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Just finished the Wire, loved every second of it. For the longest time Lost was my favorite show, BUT the Wire has stolen away that #1 spot! I pretty much finished seasons 4 and 5 over the past 7 days, pretty intense TV watching but I couldn't get enough! I'm debating of changing my avatar from G.O.B. (my favorite comedic character) to Omar Little

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Just finished the Wire, loved every second of it. For the longest time Lost was my favorite show, BUT the Wire has stolen away that #1 spot! I pretty much finished seasons 4 and 5 over the past 7 days, pretty intense TV watching but I couldn't get enough! I'm debating of changing my avatar from G.O.B. (my favorite comedic character) to Omar Little


Omar was such a great character. I couldn't wait for his scenes.

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Just finished the Wire, loved every second of it. For the longest time Lost was my favorite show, BUT the Wire has stolen away that #1 spot! I pretty much finished seasons 4 and 5 over the past 7 days, pretty intense TV watching but I couldn't get enough! I'm debating of changing my avatar from G.O.B. (my favorite comedic character) to Omar Little

I just watched Season 5 for the second time. Even though I knew the storylines around both Omar and Duquan, I am still having a hard time with them. Great, great show.

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I just watched Season 5 for the second time. Even though I knew the storylines around both Omar and Duquan, I am still having a hard time with them. Great, great show.



i really liked the journalism part of that season.

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i really liked the journalism part of that season.


I was a bit dissapointed. For a show that prided itself on realism, the Season 5 stood out to me as more a Law and Order script as opposed to what they were doing before. Dont get me wrong, it was still great TV, but it was the one season I dont think was hit out of the park. Which was especially surprising to me, considering David Simon was a newspaper man more than anything else.

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i really liked the journalism part of that season.


I liked what they showed, but there wasn't enough journalism plot! After season 2 and 4 I felt like I knew the ins and outs of the ports and school system, however after season 5 I felt like I barely got a glance at the Baltimore Sun's inner workings.

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I was a bit dissapointed. For a show that prided itself on realism, the Season 5 stood out to me as more a Law and Order script as opposed to what they were doing before. Dont get me wrong, it was still great TV, but it was the one season I dont think was hit out of the park. Which was especially surprising to me, considering David Simon was a newspaper man more than anything else.


Yeah they kinda went over the top in the last season. I look at it as a nice comedown from the series climax - season 4.

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I was a bit dissapointed. For a show that prided itself on realism, the Season 5 stood out to me as more a Law and Order script as opposed to what they were doing before. Dont get me wrong, it was still great TV, but it was the one season I dont think was hit out of the park. Which was especially surprising to me, considering David Simon was a newspaper man more than anything else.



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I was a bit dissapointed. For a show that prided itself on realism, the Season 5 stood out to me as more a Law and Order script as opposed to what they were doing before. Dont get me wrong, it was still great TV, but it was the one season I dont think was hit out of the park. Which was especially surprising to me, considering David Simon was a newspaper man more than anything else.



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Lol this back and forth made my day


I'm thinking about buying the boxset or all the dvds, I'd really like to re-watch this show with the directors commentary!

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So, episodes 1 & 2 in the can. I'm really digging this show. The rain of bottles/tvs/bullets that was showered on Herc and Prez and the other dude was a great scene - funny and dangerous and holy fucking shit scary all at once.


I'm a big fan of the Pogues, and had read that their "Body of an American" makes several appearances on the show.

When Lt. Daniels was referring to Polk and Mahon, I kept hearing "Pogue Mahone", (I only discovered it was "Polk and Mahon" by reading the synopsis on wikipedia) - Gotta think that was intentional?

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was a bit dissapointed. For a show that prided itself on realism, the Season 5 stood out to me as more a Law and Order script as opposed to what they were doing before. Dont get me wrong, it was still great TV, but it was the one season I dont think was hit out of the park. Which was especially surprising to me, considering David Simon was a newspaper man more than anything else.



I can't speak from my own experience, but I have 2 friends (one writes for the NY Post, the other for the Voice) and a cousin (Miami Herald) and all three of them said that they pretty much nailed the newsroom/newspaper atmosphere.

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I don't doubt that they nailed the newsroom atmosphere - particularly the state the publishing world is in now, with layoffs and "do more with less" pep talks. But the story arc is what I think draws the Law & Order comparisons. The season was mostly successful to me, if convoluted. It felt like the final season, and that's always a little disappointing.

Speaking of the newsroom, you never hear people talk about Gus. Gus is the man!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished episode 9 - season 1.


The strangest thing is happening - either I'm somehow unintentionally missing scenes, or I'm not getting complete episodes.

I've been reading the episode synopses on HBO.com after I watch an episode, just to make sure I caught everything, but there always seems to be a scene or two that I have absolutely NO recollection of.


Example - I noticed that Steve Earle was in the credits for ep 9. I didn't recall seeing him in the episode at all, and then in the synopsis, it says that Bubbs encountered him while he was trying to score, Earle encouraged him to get clean, which inspired him to go seek out his sister.


The only scenes I remember seeing Bubbs in was when he was fish-hooking the bag of dope in the beginning, them finding out it was just baking soda, then the next scene he was in was trying to get some shelter from his sister - no Steve Earle scene in between. I even cross-checked with my wife to see if she remembered that scene, and I was just blacking out. Her recollection is the same as mine. I'm going to FF through the episode again to see if I missed it somehow.


But - I have other examples from previous episodes as well. There has always seemed to be a scene referenced in the synopsis, that I've missed...

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I don't want to assume you do or do not know what Earle looks like in the show, but:


Thanks - I do know him. And I've already seen him in his first appearance in an earlier episode, when he was speaking at the "users anonymous" meeting that Bubbs and the white kid from the movie Kids attended.


Other scenes that I've missed (that I've read about in synopses): Wee-bey and others trashing Omar's apartment and setting his van on fire. D'Angelo and the stripper getting a place together. (My wife and I were like "um, do they live together now? that was fast - we didn't even see them going on a date yet"). There are others...

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Just finished episode 9 - season 1.


The strangest thing is happening - either I'm somehow unintentionally missing scenes, or I'm not getting complete episodes.

I've been reading the episode synopses on HBO.com after I watch an episode, just to make sure I caught everything, but there always seems to be a scene or two that I have absolutely NO recollection of.

Weird. My DVD player had some issues with a couple of the discs, and we missed a few scenes as a result -- but we had a feeling that we'd missed them (the time counter was my first clue), so we went back and futzed with the player and discs to see those scenes, which wasn't always easy to do.


I thought it was an issue with my player, but it's never done it with any other discs, so perhaps it was a problem with the DVDs themselves (which came from Netflix, so that could be another factor).

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Weird. My DVD player had some issues with a couple of the discs, and we missed a few scenes as a result -- but we had a feeling that we'd missed them (the time counter was my first clue), so we went back and futzed with the player and discs to see those scenes, which wasn't always easy to do.


I thought it was an issue with my player, but it's never done it with any other discs, so perhaps it was a problem with the DVDs themselves (which came from Netflix, so that could be another factor).



That's my biggest gripe with Netflix. I can't count the number of times I get a disk that is completely unplayable, or you get halfway through and it freezes, or skips scenes. I would say it's definietly Netflix and not your Player. I figure the disks are like rental cars, people are not really treating them with the utmost respect. Using them as coasters, tossing them on the floor...


I loved them casting Steve Earle in that part. It's funny, many of the people they got that had no acting experience end up starting a bit rough but actually get pretty good. That's one of the best parts about listening to the commentaries. You find out interesting things about the actors. Like the skinny church guy used to be a Huge, Barksdale level drug dealer in Baltimore and spent a long stint in prison (Sorry, could not find his picture).

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That's my biggest gripe with Netflix. I can't count the number of times I get a disk that is completely unplayable, or you get halfway through and it freezes, or skips scenes.

I've had very little of this kind of trouble with Netflix, considering how many discs of theirs we've watched. But those Wire discs were evidently somewhat fucked.

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So, we figured out why we were missing scenes... so, yeah. We had been spoiled by the Sopranos DVDs because those were edited that you could skip the title credits, and it would automatically forward to the first scene immediately following the credits. We were doing the same with the Wire, but just realized last night that if you skipped the credits, you also skipped about 5 minutes of the show. So basically, we've missed about 45 minutes of the show. Fucking dumbass. So STUPID STUPID STUPID!


We never noticed that a 55 minute show was ending 50 minutes after we started it!

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