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Maybe somebody already said this, but I don't understand why there is such a big load of shit surrounding climate change. Real or not (it is real, for the record), what harm does it do to be a little bit better to the earth? Eat peanut butter and jelly every once in awhile, buy an economical/environmentally friendly vehicle if you can afford to, etc. Plant a tree. That doesn't hurt anybody.


The other thing, the fearmongering, kills bunches and bunches of people.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
Maybe somebody already said this, but I don't understand why there is such a big load of shit surrounding climate change. Real or not (it is real, for the record), what harm does it do to be a little bit better to the earth? Eat peanut butter and jelly every once in awhile, buy an economical/environmentally friendly vehicle if you can afford to, etc. Plant a tree. That doesn't hurt anybody.

What about a vehicle that runs on peanut butter and jelly?

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Maybe somebody already said this, but I don't understand why there is such a big load of shit surrounding climate change. Real or not (it is real, for the record), what harm does it do to be a little bit better to the earth? Eat peanut butter and jelly every once in awhile, buy an economical/environmentally friendly vehicle if you can afford to, etc. Plant a tree. That doesn't hurt anybody.


The other thing, the fearmongering, kills bunches and bunches of people.



but somebody has to be right dammit! and what better way to show you're right than by controlling others?

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Some people need the global warming debate to go away so they don't have to feel guilty for being a fat over consuming slob.


The fact is there is a natural balance that must be protected on this planet and it ain't happening. Without it (BALANCE) everything dies a slow unheathy death. Vegatation, air, water, animals, people, things that go creepy crawly in the night...etc. We all have to live within the balance prescribed by nature, not by humans.


You do not need a yep it is global warming that's killing us ticket from scientist to see our world is filling up with crap as well as our bodies. At least liberals and dems give a shit and will acknowledge we need to get off our butts and do simple things to save this planet.


Consuming consuming consuming without restoring our natural resources to their NATURAL state will kill the earth and all it's living creatures. Humans unfortunately, can live unhealthy for a 100 years..so they just don't care if the bees parish and the water is green.


Maybe somebody already said this, but I don't understand why there is such a big load of shit surrounding climate change. Real or not (it is real, for the record), what harm does it do to be a little bit better to the earth? Eat peanut butter and jelly every once in awhile, buy an economical/environmentally friendly vehicle if you can afford to, etc. Plant a tree. That doesn't hurt anybody.


The other thing, the fearmongering, kills bunches and bunches of people.



~right on~


try organic peanut butter and jelly though!

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Guest Jules
At least liberals and dems give a shit and will acknowledge we need to get off our butts and do simple things to save this planet.

Quoted for stupidity.

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Some people need the global warming debate to go away so they don't have to feel guilty for being a fat over consuming slob.




You know, I've never seen a fat Democrat.

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You know, I've never seen a fat Democrat.


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You've had one of those moments, unfortunately, the had-ing taking place is brought to you by the folks responsible for the creation of the documentary - which is to say, you've been had.


Inversely, would that mean individuals with a strong belief in the truth of Inconvenient Truth have been had as well?


I stress, I am considering the ideas from this documentary. I did not go into detail of the documentary, maybe take a view of it and see what you think?

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There is a difference between:


1. damaging our environment




2. global warming caused by humans


I am starting to feel like a misunderstood liberal making an appearance on Hannity & Colmes...


Me: Sean, have you seen the documentary?

Sean: NO, but I know it is a bunch of liberal propaganda, blah, blah

Me: Well, maybe you should watch it, what will it hurt. Do you fear considering a different perspective?

Sean: I know who I am, I don't need your leftist bomb throwing message!

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That seems like a specious argument. This is a scientific issue and that documentary has been roundly dismissed as misleading and not employing peer-reviewed scientific evidence (or misrepresenting good scientists). The same could be said about any number of liberal propaganda pieces, BTW (Michael Moore anyone?). But saying that not seeing the documentary makes me (or any that have considered scientific evidence on the subject from a variety of sources) afraid of opposing views seems on par with arguing that those that have not seen Bambi couldn't possibly understand the subject of gun control.

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Guest Jules
Your calling me out as stupid is stupid.

No. I didn't say you were stupid. I don't know you. I thought what you wrote was stupid, though, hence my response.

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Guest Jules
Question.Do you think it's a good thing to call a comment by someone you don't know stupid?

If I think it is stupid, then yes. Doesn't mean I'm right.


I think you've made your point. Now, calm down.

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I saw on TV once that scientists say there is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than at any point in the past that we are aware of.

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McCain has commercials running about, of all things, gas prices. It juxtaposes a gas pump with the commentary with something about those not wanting the US to have its own oil resources and perpetuating the US dependence on foreign oil and there are some that are responsible for the US high gas prices and they plop up a badly cut out picture of Obama, then go on and on about McCain being all for saving the US gas crisis with drilling in our own country. Are you kidding me? since McCain and his party are the ones that got us to the point that we need to consider if lifting bans of offshore drilling in our country will help with the crisis that they caused. that type of advertising should be banned. its false, false, false!


back to your debate about fear, global warming, and terrorism.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
Quoted for stupidity.

This ad approved by the Department of Redundancy Department :thumbup


McCain has commercials running about, of all things, gas prices. It juxtaposes a gas pump with the commentary with something about those not wanting the US to have its own oil resources and perpetuating the US dependence on foreign oil and there are some that are responsible for the US high gas prices and they plop up a badly cut out picture of Obama, then go on and on about McCain being all for saving the US gas crisis with drilling in our own country. Are you kidding me? since McCain and his party are the ones that got us to the point that we need to consider if lifting bans of offshore drilling in our country will help with the crisis that they caused. that type of advertising should be banned. its false, false, false!


back to your debate about fear, global warming, and terrorism.

Dubya said we're addicted. Maybe an intervention is in order?


I saw on TV once that scientists say there is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than at any point in the past that we are aware of.

This is your planet.


This is your planet on CO2.


Any questions?

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I saw on TV once that scientists say there is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than at any point in the past that we are aware of.


The documentary posits that co2 fluctations follow temperature changes. As opposed to co2 causing temp. changes. This, then, is there reason for pissing on common theories of man's co2 emissions causing global warming. The ocean, as well, follows temp. changes as it takes many years for a great body of water to reflect atmoshphere change.


The sun is their answer. And it goes through periods of change as evidenced by sunspots (explosions of heat). The cause? Maybe I wasn't paying attention or maybe it is normal? I'll have to read up on that.

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The sun is their answer. And it goes through periods of change as evidenced by sunspots (explosions of heat). The cause? Maybe I wasn't paying attention or maybe it is normal? I'll have to read up on that.


sunspots are more magnetic than heat, they than explode creating a solar flare. scientist believe they occur because the sun rotates at a different speed at its equator than its poles. the sun's composition is plasma, think gel-like, it has magnetic poles just like the earth, since it is spinning (that has to do with gravitational pull vs mass) and isn't solid, the magnetic field is torqued, combine that with the extreme heat from the energy generated by the sun (again having to do with the battle between gravity and mass causing heat to build up, and then atoms split, or fuse, i always forget which one, causing more heat, and so on), these extremely hot spots show up and then "flare" creating arcs on the suns surface. when they flare, they actually send magnetic energy into space, known as solar wind. when that energy hits earth, it messes with our planet's magnetics and often times satellites, radios, and other magnetic sensitive items will be affected. all of this has nothing to do with global warming.


co2 causes temperature changes because when energy from the sun (light energy not magnetic) enters our atmosphere, it bounces or fractures and exits the atmosphere somewhere else. co2 deflects that escape and that light energy (which translates into heat) stays. think about a car sitting in the sun. light enters, but because of the glass, it is fractured AND can't escape. the glass in your car behaves similarly as co2 in our atmosphere. and the car heats up on the inside.

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This ad approved by the Department of Redundancy Department :thumbup

Cousin Tupelo,

Greetings and salutations my brother.Grateful Thanks for the approval from the Department of Redundancy Department.I thought to myself as I remembered back to my comment back up above.Was I redundantly redundant or useless and unnecessary in my words? Don't you know being redundantly redundant is all the rage these days?Boiling hot and sometimes burning hot man.This is a true fact.I looked it up.


As I stand here bare naked I think I must say it is absolutely essential & absolutely necessary in order to advance forward in this society with some $$ cash money & to avoid awful bad trouble, or negative misfortune we must collaborate together on this Cousin Tupelo.We must put our heads together, combined together, as to avoid a complete monopoly so we can continue on thru the dark night & elevate up and enter into a safe sanctuary to avoid the evil villian. The goal here is to keep things exactly the same while we share some scotch whiskey & hang out together like a solitary hermits in a square box next to a sweet swampy marsh.


Remember Cousin Tupelo, it is important to be more than unique..be one of a kind.Cease and desist my annonymous stranger friend.Go eat some pie a la mode with ice-cream.Now, don't circulate this around or I'll pop a closed fist on your.....


~always and forever~

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