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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. A skit that plays up Barack and Michelle's fist bump: (Obama's in a meeting with world leaders, and when he meets with each one, they each have their own distinct fist-bump/hand-slap routine.) OBAMA: Good to see you Mr. Brown. BROWN: Nice to see you Barack. How's it going? (They fist bump, slap their hands on the palms, then on the back of their hands, then make a rock out of their hands and bump on top and bottom to the fist, then wiggle their fingers at each other.) (Barack walks up to another leader, says "hi", then Obama fist bumps and hand-slaps the guy. Then he extends his
  2. You can deny or not like the fact that many Americans....particularly in the midwest....rally around being "normal" people who fear God, work hard and like people who radiate positivity and hopefulness and wholesmomeness. But are there millions of us out there? Youbetcha!
  3. Until SNL can figure out how to write a skit poking fun at Obama and/or his supporters, it might be fun to see who on Viachicago can think of one. Here's my attempt: (The setting is a stand-up bar. A wacky MC asks if the audience is ready for a big night of comedy and introduces the next comedian. Barack Obama walks up to the mike.) OBAMA: Hi, I'm Barack Obama. CROWD: (Raucous laughter) OBAMA: So, I was getting a drink out of the fridge.... CROWD: (Raucous laughter) A guy shouts out, "Ha-Ha...Wooh!....Getting a drink?!.....that's hilarious! OBAMA: So I'm unscrewing the lid
  4. I looked at the Fact Checks sites, and I think we can all agree that both sides are basically equally guilty. The thing that drove me nuts was how Biden kept bringing up the 4 billion tax break for Exxon. He must have said that 5 times. And sure enough, you look into the fact checks, and the matter is way more gray than the black and white that Biden paints it as. BIDEN: Said McCain supports tax breaks for oil companies, and "wants to give them another $4 billion tax cut." THE FACTS: Biden is repeating a favorite saw of the Obama campaign, and it's misleading. McCain supports a
  5. CBS News Poll of uncommitted voters: I don't give a shit....Palin was great. Biden came across very well I thought. I've always liked him as being pretty fair and understanding and accommodating to other thoughts. But many pundits afterwards pointed out more than 5 factual errors Biden spouted (ex: McCain DID vote for more spending on troops while Obama did not). Obama supporters mentioned a few things they thought Palin was wrong about, but those were mostly arguable points (ex: the troops being to pre-surge levels...the current troop level is close to equal of the pre-surge count...
  6. Ah yes...I remember those glorious days when SNL had the talent to make their political skits funny. (I apologize in advance if this starts another firestorm of SNL rants...we have another thread for that)
  7. I'd love to see the non-Disney films on your list. Maybe my list would change if I did. Yours may be the only list that wouldn't have a Pixar OR Hayao Miyazaki film on it.
  8. My personal top 10 would be: 1. Pinnochio (Disney is almost always great at introducing a story, and the opening sequence is magical.) 2. Peter Pan (Great fantasy. Touching and goofy and funny.) 3. Toy Story (Buzz and Woody's relationship makes this movie one of the best.) 4. Snow White (Has it all.) 5. The Incredibles (Works on so many levels.) 6. Jungle Book (It's mostly style over substance, but this time, that's way OK.) 7. Iron Giant (I like the non-perfect look of the characters. Touching.) 8. Howl's Moving Castle (Or Spirited Away or another great Hayao Miyazaki movie. He might deserv
  9. Interesting list. But Peter Pan unbelievably isn't on it. And Roger Rabbit is in, but not the superior Mary Poppins? Of their top 20, I think these belong: Toy Story, Wall-E, Snow White, Pinnochio, The Incredibles, Spirited Away, Iron Giant, Dumbo, James and the Giant Peach and Monster's Inc. 50. South Park - Bigger, Longer & Uncut 49. Watership Down 48. The Rescuers 47. Paprika 46. Fantasia (2000) 45. Sleeping Beauty 44. Tim Burton
  10. Ditto. (Though, I must say, reading some of the responses from Obama supporters on this board will make it easier to vote for McCain.) The most fascinating thing to me is the free-skate that Obama has gotten ever since challenging Hillary in the primaries. He's a great talker, he's a calm and cool customer, he's good looking. But I'm still mystified how he of limited background is now being hailed as the savior of our country. To me, it's his confidence or percieved confidence that's catapulted him into the stratosphere. It's like people are afraid to question or don't question
  11. John Smith said, "Did I call her moron? Have you listened to her interviews? Do they make sense to you? Has she been treated unfairly for her performances? Give answers with specifics. You already know the specifics of how people come up with the moron label prove everyone wrong, say something good about her not knowing any supreme court decisions... Say soemthign good abotu her "You can see Russia from Alaska" comments. Say soemthing positive about her energy comments and molecules explanation. Tangibly support her as people have tangibly shown her ineptitude. Simply tossing out fluff without
  12. Democrats should have nothing to fear about Palin in the VP debate. She's obviously quite green, and it will probably show. And if Palin DOES do well, Democrats/Liberals will have moderator Gwen Ifill on their side. No doubt who Ifill hopes to win the election. Here's Amazon's description of her book, The Breakthrough: In THE BREAKTHROUGH, veteran journalist Gwen Ifill surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama
  13. Those are your words not mine. I'm not gonna judge anyone. Until you walk in one's shoes, etc..... But there's just no denying the inner strength and courage and faith in those who accept and deal with such tough situations. Those who are very faithful and strong don't think it's their right to go against the hand they've been dealt by God, no matter how bad. It inspires the hell out of me. Apparently I'm in the minority.
  14. Roe v. Wade WON"T be over-turned, nor do I expect or want it to. But extreme limitations or elimination of 3rd tri-mester abortions would be reasonable. Not being able to kill a baby AFTER birth doesn't seem like too much to ask. No way in hell would Obama appoint a judge who'd be in favor of making any kind of restriction on abortion or post-abortion/infanticide. I don't think 90 percent would choose to abort a baby with Down's Syndrome (if so, how very sad), but yes, the 10 percent that don't I WOULD say are morally superior AND amazing, strong human beings.
  15. Gosh I hate that fucking bullshit. Like Liberals and Democrats are the only ones who care and are compassionate. What a joke. Your argument sucks.
  16. If you are in fact a Conservative Christian, Obama's VERY liberal abortion record and the thought of who he might appoint to the Supreme Court doesn't scare you? The fact that Palin was successful enough to put herself in a position to be one of the very few females to be asked to be a VP in American history isn't inspiring? The fact she was told many months before her last child was born that he'd have Down's Syndrome, and she welcomed it isn't inspiring? The way she handled her teenage daughter's pregnancy isn't inspiring? The way her and her husband work together and support each other
  17. I think you're correct. Maher can be funny, but he's got a way-too-nasty streak. I think there's a fine line between making fun of something/somebody and just being mean and hurtful. Maher crosses that line sometimes when talking religion or politics. Yeah, I know it's uncool to like Leno, but he's an all-time master at stand-up.
  18. This is turning into a biased political thread. I saw a statistic that said, regarding the first McCain/Obama debate, McCain supporters thought McCain won 70-2 percent, and Obama supporters thought Obama won 68-3 percent. We're all guilty of it. SNL has NOT always been this one-sided. The Bush/Gore debate skits were fantastic....and they bashed both candidates very well. Same with the Bush/Kerry election. Carvey's parody of HW Bush was kinda harsh, but damn funny. I think the problem is that SNL hasn't figured out how to make Obama funny. If he's elected, I'm sure they'll
  19. It's odd that Conservatives would find SNL's first 3 weeks to be overly-critical of McCain and Palin. So far this year: Palin: Ditzy. Dingy. Not smart. Happy like she's popping Zoloft pills every hour. Husband has sex with daughters. McCain: Old. Very old. Incredibly old. Dinosarur old. Senile. Weird. Scary. Eccentric. Obama: Big ears. Biden: (nothing)
  20. I saw Bill Maher live a few years and he was much funnier than I expected......when not talking politics or religion. Not many comedians can joke about such matters and not come across as mean or hateful or un-funny. Chris Rock can pull it off sometimes. Dennis Miller can pull it off. Leno can pull it off. But Maher comes across like a smug, non-funny, arrogant piece of crap.
  21. Even when hardly anything is acutally funny?
  22. I'm not saying it's not funny AT ALL, but to me it's just too easy and simple. The funny part is that, YES, it's funny that someone that "simple" could be VP. Or is it? Obviously, Palin is much smarter than SNL is portraying, but I understand the parody of her being a simple-minded suburban Mom. But to me she's too relatable to make me wanna laugh. My Sister reminds me of her. Many Moms I know remind me of her. And these females I know are very smart and capable of handling many responsibilities. These Moms I know are inspirational....much like I think Palin is inspirational. I don't thi
  23. To each their own. I sense more anger and mean-ness from the Palin impersonation than humor. Do you agree that the Obama bit is weak? I think a more-skilled and telented actor could find a way to make Obama funny. Obama has a sort of cockiness about him that could be played up in a big way. The way he pauses to choose every word correctly could be played up.
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