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I listened to disc 1 last night, and disc 2 this morning. Disc 1 is far and away the best of the two, the 2nd disc is far too patchy imo. Its not crap by any means, just think that they could have added sunken treasure, someday soon, the lonely 1 and maybe dreamer in my dreams and given us a wonderful single disc album.

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I listened to disc 1 last night, and disc 2 this morning. Disc 1 is far and away the best of the two, the 2nd disc is far too patchy imo. Its not crap by any means, just think that they could have added sunken treasure, someday soon, the lonely 1 and maybe dreamer in my dreams and given us a wonderful single disc album.

This sounds like the people who think the White album would have made a great single album. BT is great as it is. I love every single song. Wouldn't change a thing.

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We love this one end to end. One of my favorite road memories is driving home from norther Vermont with my then 13 year-old daughter, blasting Being There and singing our way through it like blissed out idiots as we cruised through the Green Mountains. When my daughter immitated the wet-lung hack late in "Dreamer..", before the band kicks back in, I almost pissed myself.

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This sounds like the people who think the White album would have made a great single album. BT is great as it is. I love every single song. Wouldn't change a thing.


You've got the wrong guy guv. I've never heard a Beatles album in my life, can't stand them. And before you say anything, I've heard enough of the drivel they released as singles to make my mind up that I don't want to listen to an album by them.

And to get back on topic, you have your opinion and I have mine about Being There. Neither of us are right, neither of us are wrong. I'd be interested to hear though from anybody, including yourself, who thinks disc 2 is stronger than disc 1.

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... I've never heard a Beatles album in my life, can't stand them. And before you say anything, I've heard enough of the drivel they released as singles to make my mind up that I don't want to listen to an album by them.



This may be the most amazing two sentences ever posted on Via Chicago.

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This may be the most amazing two sentences ever posted on Via Chicago.

I started a thread on my lack of love for the Beatles a year or so. Whilst I don't like the Beatles I've listened to their albums and certainly wouldn't call their singles 'drivel'. They're the greatest band of all time. Not my cup of tea, but genius all the same.


(...and side is better than side two!).

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Some sensitive souls on here! I love Joy Division, Husker Du and The Smiths (just off the top of my head, I could have listed reams of other bands), but if somebody states they don't like any of them I just shrug my shoulders and think they're missing out on great music, but hey, we can't all like the same stuff, I respect their opinion and forget about it. I don't have to have heard an album by The Beatles to know I won't like it. We're not talking some obscure hardcore band here, their music is/was everywhere, whether album tracks or singles.

Anyway, that's my final word on it, its detracting from the original post.

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Some sensitive souls on here! I love Joy Division, Husker Du and The Smiths (just off the top of my head, I could have listed reams of other bands), but if somebody states they don't like any of them I just shrug my shoulders and think they're missing out on great music, but hey, we can't all like the same stuff, I respect their opinion and forget about it. I don't have to have heard an album by The Beatles to know I won't like it. We're not talking some obscure hardcore band here, their music is/was everywhere, whether album tracks or singles.

Anyway, that's my final word on it, its detracting from the original post.

You're new here, aren't you.

Saying you want something dropped doesn't mean it gets dropped.

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For some strange reason I wish I had never heard a Beatles album so I could enjoy hearing them again for the first time. I'll never forget listening to Sgt. Pepper and especially the White Album when I first put them on the turntable back when they came out when I was a kid. If only I could go back in time. You, gryffe, still have that chance in a weird sort of way. You should try it and join the rest of the world. For me, Wilco is the closest thing to the Beatles going today. How you can like one and not the other is beyond me, but hey, to each their own I guess.


To stay on topic, BT is my favorite Wilco Album.

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I like Joy Division, Husker Du, and The Smiths also, but seriously? The Beatles are amazing, the white album is still pretty modern sounding to this day. And saying "I've heard the singles, I know I hate them" is absolutely ridiculous. Like 90% of most bands the real experience comes from the album not the songs on the radio. As a underground/indie fan you should really know better.


Stop acting cool and go listen to Abbey Road from start to finish, and The White Album, Sgt Pepper, Revolver...some of the best rock albums of all time. You are doing yourself a real injustice by not listening to them.

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Just listened to disc 1 of BT again on headphones (for the first time in ages) - sounded amazing. The great thing about The Whole Love being released is that its made me go back and re-evaluate the back catalogue, but BT has been the biggest rediscovery for me, especially disc 1. I think I'll spend a lot of next week concentrating on disc 2 to see if it really is as great as disc 1 and I just cannot hear it. Like I say it's not bad by any means, it just has never grabbed me as much as disc 1.

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No Beatles = No Husker Du. Bob Mould cut his teeth on 60s pop. The melodies that Husker Du brought to punk were 60s pop (i.e. Beatles) style melodies. I don't think anyone is being sensitive about the Beatles but just confused how someone can listen to so much Beatles inspired music and yet claim the Beatles are drivel.

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I love Joy Division, Husker Du and The Smiths (just off the top of my head, I could have listed reams of other bands),


What are you trying to prove here?. Are you trying to suggest that you're cooler than us? Well done to you.

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Saying the Beatles suck is moronic. Especially, if you listen to music that is clearly influenced by them. There is a reason they are so well known and loved. For the love of god, listen to Revolver!!


This drives me nuts, people who discount the Beatles because they are well known and popular. Yet, they listen to music that is so derivative of them. Get some headphones and the mono box. Your ears will thank you.


Stop being a knucklehead.

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What's the World Got in Store and Why Would You Want to Live sound 20 years ahead of their time.


Not sure I agree with that, especially Why Would You Want to Live which is fairly traditional stuff albeit in the wonderful Wilco style.

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