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I know some of you have a real dislike for these guys...but I really like ONLY BY THE NIGHT.


I find the move to a more sophisticated production style works for them.


I was playing it when I picke up D-man from school the other day and he assumed it was a Traffic CD. He thought that Caleb's vocals sounded like Steve Winwood. I never made that connection, but to an unprejudiced ear...maybe.

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I wish they'd go back to making less generic-sounding rock.


while i've always found their sound to be pretty generic/dime-a-dozen, i still really love that Holy Roller Novocaine EP. but yeah, they've definitely proven w/ these last 2 albums that they're shooting for lowest common denominator generic arena rock.


sadly it's working...


i know TONS of people who only listen to hard rock/rock radio, who love Audioslave, Hinder, etc., and buy maybe 3 new albums a year, who LOVE these guys based on the last 2 records...

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while i've always found their sound to be pretty generic/dime-a-dozen, i still really love that Holy Roller Novocaine EP. but yeah, they've definitely proven w/ these last 2 albums that they're shooting for lowest common denominator generic arena rock.


sadly it's working...


i know TONS of people who only listen to hard rock/rock radio, who love Audioslave, Hinder, etc., and buy maybe 3 new albums a year, who LOVE these guys based on the last 2 records...


Haha that's exactly how I feel about them as well, they really want to be U2 or something now, and I can honestly relate to knowing a few people that now like these guys because of their last two records. They should go back to singing about hard drugs and sex but so that I don't understand what he's saying.

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I loved the EP and the first two full albums, and I could even tolerate parts of the last album, but I'm not a huge fan of this new album. As others have said, it's very generic-sounding. I also really question why they'd open the album with three rockers, then fill the rest with all these medium-tempo songs, because after awhile they all just sound the same to me. There aren't any songs on the album I hate, but none of them really stand out to me.


I think opening for U2 was actually a bad thing for them. It's as if they got too comfortable playing in arenas and changed directions so that they could continue to do so. I'm flabbergasted that they're playing at MSG; I can't imagine they could fill the place, though maybe with this new sound they can. I especially loved Aha Shake Heartbreak and really enjoyed them when I saw them open for U2, but I have no interest in seeing them again unless they move away from arena rock.

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As a gear snob, I'd be a lot happier if their bass player would go back to playing his SG bass. Firebird basses are so lame.


And what's the deal with the drummer still having KOL spelled out in electrical tape on his front bass drum head? That kind of shoddy self-promotion is not going to cut it in arenas.


At least the main guy and the guy that stands to his right have good taste in guitars.


Sex On Fire is all over radio lately. Looks like the boys have themselves a bonerfied hit.


"Crawl" is the one XM/Sirius has been overplaying lately.

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I've said this before and I guess I'm saying it again. When I want stupid fist pumping rock (which is so who I am usually not) I put on ANY KOL album. Why the hell is that so wrong. If I want serious introspection I have 1000 records to fit that bill. I give them credit because they get my toe tapping, but I never feel guilty about it (like if it was a U2 record).

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I wish they'd go back to making less generic-sounding rock. I also wish Caleb wouldn't try to make his voice sound prettier. :hmm Needless to say, I'd take the first 2 albums over the most recent 2 any day.


I'm with you on this one. When I hear Spiral Staircase my feet start tappin' and I feel ready to go...I don't get that with the last two albums. Although I do like track 7 on their newest. And what's with the haircuts?? I loved their long hair scruffy look.

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I've said this before and I guess I'm saying it again. When I want stupid fist pumping rock (which is so who I am usually not) I put on ANY KOL album. Why the hell is that so wrong. If I want serious introspection I have 1000 records to fit that bill. I give them credit because they get my toe tapping, but I never feel guilty about it (like if it was a U2 record).


there's nothing wrong with it... just that they've done it better before themselves. nevermind that there's a ton of other bands who do it much better and are way more sincere.


if you read the back story on how they got their start, they honestly aren't far off from being a packaged boy-band honestly (granted one that writes their own music)


Sex On Fire, as a big dumb rock single, is a great song, but if you actually stop and read the lyrics, they're SO so terrible (even Caleb thinks so)


I loved the EP and the first two full albums, and I could even tolerate parts of the last album, but I'm not a huge fan of this new album. As others have said, it's very generic-sounding. I also really question why they'd open the album with three rockers, then fill the rest with all these medium-tempo songs, because after awhile they all just sound the same to me. There aren't any songs on the album I hate, but none of them really stand out to me.


yep. that's what this one reminded me of, an almost copy of the last one only mellower.

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This is one band that I really couldn't give a shit about. If they come on the radio, which they do nearly every 5 minutes over here, I can quite happily work away at whatever I am doing and if I don't hear them at all, well that's fine too. I have never encountered a band to move me less either way (love/detest) in my life. Not even Foo Fighters are this bland for me.

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  • 1 year later...

Good for them, a taste of their own medicine, if you ask me. I feel like they take one in my ear every time they come on the radio.


I actually like Kings of Leon, but that is f'ing funny. :thumbup

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just when you think the maximum amount of bullshit a PR can sling has been set, the bar is raised




"I'm surprised they stayed on for as many songs as they did," said Andy Mendelsohn of Vector Management. "Jared was hit several times during the first two songs. On the third song, when he was hit in the cheek and some of it landed near his mouth, they couldn't deal any longer. It's not only disgusting -- it's a toxic health hazard. They really tried to hang in there. We want to apologize to our fans in St. Louis and will come back as soon as we can."


"We couldn't believe what The Postelles and The Stills looked like after their sets," said Jared Followill. "We didn't want to cancel the show, so we went for it. We tried to play. It was ridiculous."


so 'staying on for as many songs as they can' and 'going for it' = 3 songs? where the opening bands did their entire sets?


fucking losers. wear some sombreros and don't look up.

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if that happened to me, i'd firstly vomit all over myself, then leave the stage immediately, fans be damned.

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