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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. It's "kindergarten," and for that matter, "receive." You have your view of the Wilco/Bragg thing, other people have theirs. Yours is obviously biased. Mine certainly is too. The truth is undoubtedly somewhere in the middle. I'd be surprised to find that much in the way of "royalties" got paid for either MA album. The lyrics were all Guthrie's, so no publishing credit would have gone to either Bragg or Wilco. Those albums didn't sell all that much, so I don't imagine they made much (if any) profit for the artists after Elektra took their share. You can't hoard something that doesn't exist.
  2. You obviously have no understanding whatsoever of Mr. Bragg and the way he does things.
  3. Wooo! Happy Birthday to my favorite concert buddy! Hope it's a great one!
  4. Every time I see this thread's title I think it must be about some asshole on last.fm.
  5. Damn. RIP, Levi. (Now off to listen to Billy Bragg's "Levi Stubbs' Tears")
  6. A place I used to go to fairly often had a terrific curry mayonnaise. They served it with some other dish, but we figured out that it was awesome for fries and started ordering sides of it for that purpose.
  7. There is finally one in Michigan -- Southgate (downriver). There's supposedly going to be one in Canton at some point. (Still haven't been to one, however.)
  8. There's some controversy about this on teh Interwebs. I've seen multiple pages that insist there is no technical difference between the two, only a semantic one. Other pages insist that they are two different dishes. My family always called them "scalloped potatoes," but I had a nearly identical dish at a friend's house once and they called it "potatoes au gratin." So I've been confused about this for decades.
  9. It won't let me vote in the "Weird" category because I'd already voted in the others. I would have voted for scalloped ... though I'm not sure there's any real difference between scalloped and au gratin.
  10. This forced me to admit something to myself that I hadn't previously realized: I'm a baked potato man. Unless my dad is making the mashed potatoes, in which case I may change my vote.
  11. I haven't read much of this thread because when it was most active, I was still trying to catch up on old episodes via DVD. I'm now caught up. I have to say, last night's episode sucked balls. There was precious little humor, Dwight's bits were especially unfunny, and not even Darrell could come to the rescue. They need to get Pam back to Scranton, send Jan on her way (never to return), drop any storylines that concern Michael's love life, and get back to office hijinks.
  12. EDIT: Disregard my suggestion below. I thought this would change the setting on a document-by-document basis, but this changes it for Word in general. I'll look into whether this can be done for just the current document. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I guess the one way I can think of to do this is to add headers and footers as hidden text, and then set the document to always display hidden text on screen. This may not be a good option if you use hidden text elsewhere in the templates (or if your users are likely to use it in their letters), but if it's only ever go
  13. OK, I'm curious ... why do you want to do this? Also, which version of Word are you using?
  14. I have lived in Ann Arbor now for over nine years, but my account is still with my longtime credit union in Kalamazoo, over 100 miles away. I just never saw a need to move my account over here -- I use my debit card for most things, I get cash mostly at the grocery store (cash back on debit purchases with no fees), and there are enough "free" ATMs around that I never go wanting. I even took out a car loan through my CU using a local credit union service center over in Ypsilanti. Plus, a year or two ago my CU struck an agreement with 5/3 Bank that allows me to use their ATMs for free, so that
  15. If you want to do a quick study, pick up a copy of Back to Basics, or maybe Talking With The Taxman About Poetry. The former is a terrific compilation of his early work, and the latter is possibly his finest album. The one caveat about both is that they're not full-band recordings, so what you'll see on Saturday (assuming he's on tour with The Blokes) will have an entirely different sound. I've been a major Bragg fan since 1987. He's one of my all-time favorites.
  16. We finally got caught up on the last season of the U.S. version and are now watching the new season as it airs. Honestly, though, I'm not absolutely certain we'll continue. I think the Michael Scott character has taken some unfortunate turns, and he's no longer on that knife's edge between oddly likable and totally fucking embarrassing and unendurable. He's moved pretty firmly to the latter side, and I think it hurts the show. If they relegated Michael to more of an ensemble player, I think they could recover some of what I think they've lost. And it's already time for Holly to disappear.
  17. At the end of the debate, Schieffer walked over to Obama's side of the table to shake hands, and McCain started to head over to that same side, but then Schieffer walked over to McCain's side. The picture was snapped just as McCain realized that Schieffer had deked him.
  18. I can't say one is worse than the other, because that would imply that the other one is "better" than something.
  19. I've never found Lewis funny. That said, I don't remember him ever being quite this incoherent. That was embarrassing.
  20. Dwight: I am faster than 80% of all snakes. (I believe that's from the deleted scenes on DVD)
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