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I've always loved the Ramones. When I discovered their music in the early 80s (along with the Sex Pistols, Black Flag, Circle Jerks, etc.) it gave legitimacy to my teenage anger and disdain for mainstream pop culture. I imagined myself as a punk rock girl (sans safety pins or a pink Mohawk) and therefore had the right to put on a hateful face, almost flunk out of chemistry and trigonometry, and puke from too many cheap beers. Those were the days... ;)

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Sixties dinosaurs The Rolling Stones (well, 80% of them) and The Who (well, 50% of them) are alive and doing 50th anniversary tours, while the poor Ramones lived to an average age of 54. What a bad run of luck they had.


Well, at least the band's back together out there somewhere ...

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Sixties dinosaurs The Rolling Stones (well, 80% of them) and The Who (well, 50% of them) are alive and doing 50th anniversary tours, while the poor Ramones lived to an average age of 54. What a bad run of luck they had.


Well, at least the band's back together out there somewhere ...


They lived a rough, rough life.  RIP

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Sixties dinosaurs The Rolling Stones (well, 80% of them) and The Who (well, 50% of them) are alive and doing 50th anniversary tours, while the poor Ramones lived to an average age of 54. What a bad run of luck they had.


Well, at least the band's back together out there somewhere ...

I'm trying to think of another band from the 60s and after - in which all of the original members are dead...

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I found some photos I took on an old disc camera at my first show in 1983. It was at Jannus Landing in St Pete and the show was sponsored by local station 98 Rock, so tickets were 98 cents. I saw them one more time, also at Jannus Landing, on their farewell tour in 1996.








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I'm trying to think of another band from the 60s and after - in which all of the original members are dead...


Hendrix was the only one I thought of, didn't realize about T-rex.  There has to be others I assume?

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I found some photos I took on an old disc camera at my first show in 1983. It was at Jannus Landing in St Pete and the show was sponsored by local station 98 Rock, so tickets were 98 cents. I saw them one more time, also at Jannus Landing, on their farewell tour in 1996.








Wow, Jannus Landing? I caught my first Wilco show there in 1999.

Small world.

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Wow, Jannus Landing? I caught my first Wilco show there in 1999.

Small world.

I saw a lot of shows there between 1983 and 2008. The Ramones gigs were the best, but I also saw a great Blonde Redhead performance circa 1997 that was attended by about a dozen people. It wasn't technically at Jannus Landing, but at a pub that opened onto the courtyard.

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I love the Rising Sun style shirt that one kid is wearing. Totally early 80s. I wonder if he was wearing parachute pants too.

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