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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. At this point, I'm just hoping we have electricity for the holiday. They just bumped their "estimate" of when power would be restored to 11:30 PM tonight.
  2. My mail issue automagically resolved itself when I wasn't paying attention. It's done this before -- gone bad over a few days, then suddenly straightened itself out.
  3. I only ever see this if FF crashes, or perhaps when it downloads an update for itself and then closes/re-opens. I've seen it with FF3, so I know it's there.
  4. I'm kind of "meh" about UO, but I love me some Chamber Strings. Saw them play the Blind Pig here in town several years ago -- a great show. Both of their CDs still make it into my rotation from time to time. This is yet another time that I wish I were some kind of tycoon, so I could just pick up the tab for their recording expenses. I really want to hear Kevin's new stuff.
  5. I wish I could find the link, but I read something recently that suggested that boxes are actually a good way to sell wine, because the collapsing bag protects the wine from oxygen and preserves the flavor, keeping it fresh longer. That said, I haven't personally seen any decent wine sold in boxes yet -- but I also haven't been looking. If I see a respectable shiraz in a box someday, I won't necessarily be deterred by the packaging. In general, though, I would prefer my wine from a corked glass bottle. I'm old-fashioned that way.
  6. Aren't the lineups pretty similar? Seems like one band could open for the other without anyone leaving the stage.
  7. The catch phrases are tired, that much is true. I think if you listened to a lot of other play-by-play men around the league, though, you'd find him to be no more of a homer than average. He's generally pretty fair about umpire calls, for instance. He somehow got a reputation for homerism, and now it's the first thing everyone brings up. Objectively comparing him to others, though ... he's really not bad in that respect.
  8. I've grown to like DJ, and I'm one of the few Hawk defenders 'round these parts. I too would be sad to see that team broken up. Stone often provides decent analysis, but there's something about his voice, or vocal pattern, or something, that just annoys me after a while. I eventually got real tired of him on Cubs broadcasts.
  9. Aaron Rodgers just called Tonya Harding to see if she still has the number for Shane Stant.
  10. He used to be anti-medicinal marijuana and anti-gay marriage. Then he left the GOP and joined the Libertarians. Guess what his positions are now? He was against it before he was for it...
  11. They already rehearse in an "undisclosed location."
  12. There are actually seven Canadian-born players on the Toronto FC roster. That's more than I was expecting... The site for the Vancouver Whitecaps doesn't list such information.
  13. Lest anybody wonder what happened, I removed a couple of my posts ... not because they were inflammatory, but because with other posts removed, they no longer made sense (and weren't really pertinent to the remains of the thread anyway). In other news... Anyone see the USL's Vancouver Whitecaps take down Toronto FC this afternoon -- in Toronto? WTF?!? Toronto had a ton of chances, but Vancouver's keeper (Nolly) was insanely good today.
  14. I wish I could say we have all kinds of awesome plans, but gas prices along with what we spent on our San Francisco trip have left us a bit short on funds. If the weather's good, we'll look for free fun outdoors. I doubt we'll venture more than a few miles from home the whole weekend, however.
  15. de nada ... I just plugged your text into this site. My Spanish is extremely rusty and never was that good anyway (only took one year of it in high school).
  16. Agreed -- early finalization of the ballots is a joke. Hopefully Quentin will be selected by the AL manager, as he deserves. Felix Pie's been in the minors for quite a while now.
  17. Wreckless Eric ... now there's someone I wish I'd seen back in the day.
  18. I recommend getting one of those pouches for your passport (and whatever else you decide to cram into it) that you can wear around your neck, under your shirt. If it's going to be hot and you'll be wearing T-shirts, maybe not the best idea, but otherwise, I found this to be an important security measure. Have some kind of backup plan for cash in case your main supply is lost or stolen -- whether that's traveler's checks or a card that you keep separate from your other stuff. Read the TSA guidelines for what you can and can't take on the plane (no hand grenades!). Seriously. If they tell
  19. I ran that through Babel Fish and came up with this (imperfect, but should give the gist of it): (updated to fix a few words that didn't translate the first time around)
  20. Wow, we've strayed pretty far from "musical legends" at this point. (FWIW, I saw Soul Asylum three times from about '87 to '89.)
  21. I'm still having the aforementioned issues with Yahoo Mail. Anyone else? I think it's only happening on my work PC, though. Last night at home it was fine. My work PC was fine yesterday (and ever since I upgraded to FF3) until mid-morning, when suddenly it stopped cooperating with Yahoo Mail. I don't know what to do (aside from switching back to the "classic" version, which I've done).
  22. Oh, you're on it. But I see your inanities when other people quote them.
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