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Band comebacks that actually WORKED?

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Today, quite accidentally, I have two albums with me that were the "comeback" albums from the respective bands' extensive layoffs. And both albums, while they're not going to be listed alongside the best work of either, are not the least bit embarrassing, either.


Buzzcocks - All Set is a pretty solid album with some good hooks and Steve Diggle's whine very much intact. Plus, I saw them on that tour and they were absolutely outstanding.


Os Mutantes - Haih... has just gone through one listen for me, and it's a pretty fun listen. The feedback that I've heard from their shows from the past couple of years has been very good.


And, when I saw Big Star in 1994, it was one of the greatest shows that I have ever seen. Period. Although, by all accounts, the album they recorded wasn't so hot. So, I guess "worked" is a relative term here.

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Polvo - In Prism

after a 12 year hiatus, they put out their finest record. well done.


Mission of Burma

though the newer one isn't as strong, I can find no fault with ONoffON or especially The Obliterati, both excellent records. and the live show is still so exhilirating.


Dinosaur Jr

the band is definitely different w/ Lou and Murph back in it, and Beyond and Farm rival anything they'd done previously.


edit - Todd, the 2006 records from Buzzcocks (Flat Pack Philosophy) is quite good as well. I'll be doing a phone interview w/ Steve in a few hours, and am looking forward to seeing them in a couple of weeks.

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Phish (they sound renewed, fresh, and they seem to be enjoying what they're doing again. A rebirth).

Meat Puppets (still mired in relative obscurity and the albums aren't really cuttin it for me, but the live stuff still sounds amazing).

The Eagles (not a fan, but they seem to sell out everywhere they play).

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Phish (they sound renewed, fresh, and they seem to be enjoying what they're doing again. A rebirth).

This is what I am talking about!


The Eagles (not a fan, but they seem to sell out everywhere they play).

Not this. I'm talking artistically, not financially.

(I'm not a Phish fan either, so don't accuse me of bias against The Eagles.)

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The Meat Puppets are back, baby and better than ever!


I LOVE the Meat Puppets. And the new albums are okay... but just not really kicking my ass.

But maybe, like Lammy said, they are still kicking much live ass. I just wish Derek still on board.

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Bostrom was great but the new guy (and a cool story of how he got in the band, to boot!) is pretty damn good. The brothers have that spark back, and Cris is all over the place (in a good way) with his playing.

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Television's reunion album from 1992 is pretty good.


Good one. And the tour was excellent!

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Mission of Burma

though the newer one isn't as strong, I can find no fault with ONoffON or especially The Obliterati, both excellent records. and the live show is still so exhilirating.


This is what I came to post. i'm 34, been to countless shows in my life, and seeing Burma a year ago (and the day before Wilco hit Lowell and the rain) was the only show that made me gush like a 14 year old at a Taylor Swift show. I came off as such an idiot to Roger after for just being such a pathetic fanboy, but I don't care. Plus the Burma Mk2 records may not live up to Vs. but they are some of the best things put out in the last 10 years, especially Obliterati.

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Mission of Burma

though the newer one isn't as strong, I can find no fault with ONoffON or especially The Obliterati, both excellent records. and the live show is still so exhilirating.

This was the first band that sprung to mind for me.

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The Pixies for sure. And Phish's comeback was pretty swell.


for me, a true comeback means that new material is also part of the equation...the Pixies fall short, though their Doolittle show was pretty decent. i only saw 'em once back in the day, but the live show was good.


The Jesus Lizard violates my self-imposed constraint, but hot damn were they awesome last year. saw 'em twice, and they SLAYED just like in '92.

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for me, it works as long as they DON'T release any new material (since a lot of bands who tend to get back together after a long hiatus tend to put out really bad albums)...Therefore I would have to say:


thrush hermit!!! (best canadian band from the 1990s)

the pixies

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