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Mr. Kinsley

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Everything posted by Mr. Kinsley

  1. Anybody else find it rather ironic that the school who wouldn't let a woman referee the game is named St. MARY'S.
  2. Daaaaaang! That bums me out. I found the character a bit creepy, but... I guess I'd have less of a problem if his (their) name wasn't 'Noodle.' I also watched Mr. Roger's yesterday for the first time since I was in pre-school and realized that the mailman character's name is 'McFeely.'
  3. If anyone here watches Sesame Street on a regular basis you'll understand this - Mr. Noodle (and his brother, Mr. Noodle) on the Elmo's World segments... they don't wear the make-up, but they are basically clowns and they totally freak me out. It took me a while to understand my irrational dislike for them, but I realized that they never talk, they always act like total buffoons, they wear absurd clothes with really big ties and really baggy pants, and worst of all... they're always waiting right outside Elmo's window.
  4. I stumbled into the comments section of some political blog and even the Hillary supporters there were talking about how cultish they thought the Obama supporters were, how they'd met him and felt "a chill," I think some even threw out the anti-christ bit as a semi-joke (but only semi.) What I find creepy is the lengths that people will go to smear his name. That and people who put pictures of him in their avatar.
  5. Agreed. My (lame) joke was that it was just a regular pic.
  6. I read a similar story a while back (might have been here on VC) about a village in Africa where,according to everyone's T-shirts, the Buffalo Bills were the great football dynasty of the 80's.
  7. I got lazy about tix for that and now I'm regretting it. 90,000+ sold out on the first day.
  8. I don't get it. Is there something funny about the picture?
  9. I think that was the change. I can't remember what was there before.
  10. I think you're all actually looking for this.
  11. Oh. My. God. I just read through all the comments (I skimmed large portions) and I've never been more terrified in my life. How many people are that stupid, racist, and just plain paranoid? I guess I'm just naive. I didn't think people really felt that way anymore. I realize it's still a pretty small chunk of even the church-going population, but man... one is too many.
  12. A Dave Matthews stool sample would be much easier. Just check out his tour schedule, figure out where he's going next, then wait under a bridge on his route. THANKYOUGOODNIGHT!!!! I can't believe I joined in on this.
  13. What I was trying (very ineloquently) to say is that with all the slogans, chants, songs, grown men crying like little schoolgirls at political rallies, etc., that a lot of people are looking at an Obama win in November as Mission Accomplished. It isn't. That's when the really heavy lifting begins, and as THDW said, we do sort of suck at the follow through. My hope is that so many people are personally invested in this campaign that the good vibes will carry over into action in the years to come.
  14. And if they are they're getting a terrible return on their investment.
  15. smug Main Entry: smug Pronunciation: \ˈsməg\ Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): smug
  16. Yeah, missed that. I read through the thing about 10 times looking for whatever he fixed, too.
  17. Obama is definitely setting himself up for an all-or-nothing presidency. If he heeds the lessons of history and doesn't appoint the president of the Plains, GA Bank as Treasury Secretary, then he'll probably be OK. But there is a definite sense of impending let-down when he takes office and the world doesn't magically become fixed. The trick is working through that phase and working for steady improvement.
  18. I'm assuming you missed the question mark in there. I don't get the joke. You fixed it by shortening it and removing the really well-stated points? or did you forget to change part of the sentence?
  19. While I will say that I agree that we take our luxuries and freedoms for granted, I think there's a boat-load of crap in there I couldn't disagree with any more. Maybe we're unhappy with the state of funding for education, which is lagging sorely behind many other countries who also provide ambulances and helicopters for crash victims? Maybe we're unhappy that this war that Bush started with "no plan to get us out" is actually making us less safe than before it started. Maybe in a country that does have so much of what was mentioned it should be completely intolerable for anyone to go homele
  20. In a weird way one of the things I like about him is that he's semi-Reganesque in that sense... without the whole ketchup-is-a-school-lunch-vegetable thing and such. He's for making healthcare affordable so that if you want it, you can get it and not have it be a mandate. Tax breaks for the middle class. Job creation incentives to keep manufacturing here in America. All these things and more are right up any conservative's alley, plus he's got a gift for speaking that's part Kennedy, MLK, and Reagan. What's not to like?* *You can't hold some of his annoying supporters against him. It rea
  21. Really sorry to hear about your loss. Take care.
  22. No, unfortunately they're right. It does need to be less about "the campaign" and more about the issues. This other stuff starts to overshadow positions, and that ain't good.
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