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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Just to follow up on this ... it's still happening, consistently, but I pretty quickly figured out how to make it a non-issue. If I click into a forum, then click back to the board index, then all the "mark as read" folder icons work. Clicking the Back button does not work -- it has to be a fresh click back to the board index. Or, I can just refresh the board index (just now figured that out). Weird, but no longer any particular inconvenience.
  2. Didn't he play at the Olympics closing ceremonies last year?
  3. I want Mercury Morris to die from blunt force trauma after another team tops the '72 Dolphins' achievement, and he decides to open the champagne anyway, and the cork strikes him upside his convicted cocaine-trafficker head.
  4. For example, Hitchcock made two versions of The Man Who Knew Too Much -- 1934 and 1956.
  5. I haven't bought from them in years, but I used to use secondspin.com once in a while without any problems.
  6. I heard about this some time ago, and my reaction then was the same as it is now: Why don't they remake a good movie, instead of that piece of crap? Don't get me wrong ... I saw the original probably a dozen times. But it was a bad, bad movie.
  7. Exactly. It may be their best sounding record, overall. But I have a hard time listening to it.
  8. False hope or not, I'll hold out some hope that he pulls through yet. Three times the writer misspells "Stipe." And five times she misspells "Chesnutt."
  9. My first thought was "virtually the entire Jayhawks album The Sound of Lies." Beautiful record. Inane lyrics.
  10. "Ever" is a strong word. It's been done, though perhaps not spontaneously.
  11. Just fired up the board here at work (also Firefox 3.5.6) and I'm having the same issue. I'm guessing it'll fix itself immediately after I post this. edit: Yup.
  12. As of last night, I can no longer click the folder icon for an unread forum and mark it as read. It's happening on my home PC (Firefox 3.5.6). I'll check it at work this morning also. edit: Of course, now that I started a thread about it, it works. I'll keep monitoring it, just in case.
  13. It has to be said: after last night's debacle, it's time to FIRE VINNY DEL NEGRO. NOW. The experiment hasn't worked. Time to cut your losses and move on, this time with a real coach.
  14. Golly, I sure would like to hear that new Eels. I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction? Maybe in a PM...
  15. Dude, you can just buy acid. No need to go to all that trouble. (Congrats!)
  16. Don't automatically assume that everyone drinks. (I can't speak for Matt, of course, but I doubt I've drunk a dozen beers this year, and I've had maybe one drink all year that involved hard liquor.) edit: D'oh! Matt spoke for himself.
  17. Snarky Detroit Free Press column Unintentionally hilarious video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvwTMZNWGuk Enjoy.
  18. I heard the other guys were going to carry on with Wilco while Jeff focuses on the "Tweedy brand."
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