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Saw James Taylor on Saturday night

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I would say that I was damn stupid, if I weren' just clueless at the time. I'm not even a big JT fan. But the rain held off, we didn't see any tornadoes, and we didn't hear any sirens. So that's lucky.

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One would think that the people putting on the show would, I don't know... cancel the show? Let everyone know? Maybe it wasn't their fault, though. Maybe the authorities, who were probably aware of a large outdoor gathering, could have swung by and alerted the masses?


I don't know how much of it is really your fault, but that's what you get for going to see James Taylor. (Kidding. :thumbup )

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I don't know how much of it is really your fault, but that's what you get for going to see James Taylor. (Kidding. :thumbup )


The things we do for love...

(Oh wait... that was Elvin Bishop!)

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no ... it was 10cc :P



Fooled Around and Fell in Love was Elvin Bishop.


Always get those songs confused as to who sang them! Anyway, I like them both, and the sentiment of my post remains the same.

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  • 6 months later...
James Taylor is the worst artist in the history of recorded music.

I went to see JT at Foxwoods (MA) about 17 years or so ago on a whim. A buddy called me at the last minute with an extra ticket so I rode up from CT with him on a very rainy day. I had neither like or dislike for JT at the time. I was pretty much middle-of-the-road with the cat. Anyway, the concert was fantastic and I was quite surprised at how well he sounded. He had a horn section and band backing him up and it just worked really well that day.


That said, I still have neither like or dislike for the cat.

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Along the lines of bad performers. Saw David Cook on SNL last night. Now I know it's uncool to bag on such an easy mark but I had to get this off my chest. He actually seems like he is talented and could be something but watching his band last night you could just tell there was some David Cook marketing committee that picked his band members. They were straight out of the "How to look and act like a rock star" manual. I was watching it and to me it just felt so Spinal Tap, the poses and faces they were making. What I was wondering is, am I just getting really old and cynical about bands or were there tons of other people watching and thinking the same thing? Maybe this is very obvious to everyone considering where he came from and all but he did have the option of going the "Genuine" route and not go all Nickelback on the world. Anyways, I feel better.


I'm no fan of James Taylor but I will take him over that marketing creation I saw last night any day.

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James Taylor is the worst artist in the history of recorded music.










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James maybe has more of the cool factor (On apple records, heroin addict, was on the Simpsons - See below) although that's debatable.


I hate that damn Steamroller song as much as I hate any song out there.


On another note, Neil wrote better songs.


From the Simpsons:

Controller: Er, some good news, gentlemen. We have quite a treat for

you. We've been able to coax superstar James Taylor in here

to Mission Control to wish you well and play you a little

bit of his own brand of laid-back adult contemporary music.

Homer: Wow, former president James Taylor.

Taylor: How ya doin', fellas?

Buzz: With all due respect, Mr. Taylor, this isn't the best time

for your unique brand of bittersweet folk rock. We have a

potentially critical situation here. I'm sure you'll


Taylor: Listen, Aldrin, I'm not as laid back as people think. Now

here's the deal: I'm going to play, and you're going to

float there and like it.


When you're down, and troubled,

And you need a helping hand,

And nothing, oh, nothing is going right...

-- Strangely apt choice of lyrics, "Deep Space Homer"


Kent Brockman reports on Channel Six.


Kent: We're just about to get our first pictures from inside the

spacecraft with "average-naut" Homer Simpson, and we'd like to

-- aah!

[Camera shows a close-up of an ant floating in front of the

three astronauts]

Everyone: Aah!

Kent: Ladies and gentlemen, er, we've just lost the picture, but,

uh, what we've seen speaks for itself. The Corvair spacecraft

has been taken over -- "conquered", if you will -- by a master

race of giant space ants. It's difficult to tell from this

vantage point whether they will consume the captive earth men

or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain, there is no

stopping them; the ants will soon be here.

And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to

remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful

in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar


Marge: Mmm, don't worry, kids. I'm sure your father's all right.

Lisa: What are you basing that on, Mom?


Marge: [with forced cheer] Who wants ginger snaps?

-- I do! Me too, please!, "Deep Space Homer"


James Taylor continues to sing to the hapless astronauts. "{There's

hours of time on the telephone line,/Talking 'bout things to

come.}/Sweet dreams, and flying machines,/And pieces on the ground --

um..." He pauses, then continues, "Sweet dreams, and flying

machines,/Flying safely through the air..."


Things go from bad to worse on the spaceship. Some of the ants land on

the controls and crawl into them.


Race: Oh my God, the ants are shorting out our navigation systems!

[the astronauts smack back and forth into the walls]

Taylor: Ants, huh? We had quite a severe ant problem at the vineyard

this year. I had Art Garfunkel come by with his compressor,

and we created a total vacuum outside the house, and we blew

the ants out the front door. But I'm sure you high-tech NASA

people could care less about our resort-town ways.

Assistant: [menacing] Quiet, you --

Scientist: Wait a minute...this unkempt youngster might just be on to


-- Unkempt? Young? Naah.

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Neil is a highly underrated song writer. His last few albums are excellent, not to mention Hot August Night from the 70s being in the upper tier of live albums.



Neil Diamond is cooler than any slacker singer songwriter you might obsess on and he's pushing 70

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