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I'll bet there are 51 publicatiosn this year each one dedicated to painting each democrat as the most liberal, and none focused on who actually does a decent job.


What is to be considered "decent" is quite subjective no?

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Sex is a personal and public health issue, not a moral, religious dilemma.

Its both, and that's why it gets messy. (no grossness intended in that comment) It is among the most private decisions a person can make. It also has social ramifications in terms of public health and what to do with the resulting children that the parents are unable or unwilling to care for.


I've never really bought the argument that teaching kids about it is giving them the green light to do it. Kids always have, and will, do what they're going to do, one way or another. Truthfully, sex ed is basic biology, and that's why it should be taught. Here are some body parts that humans come equipped with and here are the hormones that make them want to use them. And here's what happens when they do. Anything beyond, in terms of why or why not to do it, that is personal morality and not the school's business to teach. And maybe that's a problem if parents aren't having those discussions with kids outside of school, but then, I'm not sure that's the school's failing.

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BTW it's easy to argue against sex ed when you have not tried to talk to your kids about it.

BTW i'm not arguing against sex ed in principle. obviously, it's a subject that requires teaching. the question is over what the role of the schools should be.


BTW, i have tried it. now can i argue about it?


Speaking to them abot sex is very difficult.

i know. you should not assume that you are always the most intelligent and knowledgeable person in the conversation.

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Its both, and that's why it gets messy. (no grossness intended in that comment) It is among the most private decisions a person can make. It also has social ramifications in terms of public health and what to do with the resulting children that the parents are unable or unwilling to care for.


I've never really bought the argument that teaching kids about it is giving them the green light to do it. Kids always have, and will, do what they're going to do, one way or another. Truthfully, sex ed is basic biology, and that's why it should be taught. Here are some body parts that humans come equipped with and here are the hormones that make them want to use them. And here's what happens when they do. Anything beyond, in terms of why or why not to do it, that is personal morality and not the school's business to teach. And maybe that's a problem if parents aren't having those discussions with kids outside of school, but then, I'm not sure that's the school's failing.


Easily the best post of the last 22 pages. :thumbup

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Its both, and that's why it gets messy. (no grossness intended in that comment) It is among the most private decisions a person can make. It also has social ramifications in terms of public health and what to do with the resulting children that the parents are unable or unwilling to care for.


I've never really bought the argument that teaching kids about it is giving them the green light to do it. Kids always have, and will, do what they're going to do, one way or another. Truthfully, sex ed is basic biology, and that's why it should be taught. Here are some body parts that humans come equipped with and here are the hormones that make them want to use them. And here's what happens when they do. Anything beyond, in terms of why or why not to do it, that is personal morality and not the school's business to teach. And maybe that's a problem if parents aren't having those discussions with kids outside of school, but then, I'm not sure that's the school's failing.

this is the most reasonable post i've seen on this subject.

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maybe. maybe not. that's a personal choice.



fine with me.



without any input from parents? i mean you leave a lot of variables open here. what age you start, what level of detail to go into, etc. what's balanced and reasonable to you for your kid may not be for me and mine.



yes you can!


No, really, that is what the teaching of abstinence is based on

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You want my home number to darling?


It does no good to convince you. Your state is going for Obama anyway. Like you, my vote doesn't matter either. The Misery Racist/Evangelicals have a lock here.


All I have to do is read the Obama home page to learn how liberal he is on the issues. That's enough for me to be extremely worried about an Obama presidency.



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of course, everyone realizes this. still, when my daughter comes of age, i will be teaching her to wait. and i sure as hell don't need her school advocating an opposing view by giving her condoms.




BTW, i have tried it. now can i argue about it?


One quote says that you have not, while one quote says you have. You see I have discussed this with my child and I was referring to my daughter who I have discussed with. I have not even brought my son into the picture. Are you now going to tell me that you have another older child and spent this thread leaving me with the impression that you are discussing the future and what you will do with your daughter as opposed to what you have done with the older child? I was speakign all along from personal experience and I was led to believe that you were speaking in terms of what you want in the future. I'm confused.

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Hmm, I thought abstinence was based upon science, you know the whole "it's the only 100% fool proof method of birth control" thing.


I didn't know Moses came down from the mount with abstinence as one of his talking points.

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Easily the best post of the last 22 pages. :thumbup
this is the most reasonable post i've seen on this subject.


Wow, I didn't realize I was scoring points with the conservative crowd with that post, but thanks, guys. I'm afraid to go and screw up the goodwill by posting what I was in the middle of writing just now, but ah, what the heck:



What i do care about is that McCain sold his soul to the evangelical right with this pick. It is pure Rovian tactics and that is not something I wish to see continue. To me, it's not about Palin and her personal life; it is about McCain and his willingness to put election politics above sound leadership and government.

Right. A coworker of mine nailed it when she said her biggest fear about Palin is that she was chosen explicitly for her religion and her genetalia rather than her actual qualifications. She opens the door to a segment of the base the McCain was having trouble winning over, she takes the edge off the "historic" aspect of Obama's campaign and gives the appearance of being a progressive choice simply by being a woman, and her inexperience isn't seen as a problem if she can be trusted to align with the "base" on certain issues. She called her "Newt Gingrich with a prettier face" and that, from a feminist perspective, she thinks she is a "token" woman candidate and a gimmick and she is very offended by it.


Its an interesting take on it, and the more I think about it, I don't think I disagree with it. We'll find out tonight if she is ready for primetime...

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no, really, religion is NOT what my support for the teaching of abstinence is based on.


No, but really, in its current form, the way in which Palin and others like her define it, it is being foisted on schools based on some individuals religious beliefs.


Perhaps you, personally do not view it that way, but if so, you

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i completely agree w/ your co-worker. i agree w/ your post on the whole 'culture war' post too. a good majority of folks so maligned that the other side are makign themn such important issues are doing quite a good job of perpetuating that themselves.


i, seriously, don't give an iota of a care about palin's religious views...her daughter's pregnancy and how that fits in w/ her stance on sex ed/pro-lifeism...that she's a woman w/ kids...none of that addresses the economic concerns that greatly overshadow anythign else me and my family need to worry about.


you are playing into the GOP's hands by the outcry over it.

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Wow, I didn't realize I was scoring points with the conservative crowd with that post, but thanks, guys. I'm afraid to go and screw up the goodwill by posting what I was in the middle of writing just now, but ah, what the heck:


Despite popular opinion on this board, not all conservatives or Republicans believe in a black-and-white solution to this issue. Besides, it shouldn't even come into play in a federal election.


Right. A coworker of mine nailed it when she said her biggest fear about Palin is that she was chosen explicitly for her religion and her genetalia rather than her actual qualifications. She opens the door to a segment of the base the McCain was having trouble winning over, she takes the edge off the "historic" aspect of Obama's campaign and gives the appearance of being a progressive choice simply by being a woman, and her inexperience isn't seen as a problem if she can be trusted to align with the "base" on certain issues. She called her "Newt Gingrich with a prettier face" and that, from a feminist perspective, she thinks she is a "token" woman candidate and a gimmick and she is very offended by it.


Its an interesting take on it, and the more I think about it, I don't think I disagree with it. We'll find out tonight if she is ready for primetime...


I disagree with you on the reasons she was chosen, but if that perception keeps being played up and that Palin was chosen to get "Hillary voters" (which couldn't be further from the truth), then perhaps the perception will become stronger and more widely believed than the real reasons.


The only way to determine it is to see how Palin comes off tonight and during the campaign. I think it's too early and too presumptuous to write her off less than a week after she was chosen or to proclaim her the greatest VP candidate in the history of the country.

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I'm confused.

i have discussed the strictly biological aspects with her, which is what i was referring to as difficult. the concept of her being a potential participant in intercourse has not yet been addressed.

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i completely agree w/ your co-worker. i agree w/ your post on the whole 'culture war' post too. a good majority of folks so maligned that the other side are makign themn such important issues are doing quite a good job of perpetuating that themselves.


i, seriously, don't give an iota of a care about palin's religious views...her daughter's pregnancy and how that fits in w/ her stance on sex ed/pro-lifeism...that she's a woman w/ kids...none of that addresses the economic concerns that greatly overshadow anythign else me and my family need to worry about.


you are playing into the GOP's hands by the outcry over it.


Thanks for another sexist misogynistic post!

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Right. A coworker of mine nailed it when she said her biggest fear about Palin is that she was chosen explicitly for her religion and her genetalia rather than her actual qualifications. She opens the door to a segment of the base the McCain was having trouble winning over, she takes the edge off the "historic" aspect of Obama's campaign and gives the appearance of being a progressive choice simply by being a woman, and her inexperience isn't seen as a problem if she can be trusted to align with the "base" on certain issues. She called her "Newt Gingrich with a prettier face" and that, from a feminist perspective, she thinks she is a "token" woman candidate and a gimmick and she is very offended by it.

i don't completely disagree with this. i think it goes too far to call her a "token" or a "gimmick" though. unless you're willing to call biden a token old white guy.

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i, seriously, don't give an iota of a care about palin's religious views...her daughter's pregnancy and how that fits in w/ her stance on sex ed/pro-lifeism...that she's a woman w/ kids...none of that addresses the economic concerns that greatly overshadow anythign else me and my family need to worry about.


you are playing into the GOP's hands by the outcry over it.


repeating myself: he's right, you know.

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i completely agree w/ your co-worker. i agree w/ your post on the whole 'culture war' post too. a good majority of folks so maligned that the other side are makign themn such important issues are doing quite a good job of perpetuating that themselves.


i, seriously, don't give an iota of a care about palin's religious views...her daughter's pregnancy and how that fits in w/ her stance on sex ed/pro-lifeism...that she's a woman w/ kids...none of that addresses the economic concerns that greatly overshadow anythign else me and my family need to worry about.


you are playing into the GOP's hands by the outcry over it.


So then, we should ignore these concerns?


Over the hundreds of pages of election related threads, I

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Despite popular opinion on this board, not all conservatives or Republicans believe in a black-and-white solution to this issue. Besides, it shouldn't even come into play in a federal election.




I disagree with you on the reasons she was chosen, but if that perception keeps being played up and that Palin was chosen to get "Hillary voters" (which couldn't be further from the truth), then perhaps the perception will become stronger and more widely believed than the real reasons.

Do you think she was chosen to help with the evangelical right that McCain has struggled with? I do.

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