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Breaking news: Lou Reed Snubs Susan Boyle!

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This cracks me up. http://www.tmz.com/2...t-simon-cowell/


As I write this, it doesn't seem clear whether Lou has really denied Susan Boyle permission to sing Perfect Day or whether it was just a licensing glitch. Still, a pretty funny controversy!


Lou sounds like he's being petty. What's Susan Boyle's crime? Being somewhat less than attractive? Being overweight? Daring to sing on television?

It would be nice if people would get over themselves.

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Lou sounds like he's being petty. What's Susan Boyle's crime? Being somewhat less than attractive? Being overweight? Daring to sing on television?

It would be nice if people would get over themselves.

I don't know. Maybe Lou just imagined in his head how it would sound and decided he would rather stick a pencil in his eye than hear Perfect Day performed like a Broadway number. :lol

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I don't really think it's too out of line or petty for Lou to say she can't sing it. It's his song, and if he's been smart enough to not make business decisions that take away his right to say who can or can't sing it, then tough luck for Susan Boyle. There are plenty of musicians out there who are outspoken critics of these "talent" shows, and would likely make the same decision. Good for Lou.


All that being said, Lou Reed is pretty much known for being a massive jackass. So this can't be a shock to anyone.

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It's Lou's song. If he doesn't want it to become part of the reality show machine, that is his right. Boyle is definitely a talented singer, but her career is more about enriching the pocketbooks of others, not enriching the lives of her fans. In a few years (or days, or maybe already) she's going to be grouped in with the likes of William Hung. I don't think this had a thing to do with what Boyle looks like but has everything to do with the part of the music business she represents.

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It's Lou's song. If he doesn't want it to become part of the reality show machine, that is his right. Boyle is definitely a talented singer, but her career is more about enriching the pocketbooks of others, not enriching the lives of her fans. In a few years (or days, or maybe already) she's going to be grouped in with the likes of William Hung. I don't think this had a thing to do with what Boyle looks like but has everything to do with the part of the music business she represents.



Oh yeah...Mr. Integrity. Psh. Lou is a whore just like Pete Townsend.



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Oh yeah...Mr. Integrity. Psh. Lou is a whore just like Pete Townsend.




I do believe that is Lou singing in that commercial, right? So I don't see the correlation of having his song in a commercial and Susan Boyle singing it on a TV show. I don't think Lou particular appreciates Boyle's singing/performance of the song, thus he doesn't want her to perform it on the air. Is it a dickish thing to do, sure. But he is Lou Reed.

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Well, since I kinda started this, the latest word seems to be that it was a licensing snafu, not Lou being pissy, that caused this kerfuffle. Of course, this is an unfolding story, so who knows what the exact truth is.


Regardless, I do think there's a difference between Lou Reed licensing his own version of the song to be used for a TV commercial and allowing another singer to sing it. Personally, I have nothing against Susan Boyle, but if I had written a song (ha! fat chance!) that I wanted to exert some control over, I would think that's my right to do. Or at least try to do. I might have no problem at all licensing the song to a ton of other singers, because of my belief that their version would not become really popular and eclipse my own interpretation. But with the American Idol/America's Got Talent/Susan Boyle juggernauts, who knows? Maybe this little song could become the next "I Dreamed a Dream" or whatever. And maybe that's not what I would want for my song. Isn't that a valid point of view?


Not saying it is Lou Reed's point of view, of course--it probably was just a simple rights clearance issue.


For what it's worth, even if Lou Reed is a massive asshole, he and Velvet Underground have given me a lot of pleasure over the years, and I do not like American Idol and their evil spawn. :yucky So there!

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I pretty much agree w/ Wilco Me. Using a 30 year old song in a commercial is one thing. Clearly, he didn't write that song to sell snowboards, the Olympics, or whatever. What Susan Boyle represents in the music industry is substantially different than using songs in commercials. It's not about Lou having integrity by not sharing the song with her, it's about him using his property the way he sees fit. Lou is certainly cantankerous as hell and I don't care (much) whether or not Susan Boyle sings his song. But if he does -- and now it apparently seems he doesn't -- I don't see him as an asshole for not sharing. He may very well be an asshole for a whole host of other reasons, but this isn't one of them.

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I read an interview once where Neil Finn was asked about a rather appaling cover of Don't Dream it's Over. Some serious paraphrasing going on here, but said something like songs are like watching your kids grow up, and once they go out into the world you can't control who they sleep with, you just have to hope for the best.

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I don't trust Piers Morgan, the celebrity media or Lou Reed's PR department, or anyone else involved in this horrible, horrible scandal so I don't know what the facts are.


Having said that, I can see how Lou Reed (or ANY artist) would be hesitant to allow one of his songs to be sung by a high profle game show singer, because once that happens, all the other game show singers will want to sing that song, and likely look for other songs by him to sing.


If that's not what he wants for his song(s), more power to him.


And in other artists cases, if that IS what they want for their songs, more power to them, too.


It's their shit, not anyone else's. Jeff Tweedy is wrong.

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I don't trust Piers Morgan, the celebrity media or Lou Reed's PR department, or anyone else involved in this horrible, horrible scandal so I don't know what the facts are.


Having said that, I can see how Lou Reed (or ANY artist) would be hesitant to allow one of his songs to be sung by a high profle game show singer, because once that happens, all the other game show singers will want to sing that song, and likely look for other songs by him to sing.


If that's not what he wants for his song(s), more power to him.


And in other artists cases, if that IS what they want for their songs, more power to them, too.


It's their shit, not anyone else's. Jeff Tweedy is wrong.


The age old conundrum of art. Does it belong to the artist or the viewer, reader or viewer. One the work is produce and SOLD, the artist cannot demand that we accept their vision. There's a certain air of arrogance to the artist's arguement: It's MY work and I will control how you consume it.

If you don't want your art consumed and enjoyed by people you don't like or respect, they do it in your garage/loft/garrett.

Don't sell your work and demand that it be interpreted along the lines of your vision.

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The age old conundrum of art. Does it belong to the artist or the viewer, reader or viewer. One the work is produce and SOLD, the artist cannot demand that we accept their vision. There's a certain air of arrogance to the artist's arguement: It's MY work and I will control how you consume it.

If you don't want your art consumed and enjoyed by people you don't like or respect, they do it in your garage/loft/garrett.

Don't sell your work and demand that it be interpreted along the lines of your vision.


I agree with this whole heatedly. To me artists write and release music for their own enjoyment, but more importantly for others to enjoy. Even if someone like Susan Boyle covers it and according to the artist potentially "butchers it", there will be many others that enjoy the heck out of it.

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The age old conundrum of art. Does it belong to the artist or the viewer, reader or viewer. One the work is produce and SOLD, the artist cannot demand that we accept their vision. There's a certain air of arrogance to the artist's arguement: It's MY work and I will control how you consume it.

If you don't want your art consumed and enjoyed by people you don't like or respect, they do it in your garage/loft/garrett.Don't sell your work and demand that it be interpreted along the lines of your vision.


But that isn't even close to what is going on here. There is a world of difference between consuming/enjoying a song, and performing a song on a for-profit television show.

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Guest Speed Racer

No, it actually is close to what's going on here. He is still exercising the choice not to let certain people consume his art, because in this instance, he does have a choice.


I think what Crow said - that it's foolish to try to control that kind of thing (even if, as in this instance, you can) - still stands.


I don't see how it's that difference to license it for America's Got Talent than for AT&T, but I'm not Lou Reed.

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