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AGIB 20 Year Anniversary

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Good news! My copy arrived. Doing first listen to "dbpm: Outtakes/Alternates 1". If you like raw noisy Wilco like I do, you're going to be in for a treat. The records in the boxset are called "Unstitc

I am going to annoy the absolute shit out of my wife with all the different versions of Spiders.

I’d like to add that there hasn’t been an official announcement yet either for U2’s 20th anniversary for How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb which is supposed to be due on November 22nd. Rumor is that it’

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2 hours ago, Marijn said:

The Wilco article in the new edition of Uncut contains a pretty interesting sidenote:





Saw this over on the FB group and I’m quite happy that they’ve broken down the Fundamentals. I wonder if this is in the liner notes or if Uncut actually broke it down. 

I was quite lucky to catch My Words in concert 20 years ago on a Jeff solo stop in Northampton, MA. A real stunner of a tune. I remember that you could hear a pin drop during that lovely performance. If we believe Setlist FM, it’s only been performed 3 times. For those that don’t know, it’s been preserved for “historical purposes” over at Nugs. It’s on the NYC Jeff solo show on November 17, 2005. 

I think I used to have a live recording of Millionaire on my old PC that shit the bed close to 20 years ago. I don’t really remember much about that one. Anyone here ever hear it performed live? Looks like all 5 times Jeff has done this one solo has been in Chicago 2002/2003. And Loose Fur did it twice in NYC in 2002.

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On 2/1/2025 at 6:00 PM, u2roolz said:

Saw this over on the FB group and I’m quite happy that they’ve broken down the Fundamentals. I wonder if this is in the liner notes or if Uncut actually broke it down. 

I was quite lucky to catch My Words in concert 20 years ago on a Jeff solo stop in Northampton, MA. A real stunner of a tune. I remember that you could hear a pin drop during that lovely performance. If we believe Setlist FM, it’s only been performed 3 times. For those that don’t know, it’s been preserved for “historical purposes” over at Nugs. It’s on the NYC Jeff solo show on November 17, 2005. 

I think I used to have a live recording of Millionaire on my old PC that shit the bed close to 20 years ago. I don’t really remember much about that one. Anyone here ever hear it performed live? Looks like all 5 times Jeff has done this one solo has been in Chicago 2002/2003. And Loose Fur did it twice in NYC in 2002.

I was lucky enough to be at that 11/17/05 NYC show which also featured a Loose Fur “reunion”. I believe that was the fourth of only four live performances by the group, correct? The other three being the Double Door in Chicago in 2000 and the two Brooklyn shows in 2002, one of which I was lucky enough to have attended as well.

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5 minutes ago, lost highway said:


Please share your impressions as they form!

It says it will arrive tomorrow now! I will. 

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Good news! My copy arrived. Doing first listen to "dbpm: Outtakes/Alternates 1". If you like raw noisy Wilco like I do, you're going to be in for a treat. The records in the boxset are called "Unstitched: Outtakes/Alternates 2", "The Hook At The Wang (10/2/04) Wang Centre-Boston, MA", and "A Ghost Is Born (Original Album)", yes that's what the spine says. Listening to a version of Muzzle of Bees that sounds like nothing I've heard before. 


Bad news! They sent me the black vinyl instead of the colour vinyl which hopefully they will make right as I am 1) a huge collectionist nerd and 2) spent a bunch on import fees and shipping to get the cool colour vinyl. If you also ordered the robin's egg colour vinyl, make sure you open your boxset and confirm, even if you're not going to listen right away. 

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Mine arrived! Very excited until I opened it.  
I too ordered the colour version and it’s the all black vinyl. I checked my invoice and it says colour edition as well. So there’s been a mistake at manufacturing.  Hope King Fu fixes this. It cost a small fortune with Canadian conversion and duty  still worth owning but I love coloured vinyl. Check your vinyl when they come in. 

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Good news! Kung Fu is shipping me a new copy with the correct vinyl. I was ready to go full Karen but they took care of me right away, that's good customer service. I see @BoyWithPoetryPowerhas the same issue and I was tagged on a post in the Facebook group with someone else hopefully this isn't too wide spread of an issue, I'm sure it won't be a cheap fix.


A lot of really good stuff on these outtakes and alternates. Diamond Claw is great 'lost track'. There's been a few times that have made me stop and go 👀

One (small) disappointment is that two of the songs, Bob Dylan's 49th Beard, and More Like The Moon, are from the Yankee Hotel Foxtrot bonus EP,  which was also pressed on the Alpha Mike Foxtrot boxset. I would imagine if you're buying this set you probably also have the Alpha Mike Foxtrot Set. Though they do note that More Like The Moon is "a mix very similar" to the previously released version, and sounded the same to my ears but I'd need to do an A B comparison. The High Heat from The Wilco Book also appears (and was also in Alpha Mike Foxtrot) but this one also appears as a "very similar mix". Not a big deal that I probably wouldn't even note but......... there's a pretty kick ass version of Spiders that isn't on the set but is on the Uncut CD, I highly recommend people seek that out, especially those with souls... if ya catch my drift wink wink. I'd gladly swap the previous mix of B.D.'s Beard for this Spiders version.


I think these alternate mixes might be new as the liner notes mention that Tom Schick did additional mixing in The Loft. All these old recordings sound pretty polished so kudos to Tom for doing a great job getting these old songs together.


Bob Mehr's linernotes are once again, awesome. Especially awesome in this case, because this era of the band isn't as well documented as the YHF-era is. I recall reading Learning How To Die when I was in college (close to 20 years ago now wtf) and being bummed that Pat and Nels were only mentioned at the very end. I for one would be interested in either an updated and expanded version of Learning How To Die from Greg Kot or a book from Bob Mehr focusing on Wilco's recording history, he already has a few chapters done with these liner note essays!


I'm looking forward to everyone else to get their copies and hear their thoughts. I'm also excited to get my downloads so I can listen closely on headphones when I'm out and about. But ultimately I'm glad Wilco continue to do these boxsets. These records and important and deserve the exhaustive deluxe treatment. I do wonder where they go from here. I imagine a Sky Blue Sky set would work, but as you get further into the bands career my impression is they spend less time actually recording. Bob Mehr notes that they spent the better part of two years working on AGIB and at the time three of the members lived within walking distance of Soma Studios. Now the band are spread out over what... 5 states? Do they have multiple LPs of outtakes from records like Schmilco or Wilco The Album? Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself but remember, the AM/Being There Deluxe editions are already 8 years old and even a 'new' record like Star Wars 10 years old which means basically it'll be due for the deluxe treatment in what feels like a few months. 👴🏻

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I got the black version as well. You may

have seen my post on shot in the arm.


Only listened to out takes 1 so far .. and the biggest surprise was probably Panthers. As much as love the original bside , I think I like this more percussion heavy version. Really cool outtake

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3 hours ago, rhino4evr said:

I got the black version as well. You may

have seen my post on shot in the arm.


Only listened to out takes 1 so far .. and the biggest surprise was probably Panthers. As much as love the original bside , I think I like this more percussion heavy version. Really cool outtake

Let us know what kind of response you get from Kung Fu. People on Reddit said they had to send their copies back first before new ones would get sent.

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So frustrating to order these things the second they go on sale and then to not even have it ship by release date. Anyone else waiting on tracking from KungFu? Wonder if it’s because got the poster too. 

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Kung Fu was really easy with the vinyl exchange. They said they'd send a new one right away and label it as a gift so I wouldn't have to pay duty again.


Absolutely awesome listening to the outakes so far and they are so dam good. In particular, I love the version of Spiders on Outakes 1. So good!  I really thought it would just sort of sound like the early 2000's version that sounded just like a more standard   rock song but it doesn't. So different. So crunchy? So good.


This is starting to feel like it might be my favorite deluxe edition, which makes sense cause while its hard to pick a best Wilco album, Ghost is usually the one I go too. (Although it does change depending on the mood.) 


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2 hours ago, BoyWithPoetryPower said:

Kung Fu was really easy with the vinyl exchange. They said they'd send a new one right away and label it as a gift so I wouldn't have to pay duty again.


Absolutely awesome listening to the outakes so far and they are so dam good. In particular, I love the version of Spiders on Outakes 1. So good!  I really thought it would just sort of sound like the early 2000's version that sounded just like a more standard   rock song but it doesn't. So different. So crunchy? So good.


This is starting to feel like it might be my favorite deluxe edition, which makes sense cause while its hard to pick a best Wilco album, Ghost is usually the one I go too. (Although it does change depending on the mood.) 



Just a heads up, they did the same for me but I still got fees duty fees this morning from Fedex. I think the government has cracked down on the 'gift' loophole. Friggin' Trudeau!!

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Listening to the version on Apple Music now. Is the regular record remastered at all? It sounds the same to me. 


The SOMA tracks are really neat to hear.


Hopefully going to buy the CD version next payday. The vinyl is just too spendy for me now. Plus, the CD's will get more play in the car.


edit- SOMA version of “Less Than You Think” sounds like it could fit in the hootenanny style stuff they did back 10 years ago at shows. No drone to be found. 

also digging the guitar heavy “Late Greats” from the SOMA stuff too. Reminds me of the way they were playing it in ‘03-‘04. 

what a fun listen this morning at work. 

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3 hours ago, tstrapac said:

My tracking finally updated to Wednesday of next week and my digital download link gives a 404 error.



I also get the download error so happy to hear I'm not the only one as misery loves company. I emailed info@kungfunation.com but have not received a response. Seems like an excessive amount of mistakes on this release.

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I got cold feet and held out on the full package. I'm listening to the outtakes on the streaming version and it's making me want to get the rest of the story. I was a little disappointed to see photos of the book and see it's largely 'The Wilco Book' design work repackaged, but I still think I might have to pony up for all the LPs.


At times the earlier versions have just a little slop to them that makes me feel like it's what it would sound like if Pavement wrote a Wilco song.

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Good news : my blue version is on the way and will be here Monday.


better news : currently listening to the outtakes Side 2 and was floored by the early take of leave me like you found me. Love it so much. 

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Something I usually do: pre-order directly from the artist. Something I rarely do: order from Amazon, especially music. For this release, I changed things up.


I pre-ordered the Yankee Hotel Foxtrot deluxe boxes and grossly overpaid, especially for the LP set. I have historically bought Wilco LPs along with the CDs (even though it's the CDs I will listen to) because I like having full-size artwork and, in at least a couple of instances (Kicking Television, The Whole Love), there were extra tracks on the LPs. The YHF LP box was such a waste. The artwork was identical to the CD box, and the songs were distributed across the LPs in an asinine way that made it even more user-unfriendly than the typical LP would be compared to a CD. To make matters worse, the sets did not arrive by the release date.


So, when the A Ghost Is Born deluxe sets were announced, I decided: 1) I'm not wasting my time with the LP set; and 2) I'll wait to order it, and maybe I'll just get it at the record store on release day. I totally forgot about the release until I got Jeff's Starship Casual email yesterday. I did a quick search to see what my ordering options were, and I ended up ordering the CD set from Amazon (where I have two days left on a free month of Prime). I ordered it last night and it arrived today. This is a long spiel to get to the point of: it's ridiculous that when I order something three months ahead of time, it arrives a week late, but when I order something the night before it's released, it arrives in under 24 hours and on release day.


Haven't had a chance to listen yet.

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Received my AGIB vinyl box  from Wilco EU store via FedEx yesterday, I’m in UK. 

 Today I got legit emails from FedEx asking for nearly £50 in duties and taxes. Anyone else in UK experiencing this? Not pleased. 

Probably a Brexit thing I know, but I’m sure I’ve got Wilco merch post- Brexit from the EU store without this. £50 on top of a £200 purchase??? 🤬

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40 minutes ago, Glenn's Stick Bag said:

Received my AGIB vinyl box  from Wilco EU store via FedEx yesterday, I’m in UK. 

 Today I got legit emails from FedEx asking for nearly £50 in duties and taxes. Anyone else in UK experiencing this? Not pleased. 

Probably a Brexit thing I know, but I’m sure I’ve got Wilco merch post- Brexit from the EU store without this. £50 on top of a £200 purchase??? 🤬

I think some new customs rules came in from the end of January last year. I recall getting stung in the other direction, UK > EU, which was not an issue previously

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