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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Huge fan. He's put out consistently listenable records for almost thirty years. He's great live, too. His debut is one of my all-time favorite records. Not a bad track on it. Not even a middling track. Everything's great. Would love to have seen him playing Lennon in Beatlemania. Maybe there's film.
  2. Red Sox Yankees Blue Jays Rays Orioles White Sox Twins Tigers Indians Royals A's Rangers Angels Mariners Phillies Braves Nationals Marlins Mets Brewers Reds Cubs Cardinals Pirates Astros Padres Giants Dodgers Diamondbacks Rockies White Sox over Red Sox in ALCS Phillies over Padres in NLCS Phillies over White Sox in WS I see no point in picking MVPs or Cy Youngs before the season starts, so I won't.
  3. Only Republicans voted "yes." Anyone surprised?
  4. Good luck with that. It's called "the free market," and not only is such pricing perfectly acceptable and legal in this economy, it's actively encouraged under the free market system. The law of supply and demand, yadda yadda yadda.
  5. OK, I'm having trouble clearing the cobwebs this morning and my brain isn't firing on all cylinders, but ... TKOL? edit: Oh, that Radiohead thing. Meh.
  6. It is a good song. Back then, however, I worked in an office that had Top 40 radio on all the time, and that song dominated the airwaves for what seemed like a whole year (or more) ... so I'm still a little burnt out on it.
  7. Absolutely. Wish I'd thought of this one for the incongruous thread.
  8. The Stones covered by The Faces (featuring a future Stone): Stewart's voice is well suited to this one.
  9. Neil's opener will be Bert Jansch!
  10. This is an overly simplistic summation of the way things might work if the wealthy actually put their money into creating more jobs. But mostly they don't -- they "keep more of their own money." As in, they don't spend it. Money flows uphill from the poor to the rich, and when it gets to the top of the hill it stops. The consumer spending that drives the economy comes from the middle class, but the middle class is shrinking rapidly as the jobs go away, and the wealthy are not doing much to stem that tide. The income disparity in this country isn't just stunning, it's profane. And it's gath
  11. On Wednesday I scored fourth row orchestra pit for Detroit (thanks to a certain VCer who tipped me off to a presale). Wasn't even sure I was going to buy tickets, but when I saw the seats I could get, I took the plunge.
  12. Now I wish he'd signed with the Yankees.
  13. I was only skimming, but did I just see multiple pages of bickering about cleaning up the capitol? Please tell me that was just my imagination.
  14. Eddie and Dave have always seemed like douches, but neither can hold a candle to Sammy, in my opinion. I'm just happy that I got to see DLR fronting VH, even if it was 25 years too late.
  15. Saw them last night. Shane made it through OK, and it was a great show.
  16. I don't think this one's been posted yet, but it's getting a little difficult to scroll back through the thread and confirm. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdGVleVi-9k
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL9VwIbFdQw
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yVBMUXr4xo
  19. As great as that version is (and I love Calexico), I'll take the original...
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