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Now Playing: March, 2011

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In the running for worst album cover of the year.

Otherwise, quite an ummemorable experience

Is she still relying on endless repetition in her songwriting, or has she actually started writing good songs again?

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61M7P54MA-L._SL500_AA300_.jpg .. 51CWrCNP6ML._SL500_AA300_.jpg


Marvin Gaye - I Want You

The Doors - Strange Days

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In the running for worst album cover of the year.


The deluxe edition has 8 different covers to choose from. I like some of the images, just not a fan of the whole sign holding schtick. Remove the sign from the one you posted and that's a pretty great cover as far as I'm concerned.


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The deluxe edition has 8 different covers to choose from. I like some of the images, just not a fan of the whole sign holding schtick. Remove the sign from the one you posted and that's a pretty great cover as far as I'm concerned.


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My main problem with the entire album cover scheme is that the artists are using sentimentality to mask laziness: furthermore, it's not even true candidness, which just eviscerates any meaning and art originally discovered. At least Katy Perry tries to apply a theme and attempts to make herself look good (and she still doesn't).



Is she still relying on endless repetition in her songwriting, or has she actually started writing good songs again?

She's got a repetition crutch.

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Finally getting around to listening to this. Wow does it really suck. One of the worst albums I've listened to in a long time. What happened to these guys?

I liked them until I realized they were Pavement and Pixies rolled in one, then I lost all interest. With that said, they're trying to shake that off from what I hear.



This has done a nice job of washing my palette clean.

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Finally getting around to listening to this. Wow does it really suck. One of the worst albums I've listened to in a long time. What happened to these guys?




i actually like it. it's SO much better than their overblown/overproduced 2nd record. amazing? no. but it's a lot of the frenetic energy that made the first one interesting + better production.


full disclosure... i'm friends with them and designed their new website.

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Didn't grab anything on my way out the door this morning, so I'm, listening to stuff that's already on my iTunes and am going to update as the day goes on.




Brinsley Schwarz - Rarities

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Either this is just an awesome album or I'm in the perfect mood for an album just like this one.


J at his most mellow and a host of guest stars like Ben Bridwell and Kurt Vile...amongst others.


agreed. absolutely love that album.

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