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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Kinda want to add my 2 cents. I have a friend who's an atheist. We go round and round sometimes, but not in a mean or heated way. I understand why he feels the way he does, but I wish he'd be a believer. I think many non-believers think that believers hate them or judge them or think badly of them. I don't think that's true with most believers. To me, it's just sad that someone doesn't believe. I feel bad for the person because I think there's so much for that person to gain by following and believing in Jesus. I think they're missing out on a LOT. But, honest to goodness, my friendshi
  2. Sure. Give OU a ton of credit for beating Texas Tech. But that was a game where Stoops could tell his team they were the underdogs. It was a home game. A game where Leach made some really risky early decisions that backfired and led to OU scores, then Herrell and Tech panicked and the game snowballed. It was a great game for OU, but no way does OU beat Tech by 40 if they play again. I think Tech was fading a little towards the end of the season and deserves to be ranked behind OU and Texas. Baylor came VERY close to beating Texas Tech....in Lubbock! Everyone talks about OU having the b
  3. I don't have a problem with Texas Tech being eliminated. The thrashing against Oklahoma is worthy of punishment. I heard an ESPN "BCS expert" on the radio. He said 3 things helped Oklahoma jump Texas in the computer polls: - Kansas beat Missouri (Oklahoma played Kansas, not Texas...improving Oklahoma's strength of schedule slightly and hurting Texas's, who beat Missouri) - Nebraska beat Colorado (again, Texas had Colorado on its schedule and Oklahoma beat a Nebraska team that was much improved this year) - He also wondered if the last TD scored by Oklahoma...with 20 seconds left, whe
  4. I kind of agree with this. An 8 team playoff would make for 7 awesome games, but might lessen the thrill of OU/Texas, Florida/Alabama and other conference showdowns. This all, to me, emphasizes how critically the voters should weigh head-to-head games.
  5. The injury argument shouldn't apply here. MAYBE if the starting QB goes out in the 1st quarter of a game, but losing one player in the 3rd quarter, no matter how good, is just football. I think Kansas' record would be one or two games better if their best reciever, Kerry Meier wasn't limping around the past few games. I'm not saying Tech's win was a fluke. But Texas and McCoy showed me how great they are by overcoming a deficit on the road and getting to a point that they should have won the game. Yes, Texas lost. But that's as much a near-win as a team can get. If Oklahoma loses and Tech
  6. Thanks for the Holiday Mix! That's a very nice compilation. Couple of my faves: - "Fat Daddy" by an artist of the same name on the John Waters Christmas album. - "A Change at Christms (Say it Isn't So)" by the Flaming Lips.
  7. What I find funny, is that I know some who argue that the current system is great because many weeks serve as a playoff throughout the season....each week matters. Jason Whitlock (KC Star and Fox Sports) is a big believer of the current system. YET NOW, many AP voters are voting Oklahoma ahead of Texas. Until we get a playoff, I think we MUST go by the FACTS that have been laid out. Oklahoma lost to Texas. That should trump any other argument. Yes, under this thought process, Texas Tech should also get consideration. But I think most reasonable people would agree that getting thr
  8. I don't have a favorite team in the Big 12 South. I'm a Kansas grad. But I think Texas deserves the South title if it wins this week. I cannot get past the fact that Texas beat Oklahoma on a NEUTRAL FIELD. Yes, Texas perhaps over-achieved in the game and got a very helpful kick return. But they won the game. And it wasn't terribly close. Sorry Oklahoma. Texas lost to Texas Tech, on the road, on a play that defies explanation. I still don't know how Crabtree, 1 - caught the ball and, 2 -stayed in bounds. Had the Texas defender simply let him catch it, then push him out of bounds, Te
  9. I think Texas should be ranked higher than Oklahoma. BUT... I might change that opinion based on this weekend. Texas needs to THROTTLE Texas A&M (30 points-plus) and Oklahoma/Oklahoma State need to play a fairly competitive game (7-10 points). I'm amazed that Texas Tech was so poor on offense. And the gambling calls by Leach didn't help. That score just snow-balled. I think if it was played in Lubbock, it would have been a nail-biter.
  10. I'd give the nod to Lennon's songs over McCartney's, but not my much. And Dear Prduence is a phenomenal song.
  11. John Lasseter, Pixar creator and head of Disney animation, was asked by rottentomatoes.com to list his 5 favorite films of all time. I find it interesting because I think Lasseter has a great eye and feel for what makes a good movie. Here's his list: 1.Dumbo Dumbo is my favorite movie of all time. A remarkable motion picture. Just over 60 minutes, it's so tight in terms of storytelling. It's like [snaps fingers]. When you have kids and you watch Dumbo, it really nails you because there's that "Baby Mine" sequence. I like [Dumbo] because it's the most cartoony of Disney features. I like it
  12. Phil and Jake should apply at Pitchfork. It's a clever way to review an album, but I think 2 smart-asses could have fun with just about any record. The one track they seem to half-way like (Scared), is the one I think is the lamest.
  13. Maybe it's because you h8music. Ha-ha....ok, not funny. I can understand someone not getting into it. It DOES mostly sound like a trainwreck...but then cool guitar shreds or melodies or Axl's annoyingingly great voice or something unexpected keeps surfacing to keep my interest. I think it'll sell very well. Each song has multiple hundred thousands of listens. And I can only imagine the money they'll make on tour.
  14. Maybe the shelf life for this record will be 2 weeks and I'll never want to listen to it again, but I'm digging most of it right now. "Scraped" is the only song I'd say "sucks". A couple others are kinda blah. But 3/4 of it is pretty solid. It's mostly over-produced, over-kill, over-done in almost every way....including Axl's voice....but somehow it all sounds like a breath of fresh air. There's a ton of great, subtle records that grow on multiple listens. But this isn't one of them. And I'm not minding it one bit.
  15. I've only listened once, but yeah, it's much better than I expected. It's pretty all over the place....in a mostly good way.
  16. I can only speak to the 4 songs on their myspace page. Sounds very good so far. I think "Bicycle" competes with anyting they did as the Jayhawks.
  17. Listen to Chinese Democracy: http://www.myspace.com/gunsnroses
  18. Ha. This thread is SO predictable. You all kill me.
  19. The following is an email that's circulating.....fear-mongering at it's worst, but interesting nonetheless: Who am I? Do you know? I was raised in one country but my father was born in another. I was not his only child. He fathered several children with a number of women. I became very close to my mother because my father showed little interest in me. Then my mother died at an early age from cancer. Later in life, questions arose over my real name. My birth records were sketchy and no one was able to produce a reliable birth certificate. I grew up practicing one faith
  20. I don't have much a problem with the Wilco inclusions. We could all nitpick the hell out most of it, but the thing that bothers me most about Pitchfork's list is the specific songs they selected for artists who only got one mention. I could list many, but here's a few examples: Smog - Teenage Spaceship Spoon - The Way We Get By Duran Duran - The Chauffer Replacements - I Will Dare Blondie - Atomic Godspeed You Black Emporor - Storm It makes me want to read the book, to read WHY they chose those specific songs. The Godspeed selection is particularly troubling. The song is from an
  21. Don't know if anyone has seen the list (you can find it by simply doing a Google search), but.....if anyone gives a rat's ass about what Pitchfork thinks....Wilco got 2 songs in their list of 500 best songs of the past 3 decades: Via Chicago Poor Places
  22. I too love that OP8 record. Crackling Water is awesome. I always hoped OP8 would make a 2nd record....a great collection of musicians. If you like "If I Think of Love" and "It's A Rainbow", you'd like most of her solo stuff. For me, "Excerpts From a Love Circus" and "Happiness" are her 2 best records. "Geek the Girl" is good also, but even darker than the other 2.
  23. I like Neil Finn also and imagine he'll do a good share of writing, but I'm hoping for various combinations of writers and singers. For example, I'd LOVE to hear a Lisa Germano/Jeff Tweedy collaboration. I think Germano's one of the more unknown and under-rated music artists. It would be a crime if she doesn't get to be the featured singer on at least track....she's got a great voice.
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