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Face it everyone, the world is about to end. Just like it was about to end when John the Divine wrote Revelations around 100 AD, or when it almost ended during the cold war. All of the signs are pointing to a monolithic fiat-currency based, Zionist, diet pill, pyramid scheme eating all of the young people and using their bones to build a space ship.


But.... that's American politics these days :usa

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Face it everyone, the world is about to end. Just like it was about to end when John the Divine wrote Revelations around 100 AD, or when it almost ended during the cold war. All of the signs are pointing to a monolithic fiat-currency based, Zionist, diet pill, pyramid scheme eating all of the young people and using their bones to build a space ship.


But.... that's American politics these days :usa


Hey, you figured it out... :D

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:dj sparky wants us to watch some pro oil garbage but not to look at the kony 2012 video


I remember that Kony thing! Also remember that all the posters were to go up last Friday? I have seen 1.

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So funny Sparky decries the when we discuss the news of the day (be it Ted Nugent, Dogs, Fluke, etc.) as we are all sheep and we got to wake up, but yet he just throws out these videos, which are feed in to paranoia and generally are filled with half truths and out and out lies.


Also I first heard this on Michael Savage, so that should tell you the level of truthiness on it.

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Also I first heard this on Michael Savage, so that should tell you the level of truthiness on it.
That's enough to keep me from even thinking about watching this vid.


FYI- the world is not ending. It doesn't mean shit ain't fucked up. But even a Romney presidency won't be the end of the world; the same as Obama BEING president aint the end of the world. People have been spied on by the powers that be since the begining of time. There has been intrigue, assassinations, and backstabbing that long too.


Once again, who the fuck isn't concerned about deficits? It isn't good for anyone. But figuring out how to balance a budget that doesn't wack poor and middle class people and doesn't infuriate business and the rich is what the government is SUPPOSED to do. When everyone starts do do their job and live with the consiquences, thats when these crises will be over. This is still the richest fucking country in the world. Fixing the deficit is going to hurt everyone, including the rich, so they might just as well get use to it. The poor never get away from being poor until they aren't anymore, and it is getting harder to get away from being poor.



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That's enough to keep me from even thinking about watching this vid.


FYI- the world is not ending. It doesn't mean shit ain't fucked up. But even a Romney presidency won't be the end of the world; the same as Obama BEING president aint the end of the world. People have been spied on by the powers that be since the begining of time. There has been intrigue, assassinations, and backstabbing that long too.


Once again, who the fuck isn't concerned about deficits? It isn't good for anyone. But figuring out how to balance a budget that doesn't wack poor and middle class people and doesn't infuriate business and the rich is what the government is SUPPOSED to do. When everyone starts do do their job and live with the consiquences, thats when these crises will be over. This is still the richest fucking country in the world. Fixing the deficit is going to hurt everyone, including the rich, so they might just as well get use to it. The poor never get away from being poor until they aren't anymore, and it is getting harder to get away from being poor.




Well said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a pretty low voter turnout in the cities in WVa., so while I am surprised the felon got as many votes as he did, I suppose it could have been worse. It's a great state with a lot of great people, but particularly on social issues, I find myself on a completely different planet than most of them.



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This country has lost all sense. totally nuts.



The country of West Virginia?

Could anyone else keep from chuckling a little bit while reading this? It seemed like something from the onion.

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The country of West Virginia?

Could anyone else keep from chuckling a little bit while reading this? It seemed like something from the onion.

Last I looked WV was still part of the country. Okay so WV is particularly nuts I guess.



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Jus' messin' with ya

NP....I am surprised Analogman has not chimed in. He is also a WVer. I grew up for a few years in WV. it is somewhat otherworldly.



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Obama officially supports gay marriage, about fing time.




I have never understood why the party [Republicans] of personal freedom with a "laser focus" on jobs and the economy cared about what two consenting adults did in the privacy of their own home.


Oh wait, I forgot the Republicans are controlled by the religious right.

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I guess Obama decided now was the right time to make the political decision to support gay marriage. I wonder what he really feels about it, though.

I am going to "guess" that he has supported it for a long time. This decision will have mixed results to be sure.



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I guess Obama decided now was the right time to make the political decision to support gay marriage. I wonder what he really feels about it, though.


I am happy he did it, but I have those same hesitations you do. His waffling there has been pretty disappointing.


NP....I am surprised Analogman has not chimed in. He is also a WVer. I grew up for a few years in WV. it is somewhat otherworldly.




What part Lou? I went to grad school in the twin cities but aside from those four years, I've been in WV all my life. As embarrassing as last night's election result was at least we didn't have a gay marriage ban passing on the book (though if that ever went up I have no doubt it would stick.).



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