on either side wants to find the common ground that is much more realistic to how life actually is...they only want things to be as they see it. i'm a lot more moderate than i used to be...a lot of that is because of how put-off i am by the right AND the left.

I think I see that in most voices here though. A few loud voices in both extremes tend to overwhelm them, is the issue.

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going to have to disagree on this one. while i agree w/ everybody that the original post was nothing but a W infomercial, i also agree that a large contingent of those to the left leaning side of the political divide are no less intolerant, bigoted, smug, quick to stereotype, spin, etc. than anyone in the evil empire they rally against.

I should add the disclaimer that I have Treehuggin' Whateverheis and IRDB on "ignore," so my perception of the level of discourse is skewed accordingly.

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3) Um, Bush gets credit for "keeping us safe from terrorist attacks" when the 9/11 attacks themselves occurred on his watch? Okay ....

Oh, right, I forgot. We should blame Clinton for 9/11. My bad.



There's more than enough blame to go around for 9/11.


It's really east to look at catastrophic attacks years down the road and see the clues. Same thing happened after Pearl Harbor.

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There are always things on the left that cause me to cringe about my fellow travelers. This whole Berkeley/Marine recruiters thing is a prime example.


Dear Berkeley: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Love, A Liberal Who's Too Embarrassed To Be Seen With You

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There are always things on the left that cause me to cringe about my fellow travelers. This whole Berkeley/Marine recruiters thing is a prime example.


Dear Berkeley: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Love, A Liberal Who's Too Embarrassed To Be Seen With You

I agree. I regret the fact that we have to have a military, but we have to have a military. And if you have to have a military, who has to be in that military?

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going to have to disagree on this one. while i agree w/ everybody that the original post was nothing but a W infomercial, i also agree that a large contingent of those to the left leaning side of the political divide are no less intolerant, bigoted, smug, quick to stereotype, spin, etc. than anyone in the evil empire they rally against.


really, nobody on either side wants to find the common ground that is much more realistic to how life actually is...they only want things to be as they see it. i'm a lot more moderate than i used to be...a lot of that is because of how put-off i am by the right AND the left.



El Ron Huxtable for President.




Very well said.




I remember reading about Trey Parker and Matt Stone when they made Team America. They always considered themselves liberals, but they were out in California and got sick of the actor types railing against Bush and the Republicans, and you can see that in the hilarious Team America. Both sides on the extreme can be utterly ridiulous, and Team America did an awesome job of nailing both sides.


Honestly...in all seriousness.....there's many times when I'm watching the mainstream news outlets or hear George Clooney on TV or hang around creative, artistic types (I'm in a creative business), that I get the sense if you're Conservative, you're a people hater who has no compassion. That's so far from the truth. I have sympathy for women who choose to have abortions.....the mental anguish must be excruciating, but why can't their be a middle ground on 3rd semester abortions? I think gays are naturally attracted to the same sex, and definitely think they should have some sort of official union, but why should they get the EXACT treatment as a man and woman, when the man/woman relationship results in new girls and boys to advance civilization? I love the beautiful planet, but c'mon, it's OK to chop down a tree. We're growing more trees than ever before. I HATE war, and the Iraq situation turns my stomach. But there IS evil in this world and sometimes there ain't much of a choice. The "anti-terror" theme of Cheney/Bush has gotten old, I agree. But I find it REMARKABLE that there has not been an attack on America since '01. I'm all for Mexicans living their dream in America. But damn to hell.....get her LEGALLY a-holes. And while I'm at it....pay your damn taxes before sending all your money back home to Mexico. Building a wall is WAY extreme, but how are we going to stop people from just wandering over to our country. Shouldn't we SOMETHING that's at least a little extreme about that? Is it not OK to know who's here in our country? I love animals.....I have a dog who I love to death. But if my dog needs an operation to keep him alive, and it costs a couple thousand bucks.....adios dog.

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Lamrod, you rock!



It's so easy to get people rattled on this board when it comes to politics. I love it.


I'm definitely more Conservative than not, but consider myself faily moderate. But when I read political topics on this board, I find myself WANTING to be Republican. Some of the smug, left, "we love and care for everyone and Republicans don't" crap that people write on her makes me sick to my stomach.



(I actually kinda sorta liked the article.)


Thank you. And I thought I was the only Conservative on the board! But I really wouldn't call myself hardcore conservative, I just try and see both sides of the story and then make my own decision, and those decisions lean more toward the right.. But that being said, it's true (and I think Lammycat mentioned this) that this country has become so partisan, and people lose focus on what's really right or wrong.. The article talks about how Americans are unhappy. We are unhappy because we expect everything and expect to do nothing to get it. What will you do for me next? I need this. I need that. Who will provide this and that for me? Let's buy another foreign car or product and increase the national debt. Big sale at Wal-Mart. Blah, blah, blah. As a country we need to look in the mirror. Perhaps we simply need to look back at what JFK said decades ago, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

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The whole essay sounded like a "look the other way" type of piece. The reason the people of America do have concern for the government and do want a strong nation are the results of not having to worry that there will be food in the grocery stores and firefighters waiting to help. That's why the US is dubbed as a great nation. America's citizens have the ability to criticize and make claims. That's what the country was founded on. How many large-scale, positive changes were made by accepting thing for what they are and just being okay with them?

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2) Yay, tax cuts for the rich! What could be better when you're mortgaging our nation's fiscal future with a war that should never have been waged in the first place?

Stay on topic. This isn't even about mortgages! :P


(Speaking of which, does anybody want to buy my house when my job gets shipped out to India next month? Anyone? :unsure )

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really, nobody on either side wants to find the common ground that is much more realistic to how life actually is...they only want things to be as they see it. i'm a lot more moderate than i used to be...a lot of that is because of how put-off i am by the right AND the left.



You do know that this is by design don't you? RIght now they call it Rovian, But Lee Atwater was a master at it as were those in the Reagan camp. I call it divide and conquer, the Rove crew believe in the take no prisoners, broker no deals with those who don't support you. It may have been going on longer, but it was during the late Carter years and early Reagan years that I become politically aware. And of course today it is worse than ever. Glad we have a uniter in charge.

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I remember reading about Trey Parker and Matt Stone when they made Team America. They always considered themselves liberals, but they were out in California and got sick of the actor types railing against Bush and the Republicans, and you can see that in the hilarious Team America. Both sides on the extreme can be utterly ridiulous, and Team America did an awesome job of nailing both sides.


Exactly. And that's why I love Trey and Matt. They see both sides. They sort of give you an inside perspective on issues and make you say "wow, I never thought about it that way.. ".. I used to hate South Park because I thought it was just all toilet humor and bad taste, but when you watch it enough, you see both sides of many important issues affecting the world, and it has helped me construct a lot of my views.

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