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Is it so wrong to not like The Beatles?

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A lot of this discussion seems to hinge on the concept of "favorite" vs. "best." The Beatles are the best band of all time, but Wilco is my favorite. On my beloved Laker's teams of the 80's Magic and Kareem were clearly the best players, but scrappy Kurt Rambis always held a special place in my heart.


In answer to the original question, no, there's nothing wrong with you. As long as you can acknowledge quality despite not actively participating in it, you're ok. A lot of rap music is like that for me. I can see where people could get into certain acts even though they aren't for me.

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I wouldn't say I don't like the Beatles but I just don't find myself listening to them much. I felt like I should own Abbey Road, The White Album, Revolver, Rubber Soul, and Sgt Pepper's so I got them all but I listen to the Rolling Stones and The Who much much more. Let it Bleed, Beggar's Banquet, and Exile are all things I still listen to regularly. And I just love listening to live Who.

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I don't hate the beatles but I don't own any beatles recordings, nor have I listened to any beatles recordings by choice, probably in my entire life. I would say the last time I heard a beatles record start to finish would have been sometime between 1980 & 1984 in college.


There's nothing to be ashamed of, Wild Frank.

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A lot of this discussion seems to hinge on the concept of "favorite" vs. "best." The Beatles are the best band of all time, but Wilco is my favorite. On my beloved Laker's teams of the 80's Magic and Kareem were clearly the best players, but scrappy Kurt Rambis always held a special place in my heart.


In answer to the original question, no, there's nothing wrong with you. As long as you can acknowledge quality despite not actively participating in it, you're ok. A lot of rap music is like that for me. I can see where people could get into certain acts even though they aren't for me.

You have a point...but there is no best band of all time.

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Considering how noticeably affected/influenced by Dylan's writing they were, I think they definitely would agree.

And to bring David Crosby/the Byrds back into the discussion, I remember seeing a great interview with Crosby once. He was talking about how early in the Byrds' career people were hyping Dylan but they (the Byrds) didn't think he was so great. Then someone gave them an early version of Mr. Tambourine Man. The way I remember it is that Crosby says he got to the lines "Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship, My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip, My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels, To be wanderin'..." and he realized that Dylan was on a different level as the rest of them.

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I love The Stones, Dylan, Neil Young and all the other legendary artists.


I am having a hard time wrapping my head around this part. Anyone can like or dislike anything, and there's nothing wrong with it, of course. I just can't imagine loving those artists, and not the Beatles.


Brain not computing.


You have a point...but there is no best band of all time.


Right, except the Beatles.

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A music lover not liking The Beatles to me is like a wine lover not enjoying a Petrus, or a food connoisseur not liking foie gras, or a movie aficionado not liking The Godfather.


None of these things have to be your favorite, but there are some things that are unassailable.

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whether you think the Beatles are overrated or whatever, fine, but as long as people never deny their significance and just realize how HUGE they were (even outside of the world of music), i don't have a problem.


it's the people who can't understand that piece, or think they didn't deserve all of the attention, etc., that make my blood pressure raise a bit.


A music lover not liking The Beatles to me is like a wine lover not enjoying a Petrus, or a food connoisseur not liking foie gras, or a movie aficionado not liking The Godfather.


None of these things have to be your favorite, but there are some things that are unassailable.



i guess i can understand it, but i can't imagine why.

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whether you think the Beatles are overrated or whatever, fine, but as long as people never deny their significance and just realize how HUGE they were (even outside of the world of music), i don't have a problem.

I put myself in this camp. I still think they're overrated, in that they aren't the absolute pinnacle of rock bands. But I cannot deny the great songs they made. I can, however, decide I don't want to listen to them often/ever.

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I would not marry a woman unless she liked the Beatles and if my kids don't like the Beatles by the age of 4 I will promptly put them up for adoption.


I'm kidding, kind of.

Nearly all kids DO like the Beatles by the time they are 4. I guess not so much for adults.



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I certainly don't think they are 'overrated'

and if you think they are, then you're listening to the wrong people.

There aren't the Best of the best, because that's where favoritism comes in

but they are definitely among the dozen greats (some of you mentioned the Stones and Dylan etc)

All you need to know is that they all fall into the category of great and incredibly influential bands

who wrote a great batch of incredibly beautiful tunes.


It's funny because I've recently been reading Geoff Emerick's book on the Beatles and reading about the early '62-'63 recordings actually makes me listen to them with much much open ears. Songs like "Thank You Girl" and "P.S. I Love You" sound so great and are impeccably crafted. It's easy to undermine their early recordings, but they are just as great as their later stuff because they were too tight as a band. Completely honed their craft. Another big part of liking the Beatles is the myth and history of the Beatles as a band. Their story and their life and band history gives being into them a new and even greater perspective. That's what the innumerable books on them and The Beatles Anthology are there for. Most people that love the Beatles more than just the songs know what I'm talking about.


So no, there’s nothing wrong with not liking the Beatles. But they are definitely far from shit. 40 plus years of unparalleled acclaim doesn’t just come out of thin air. Maybe you’ll get into them someday, who knows. Maybe one day it’ll just hit you. The Beatles just came into my life when I got into bands and musicians that were inspired by them. Elliott Smith for one and hell.. a LOT of bands/musicians.


And there's one thing I know for sure: Having The Beatles in your life and liking them (like Dylan, The Clash, the Stones, etc) is a fucking blessing. Truly.

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So no, there’s nothing wrong with not liking the Beatles. But they are definitely far from shit. 40 plus years of unparalleled acclaim doesn’t just come out of thin air. Maybe you’ll get into them someday, who knows. Maybe one day it’ll just hit you.

They are far from shit. I would totally agree that they are probably the greatest rock band of all time. There's just a lot more bands I would rather listen to. I'd much rather listen to Wilco for example.

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I mean no disrespect to anyone in this thread (but I sort of do), but the only artistic thing that I believe is not subjective is that the Beatles made great music. I have no respect for anyone's musical tastes who doesn't like the Beatles, because if the Beatles don't get you going, then your understanding of what constitutes music is so different from my own that its not worth discussing.


This is the one case where I think there is a correct opinion. (but thats just my opinion, so no one else should care anyway)



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When "I Want to Hold Your Hand / I Saw Her Standing There was released in January 1964, nobody had every heard anything like it. No even close. Nobody sounded like them, nobody looked like them and to date no band has had any where near the impact on pop music as the Beatles did back in the 60s. If they were a 10, the next artist might be a 5 or a 6. For that, they are simply greatness.

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