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The "society, media and gay people" thread

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Man, I hope one day we live in a world where nobody gives much of a crap if anybody is gay, so poor people like Clay Aiken won't have to state it like it's a big confession and assholes like People magazine won't be tempted to put it on their front cover. :hmm

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Me too, Dan. I've never understood why anyone would care about this. And if there are anyone homophobes out there - go move your ass to Iran. According to Ahmedinejad there are no gay people there! :rolleyes

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So true. Many of us have seen firsthand and many secondhand how society's view toward sexuality actually hurts society. Whether it be relatively minor like Clay Aiken's pressure or relatively major like having a wide stance ruining a family or serious as in suicide of a teen. I have known gays and lesbians all of my life, from family members to friends, and worked with GLBT youth for over 10 years and have seen it all from futile attempts to live a lie to the worst imaginable. It will be a great day when no one gives a damn what happens between 2 consenting adults and we realize that the more people are allowed to be happy, the happier all people will be.

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I can't understand why anyone cares what someone else's sexual preference is.

Well according to some white male homophobes I know, all gay men are sexual deviants who only want to spread their sinful way of life and corrupt the morals of others. Living in the south is great!!

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Word – I’ll refrain from casting a spotlight on the 10-ton elephant hiding in the corner – it’s name starts with R and ends in n.

But Reagan is dead.


Didn't Clay just have a kid with some broad?

Artificial insemination.

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Artificial insemination. The broad is a 50 year old best friend, if i read the internets correctly.

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I can't understand why anyone cares what someone else's sexual preference is.

whenever i see or hear people firsthand railing against someone else's sexual preference, it literally sounds like some kind of personal fright that turns into a ridiculous aggression when they feel the impulse to speak about it. it's so revealing that i always wonder why they don't pass out in embarrassment.

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*gasp* that was about as surprising as clay aiken announcing he's gay. yawn.


Almost as yawn inducing as your apparent need to continue expressing your fatigue every time religion is, quite rightly in this case, held accountable. The fundamental roadblock impeding equal rights and consideration for homosexuals is, to a very large extent, predicated upon religious belief, it strikes me as silly, irresponsible and intellectually dishonest to not point this out.

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There was a study done a while ago and I don't remember who did it or anything to be able to find a link to it. But, basically they hooked straight men up to something that measured their state of arousal and then had them watch gay porn. The homophobes were the ones who were the most aroused.


I feel bad for people who feel that they can't come out. I wish people were more accepting.


That's one thing that my kids will never have to worry about. I don't care if they come to me and say they're gay or pregnant or whatever, I'm still going to do what I can to support them.

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...it strikes me as silly, irresponsible and intellectually dishonest to not point this out.


you forgot redundant. you've soapboxed about the religious persecution of gays a bunch of times, is there some new development we missed?


we get it. certain people w/in certain religious faiths have fostered an atmosphere in which homosexuality can be defined as sinful, abhorrent, something to be despised

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HA! I always laugh during the opening of True Blood when it shows a church sign that reads "GOD HATES FANGS".

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I'd like to point out that being gay is not a sin. Having sex outside of marriage is, whether it's with a man or a woman. Since the Catholic church believes that marriage can only happen between a man and a woman, gays are pretty much left to live a celibate life if they don't want to sin. Same with heterosexuals who don't get married.


Whether you agree with that or not, is another thing.


I personally say to each his own. If you're not Catholic, have at it. If you are Catholic, maybe you need to reconsider.

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