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Election Year!!!

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I found her sassiness bordering way too much on bitterness and snarkiness. .



Exactly. She's energetic, engaging, fairly eloquent (when scripted at least). Too bad she's a snarky pit bull with lipstick and appalling political views.

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I just can't get over how so many of the speakers at this convention are talking about the problems of the last few years -- the housing market, gas prices, pointless war, unemployment, etc. -- as if they're completely unaware of their own responsibility in creating those problems.

We gotta get us some of that reform.

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Yesterday felt different, better. Tonight, the speakers have focused on a litany of trivial zingers--many funny, I admit--but those should be window dressing, not the whole message. Overall, it just doesn't seem like much serious thought is being presented to voters. Say what you will about Obama's pretensions, at least he appeared statesmanlike. Perhaps McCain will aim for a similar seriousness of purpose tomorrow.


well said


what can you expect of a pitbull with its lipstick out??

4 or 5 children

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Seconded. That speech was almost entirely bitter and ugly, not to mention FULL of lies. Weren't they hoping to get some independents and cross-over votes from Dems if possible? I can't see much of that happening after such a hateful speech. :thumbdown


Way to take the high road, Obama.



By the end of this election her teeth are going to hurt from all that back teeth clenching. She's sure to get TMJ.The more she lied, the more they cheered!


with cowboy hats and boots? we're all doomed.


did you see the black cowboy they kept showing?

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what state & city? Mine is just as bad out of KCMO! They say things like pistol whipped and gang bang.

what can you expect out of KC....

some dude got shot in the back, some kid got left on the bus while sleeping but his mom didn't know how the driver didn't notice because the kid snores, drugs, pretty entertaining..


edit: its out of Memphis

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We gotta get us some of that reform.

it really has been striking: the RNC speeches all have alluded to problems created in the last eight years as if it were the other party that has been in power and created those problems.


no, people, my yellow sweater is not purple. no matter how many times you try to make me think it.

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it really has been striking: the RNC speeches all have alluded to problems created in the last eight years as if it were the other party that has been in power and created those problems.


no, people, my yellow sweater is not purple. no matter how many times you try to make me think it.


I'm thinking I'll lose weight this week from puking so much. Thanks RNC'ers!

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CNN's first comments included "knocked it out of the park," "a positive introduction to Palin," and "now America knows why she's so popular."

I'm lost.

I'm not surprised at all. I'm sure a lot of people out there thought it was fantastic. She was scrappy and tough and not the least bit intellectually challenging. Everything is just fine in this country, the "grownups" of the GOP are in charge, and we should all just calm down and go back to sleep.


It would have been a great speech if any of that was actually true.

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I just can't get over how so many of the speakers at this convention are talking about the problems of the last few years -- the housing market, gas prices, pointless war, unemployment, etc. -- as if they're completely unaware of their own responsibility in creating those problems.


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Exactly. She's energetic, engaging, fairly eloquent (when scripted at least). Too bad she's a snarky pit bull with lipstick and appalling political views.


This could actually be the best news yet. I think that Biden can safely take off the gloves when the debate comes up -- and any other Dems can with any other opportunity until then. She is fair game, and can't hide behind her sex or her lack of experience on the national stage. She spent a great deal of time talking about how those things either don't matter or that she has more of it.


I also just signed up to canvas for Obama -- for me in MI.

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As expected. Truly a sad day for republicans I must say.


I'm sure republicans said the same thing after the Democratic convention.


The convention is not for people of the other party. It's designed as one long ad for your party, which is why Democrats thought theirs was awesome, and Republicans thought it was condescending and empty.

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Yeah, I didn't like anything Palin said, but I think she was probably effective in her objective, in speaking to a specific group of people that doesn't include me.



I also just signed up to canvas for Obama -- for me in MI.


What part of MI are you headed to? I thought about heading back home for to work on the campaign (since Obama will certainly win here) but can't get myself to commit to it.

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it really has been striking: the RNC speeches all have alluded to problems created in the last eight years as if it were the other party that has been in power and created those problems.

Yeah, that's it exactly. I tuned in just in time to hear Palin rattling on about needing to challenge the status quo and repeatedly referring to "our opponent" (shall not speak his name, apparently) as part of the Washington Elite as if he and his party were the incumbents in this race. McCain has run for president now, what, like 30 times during his centuries-long stint in the senate? I guess he figures the law of averages has to pan out sometime. But he's spent the last 8 years trashing the "maverick" image that made him an intriguing candidate in 2000, yet he is still trying to run on it.


McCain no longer has the cred to really carry off the maverick thing, so he went and got somebody completely unknown who does have some outsider cred. She made lots of snarky comments, but not at all did she reveal anything about who she is or what her policies are. Which is exactly why some people are going to regard this speech as a smash hit. Because she didn't reveal anything about herself. Right now she's the whip-smart "hockey-mom", ready to bust your ass into a timeout if you don't do your homework--quick with a zinger, but seems generally like an amiable person. The most damaging thing that could happen to her is for the public to realize that, as far as I can tell about her policy stances so far, she is essentially Pat Buchannan in drag.

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