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And the whole Paris Brittney thing is coded racial 100%. They want people to see Obama and two young white women together in the same ad to give those republican supporters who are lower on the evolutionary scale the image of the scary black man scrounging for white women.


You should stop reading the Huffington Post. Race plays no part in that ad unless you want to see it. It's comparing Obama to two empty celebrities who are pretty much famous just for being famous. It's pretty funny, actually.

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And the whole Paris Brittney thing is coded racial 100%.

coded racial?


They want people to see Obama and two young white women together in the same ad to give those republican supporters who are lower on the evolutionary scale the image of the scary black man scrounging for white women.


Come on man, you can't expect those "lower on the evolutionary scale" to be smart enough to place "racial codes" now can you?


When I get smarter I'm going to join the democratic party...........how long will it take evolution to help me?

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coded racial?




Come on man, you can't expect those "lower on the evolutionary scale" to be smart enough to place "racial codes" now can you?


When I get smarter I'm going to join the democratic party...........how long will it take evolution to help me?

You are a republican, you don't believe in evolution, sorry.

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Though it probably already occurred much earlier, the appearance of Brittany and Paris, in a campaign ad no less, almost sort of has to indicate that our political process, the way in which we choose our candidates, has jumped the shark.

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Though it probably already occurred much earlier, the appearance of Brittany and Paris, in a campaign ad no less, almost sort of has to indicate that our political process, the way in which we choose our candidates, has jumped the shark.


Like you said, our political process jumped the shark a long time ago, like in 1796:


Adams went negative by promoting rumors that Jefferson had a long-running affair with one of his black slaves. The Adams campaign also insinuated that Jefferson supported incest and would legalize prostitution.


Jefferson's campaign charged that Adams had not one, but two, mistresses. Even worse considering the times, Jefferson's campaign charged that Adams imported his mistresses from England.

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Forget about the middle name. It's a Limbaugh thing. I'm surprised Obama is playing the race card. "I don't look like the other presidents..."




McCain aired a commercial mocking a picture of Obama on a dollar bill before Obama made this statement.

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Though it probably already occurred much earlier, the appearance of Brittany and Paris almost sort of has to indicate that our political campaign process, the way in which we campaign to the voting public to choose your candidate, has jumped the shark.


I think it's more so the above. I was also not aware of the dollar bill ad and, quite frankly, think that McCain needs to re-evaluate his strategy. There is an element of the 'celebrity' status that they'd be stupid not to incorporate to throw some distrust on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Heartland into the mix...as I do think that widespread hollywood endorsements can indeed backfire in context to a certain subset of the population...but the McCain campaign seems to be taking it to such an extreme it comes off as silly and grasping at straws.

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What about the democrats who are lower on the evolutionary scale?




That is more blind, fervent support for a policy and party than it is for a person. Install anyone else into his place, and the same people will support him, because of what he represents.


Whereas it seems to me, much of the support is for Obama the man, rather than Obama the policies.


When I talk of those lower on the evolutionary scale...it is a metaphor for those who vote republican who really have no reason to. i.e. joe sixpack the NASCAR fan. people like that. Go ahhead and hammer me for generalizing annd point out the people you know who don't fall into that category, but they do exiist in the millions. I live in a fairly depressed county where republican policies have hurt many and yet the county still votes republican 60% and higher. Bush got like 70+ last time.


I'm sorry but the blind love for Bush is unfathomable to me. Never in my lifetime have I seen one person so blindly followed as an almost mesianic character by so many in this country. Obama has nothhing on Bush. Obama's supporters will at least admit his faults. Bush supporters who see anyone pointing out his faults or disagreeing with his policies lump all of those people into the :"Bush hater" category without thinking one bit about the actual policy or presidential action in question. It may come downn to his protective cocoon that he rarely leaves, but it in no way shape or form is rational.


By the way, the southern strategy is alive and kicking, it is not a measure of my vivid imagination, from Reagan annnouncing his presidency at Philadelphia, MS to Bush I & III campaigining at Bob Jones University to constant references to states rights and immigration bashing, and now he images of Obama and sweet white girls its all designned to evoke fear of brown people. If the ad was truely to show Obama as one of the worlds most popular celebeties, then maybe they would have taken and compared him to the worldds top celebreties, Oprahand Tiger woods, but that would not have served the dual purose, instead they go deep into the list annd get the bottom feeders for the imagry. And no I don't read Huffington or any of those sites, it really does not take a degree in rocket sciience to figure this stuff out.

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I'm willing to believe that the ad in question wasn't intended to be racial. (Most likely, the ad uses those two particular girls not because they are white but because they are America's most recognizable symbols of empty celebrity; they are airheads who just happen to be white girls.) Still, in this age of carefully tested messages and sophisticated, subliminal marketing, it seems foolish to deny the possibility that the McCain campaign was aware of the racial overtones. Accidents are rare in this kind of marketing.

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Here's that ad.

God, McCain's camp is really responsible for that? Amateur hour.

Good grief... that was really lame. I know McCain thinks he's being clever and funny with this type of ad, but he's stunningly tone-deaf. Worse, there's nothing funny about a once-honorable politician stooping, over and over again, to such juvenile, condescending, desperate tactics. It's just embarrassing.

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Good grief... that was really lame. I know McCain thinks he's being clever and funny with this type of ad, but he's stunningly tone-deaf. Worse, there's nothing funny about a once-honorable politician stooping, over and over again, to such juvenile, condescending, desperate tactics. It's just embarrassing.


That's pretty much the reason I'll be voting for Obama this november. I'm split on policy between the two, but I have no respect for him anymore...

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and now he images of Obama and sweet white girls its all designned to evoke fear of brown people. If the ad was truely to show Obama as one of the worlds most popular celebeties, then maybe they would have taken and compared him to the worldds top celebreties, Oprahand Tiger woods, but that would not have served the dual purose, instead they go deep into the list annd get the bottom feeders for the imagry. And no I don't read Huffington or any of those sites, it really does not take a degree in rocket sciience to figure this stuff out.


Oprah and Tiger have both achieved fame and celebrity by being great at what they do and constantly raising the bar for themselves and the people in their respective fields.


That is why Obama is nothing like those two and shares much more in common with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Two celebrities who have nothing to offer anyone.


The only similarity between Obama and Oprah & Tiger is their skin color. So, apparently, that is all you care about.

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I'm willing to believe that the ad in question wasn't intended to be racial. (Most likely, the ad uses those two particular girls not because they are white but because they are America's most recognizable symbols of empty celebrity; they are airheads who just happen to be white girls.) Still, in this age of carefully tested messages and sophisticated, subliminal marketing, it seems foolish to deny the possibility that the McCain campaign was aware of the racial overtones. Accidents are rare in this kind of marketing.



"What we decided to do is find the top three international celebrities in the world, and I would say from our indications, Britney and Paris came in second and third," said campaign manager Rick Davis.

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Oprah and Tiger have both achieved fame and celebrity by being great at what they do and constantly raising the bar for themselves and the people in their respective fields.


That is why Obama is nothing like those two and shares much more in common with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Two celebrities who have nothing to offer anyone.


The only similarity between Obama and Oprah & Tiger is their skin color. So, apparently, that is all you care about.

I don't even know where to start.... (this is sarcastic, right?)

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"What we decided to do is find the top three international celebrities in the world, and I would say from our indications, Britney and Paris came in second and third," said campaign manager Rick Davis.


So it had nothing to do with race, is what you are saying.

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I can dig that. But I've never heard candidates middle names used (unless they use it themselves, but he goes by Barack Obama) and it is obviously because it's Muslim sounding. First of all, that's fear mongering because people in this country do have fears about Muslims, and secondly it shouldn't matter even if he was Muslim.

What about H.W. Bush?

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"What we decided to do is find the top three international celebrities in the world, and I would say from our indications, Britney and Paris came in second and third," said campaign manager Rick Davis.

McCain must be going for the coveted indie kid vote.

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What about H.W. Bush?

Definitely, also George W., Clinton used Jefferson. But Barack goes by Barack Obama. And it doesn't seem common to use the middle name. I don't see people referencing John McCain's.

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"What we decided to do is find the top three international celebrities in the world, and I would say from our indications, Britney and Paris came in second and third," said campaign manager Rick Davis.


Sarcasm just doesn't play well to the self-righteous and humorless.

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What about H.W. Bush?

There's nothing wrong with using "Hussein" the same way people once used "Herbert Walker" or "Jefferson" or "Milhous." The problem is, often Obama's opponents use "Hussein" not that way but with a contemptuous sneer, clearly intending to use negative connotations to smear the candidate. It's both transparent and stupid.

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