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Albums that you discovered hearing them playing at record stores

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That's one of the things about the demise of the local, indie record stores that really sucks the most: the thrill of walking in the door and hearing something new and exciting. Buying it. And taking it home, only to have it become one of your all-time favorites. What are the albums that you discovered like that? And where did you discover them (if you can remember)?


Guided By Voices - Alien Lanes (at Blackout Records, on Southport in Chicago)

Neutral Milk Hotel - On Avery Island (also at Blackout)

Eels - Electro-Shock Blues (Laurie's Planet of Sound on Lincoln Ave. in Chicago)


I'll try to think of more, too. But these are the ones that leap to top of mind.

I really miss Blackout!

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I was in a record store in Chicago a few years ago and the clerk put on a great tune called 'Dry The Rain' by The Beta Band. A bunch of us in the store ended up buying the album on the spot.


Was it this guy?


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I can only think of two right now...


Grandaddy - Sumday Some record store in Boone, NC. I had a compilation cd w/ one of the songs that was playing in the store on it and they were playing the record...ended up buying it (it was a used copy they were playing).

Preston School of Industry - Monsoon Eventhough I was familiar with them and had their first record, I did not want to get their new one (really hated the Wilco song, and still do). But I walked into the records store and they were playing it. Loved what I heard and bought it.

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Honest to God.


1995 in a Best Buy in Arlington Texas




I also had a cool RECORD store guy turn me on to My Morning Jacket when I was buying several Neil Young cds.

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I didn't discover it in a record store but...I purchased Trace based on the UT history and decided to give it a listen. I had not heard a note of it that I knew of prior to purchasing. When I poped it into my cd player in the car I realized that it was what was playing in the store while I was browsing.

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i was in London and read a review in Melody Maker of the new Mock Turtles record (the one with Can you Dig it). I had never heard of them, but it sounded right up my alley -- melodic guitar pop with tons of harmonies and hooks, etc.


So i walked over to the HMV store and grabbed a copy.


As I was waiting in line, I heard another band that sounded great -- very hooky, lots of guitars, great melodies. Got to the front of the line and asked the dude what it was.


"That's the new Mock Turtles."


I still love that record

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This has happened to me several times, but the only one I specifically recall is The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths. I already knew The Smiths, but didn't know at that time that they had a new album out.


I think this is also how I came to buy Let Me Come Over by Buffalo Tom, among many others.


Many times, but my favorite was hearing "Terry Reid" at Schoolkids Records in Ann Arbor circa 1986.

Boy do I ever miss Schoolkids. :hmm

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The 2 biggest for me were


Tilt: Till it Kills

Sunny Day Real Estate: Diary


Both were found at this little used record shop in Pensacola Fl. that I believe is no longer there. God do I miss the indie record shops.

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One of the coolest sounding things I ever heard was a song playing in a clothing boutique in Rome. I went in to see if they could direct me to a restroom. I would have asked what the music was, but they pretended not to understand my broken Italian (it really wasn't THAT bad, and I could tell they were bullshitting me) when I asked about the bathroom, so I didn't bother asking about the music.

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Babyteeth by Therapy?


Was in the old Virgin Megastore in Dublin and the in house dj was playing it. Just blew me away.


Ironically enough the store didn't have the album in stock the day I heard it. The dj was playing his own copy. I had to go to Freebird to buy it on vinyl. Didn't leave my turntable for about 2 months.


Went on to see them play around Ireland about 20 times over the years.

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